How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?


Curtains consider the emphasis that you need any interior. It seems to the final chord of the style in which the room is decorated. If the plans are not included in the invitation of a designer specializing in the selection of home textiles, it is recommended to listen to the advice of specialists to independently master the choice and attachment of pickups for curtains to the wall.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Bedroom design

Curtains can hang straight cloths without folds or gather in Falda. But one of the most popular design options consider curtains with pickups.

Features of pickles

By its configuration, the pickup is a loop created from the two ends of the tissue attached to the wall. Curtains are collected in the beam (drapery) and after that they are strengthened with pickup. Fabric drape methods directly depend on its density and gravity: along with light bends, people loved wide and lush falds.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

If we consider the types of curtain mounting, then their choice is quite wide. At pickups include everything that can hold the cloth in the assembled and fixed on the side:

  • Laces of various thickness;
  • braid decorated with decorative lines;
  • textile strips;
  • leather straps;
  • hook for picking curtains;
  • twine;
  • Door handles in vintage style;
  • Floral and romantic decorative compositions;
  • in the form of a bargain;
  • Beads, etc.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Magnetic holders that are produced in a wide range of colors and different forms appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to interest buyers.

By material, pickups are textile, wooden, metal, leather or plastic. With a creative approach, any element becomes the tissue holder: hairpins, toys, artificial flowers and butterflies, faded on the braid.

The aesthetic value of pickup is that it is able to give an updated appearance even to the old curtains, and besides, it is an independent unit of decor.

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How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Advantages of pickups for curtains:

  1. Updating the interior with fresh and fashionable strokes.
  2. Curtains with pickup won composite, and with drapery, unique textile forms are obtained, securely fixed.
  3. The ability to realize a variety of creative ideas in the decorative design of the room.

Also, when using holders, the need for permanent windows is permanent, as a result of which the tissue is flawed faster.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Nuances fastening to the wall

If you fix the curtains on the sides, it will visually expand the room and allow you to skip more sunlight into it.

The holder plays an important role in the window design and is an accessory that is always in sight. Therefore, it must necessarily comply with the surrounding and stylistic decision of the room.

The level of pickup fastening is able to affect the visualization of the window opening (expand or lengthen it).

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Fastening to the wall

Fastening options

Fasten the pickups for the curtains to the wall is taken in the following ways:

  1. Below the windowsill line is 20-30 cm. This method contributes to a significant visual squeezing of the window and is used for heavy porter. It is important to note that with this version of the curtain attachment to the wall in the room there is a limited amount of sunlight. This is a great option for windows that are not too attractive panorama.
  2. Above the level of the window sill (at a distance of 2/3 from the floor surface). The method assumes that there will be 1/3 part of the curtain length, and the rest of the fabric will be left below. The option is suitable for medium gravity material, provides enough light.
  3. In terms of window sill. The most common method, harmoniously dividing the plane of the curtain and gives a lot of light.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

How to choose the right curtain mounting method? It depends on the necessary degree of illumination of the room, the target and the style of the room.

At the level of the window sill, apply fasteners for curtains to the wall in a children's or living room, below it is taken to mount the pickup for the curtains if it is necessary to solitude and blackout (in the office, library), and above the windowsill level the curtains or cuisine are fixed in the kitchen.

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The curtain mounting options also assume the mounting of the holder only on one side of the window. This method is advisable if the opposite side of the window is occupied by a cabinet or a balcony door.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Effect of textile on the choice of holder

The heavier fabric - the more powerful holders must be, and the more responsible are their installation.

If it is decided to use powerful hooks to pick up curtains, the fabric must comply with them: velvet, brocade, gabardine, jacquard look harmoniously in this case. Many expensive curtains have a lining, thanks to which they serve for a long time and are not buried too intensively. Fissure holders in the form of braids, hairpins or beads will fit to light garbines.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Textile pickles often run tone into tone with the tissue of the porter, unobtrusive harmonious shades are allowed. Sometimes bold color solutions are used, where bright holders act as a peculiar contrast spot, an enlivent monotonous atmosphere.

If the pickups from textiles are decided to make independently, then take into account the following nuance: expensive tissue is used for the front side, and the internal considerations of savings are treated with lining.

Pickup sew with a lining and in the case when to mount the curtains to the wall is used fine tissue type of chiffon or silk.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Inside the premises intended for official techniques, they do not recommend any vests, so the pickles are made here are strict and monophonic.

If the interior is rich and deliberately luxurious, then pickups for curtains made of gold braids, twisted cords or silk ribbons.

Holders made of wood and fabrics apply literally to all types of porter are universal options. Metal rings and hooks are used for the design of window textiles in the rooms decorated in the style of High-tech, minimalism or art deco. Stylishly looks artificially aged hooks for pickups for curtains.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Geese butterflies and flowers are suitable for decorating windows in a romantic girl's room, and small soft toys that are used as a curtain mount to the wall, perfectly complement the atmosphere of children's.

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It is very important to correctly mount the pickles for the curtains. All holders for the porter are equipped with holes through which they are mounted to the wall.

Before making attaching pickups for curtains, it is important to pre-collect curtains at different levels and evaluate the effect on the part. The trial loop is made using a centimeter, carefully regulate its size and position. Without removing a centimeter, there is a place for the holder on the wall, be sure to observe the symmetry of the parties (if one-sided installation is not supposed).

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The marked place is drilled with a drill or a screwdriver, then the holder drives there, after which it remains only to firmly fix it.

First, curtains are attached to the wall, and then holders.

How to fix pickups for curtains to the wall?

Despite the importance of pickup pickups in the decoration of the window, you should not forget that this is only an accessory that is intended to complement the atmosphere, but in no way to distract the main decoration of the room.

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