Manual lifting equipment


Manual lifting equipment

Manual lifting equipment allows you to seriously save on the use of lifting machines, buying or renting which is much more expensive.

Often, the use of lifting machines in private construction is not always justified. First, for their free movement on the construction site, there is a sufficiently large space. Secondly, renting a car for lifting and carrying the cargo weight will hit the budget.

Finally, thirdly, sometimes, it is simply impractical to bring heavy loading technique, if the scope of work is small, and you can quite cope with your own.

In this case, it will be more expedient to use manual lifting equipment, inferior to cars in terms of cost, but not inferior in quality and productivity of work.

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Features of manual lifting equipment

The mechanization of labor-intensive work has always been relevant for builders. When one person or group of people is unable to raise one or another cargo, the process of building a house seriously slow down.

Therefore, from ancient times, a variety of devices for lifting weights in the process of work were used. So, in ancient Egypt, during the construction of the pyramids, the simplest levers were applied.

In our country, in large-scale construction, the power of heavy animals was often used. This is a wonderful way out, but today and he lost its relevance.

Fortunately, for modern construction, devices facilitating work have already been created. For the installation of overlaps of the house, the installation of the roof, the organization of the tiled foundation of the house you can use the lifting technique.

Such an exit has its own, indisputable, advantages:

  • Lifting equipment helps to transport cargo vertically, horizontally and even diagonal.
  • The speed of movement and transportation of goods is significantly higher than handmade.
  • The use of lifting mechanisms reduces the construction process at times.
  • The cost of the construction of a private house will be lower if you use lifting equipment for transportation and lifting of goods.

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Finally, the use of such devices is simply convenient, one can say, indispensable. The modern construction of both multi-storey and private small buildings is no longer possible to imagine without equipment for lifting building materials.

The demand for lifting equipment can be observed everywhere: it is private, and large-scale construction. Real estate also explains the diversity of this kind of technology.

In general, all manual lifting equipment can be divided into three groups:

  • lifting equipment;
  • Equipment for transportation vertical or horizontal;
  • Loading and unloading equipment.

Manual load-lifting mechanisms are simple and understood in operation. This includes tali and winches, lifts, elevators, jacks and other devices that allow you to raise a load of a certain weight up.

Manual lifting equipment

A group of mechanisms is also engaged in transporting cargo vertical or horizontal on one axis. The most common ones are conveyors, escalators, gravitational installations, cargo trolleys.

Such equipment significantly accelerates the transportation process, reducing the cost of construction at times.

Finally, the loading and unloading equipment combines the function of the first and second group of mechanisms in its work. They are mainly used in warehouses and industrial bases, where the loading, transportation and unloading of large-sized goods is the usual business.

We carry out the load such devices can be small and quite decent distances. At the same time, the weight of the goods itself affects the selection of a particular device for work. The loading and unloading devices include, mainly trolleys, trolleys, loaders, unloaders, transporters, electrocars and other mechanisms.

Such equipment, like trolleys or trolleys, can hardly help you in the construction of your own home. There is a certain group of devices here. Tali and winches are particularly popular here.

Tali is compact lifting devices used in construction. Tal may have a manual or mechanical drive. If you look at any crane for lifting cargo, we will see that the basis of its mechanism is just used by Tal.

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Move loads with this device you can both horizontal and vertical axis.

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