Rugs on the chairs with their own hands from various materials


Rugs on the chairs with their own hands make it possible to create an additional element of comfort, especially if they are combined with curtains, kitchen towels or even patches. Their manufacture does not take much time, you can use both new fabrics and used things. Often such mats can be applied not only for the house.

Rugs on the chairs with their own hands from various materials

A rug for a chair can be a great gift made by their own hands.

Multifunctional products

For example, a quilted rug for a chair can be used by mothers with children or retirees not only at home, but also for walking on the street, where it can be put on the bench. It is often used to protect the dear skin on the furniture if the chair chose a pet. For the manufacture of the rug, it is required to make a pattern in the size of the seat of the chair from the newspaper, where it is necessary to mark the places of the alleged fasteners of the product so that the rug does not shift, but it is optional.

Rugs on the chairs with their own hands from various materials

Crochet knitting rug circuit.

The resulting pattern is used to cut two parts of the rug on the fabric chair and one part of a synthet board or other filler. The tissue elements are linked to the seams in the amount of 1.5-2 cm, and on the synthetion, on the contrary, it is necessary to remove from each side to about 1 cm so that it goes into the case. In addition, from the fabric you need to carve two strips with a width of at least 7-8 cm and about 0.5 m long for tackle.

The rug begins to collect usually from the strings that you need to be folded twice, strain the length and one narrow side, after which it is possible to remove the backbone, turn the product, to use the second narrow edge to smoothly. Next to the wrong rug, a synthetic trungeon takes place, and the ties are twice and pick up to the lower front side so that with the first flashing of the middle of the addition fell under the line.

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Then the fabric parts of the rug are folded by the front side to each other, the sidewalls are packed in such a way that the product can be turned out. After that, the mark is removed (if it was), the quilted rug is turned off, the hole through which it has been turned out is neatly beaten by hand by poding points inside. Such a rug is easily erased in a washing machine.

Required tools and materials:

  1. Fabric, sintepon, thread, needles.
  2. Newspaper or tracing.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Centimeter, chalk.
  5. Sewing machine.
  6. Iron.

Artichoke mat

Rugs on the chairs with their own hands from various materials

Schemes for embroidery covers on stool and rugs in a "packing" technique.

No less effectively look rugs on the chairs, made in the artichoke technique. With its manufacture, you can use small pieces of fabric, which remained after the sewing of other models, as well as old things. The base of the rug is performed from dense tissue type of drape based on the pattern, removed from the seat seat with the help of a newspaper. Next you need to make "scales" for the future pattern. For this, the squares of the required size are cut from trimming of the fabric (often taking 6x6 cm), which must be added in a special way.

The resulting triangles need to fasten with tailor pins or disappear hot iron so that they hold the shape (depending on the tissue). Then, on the basis of the center, it is necessary to place two perpendicular lines and to the middle of the resulting cross attached four triangles so that together they formed the square to be flown using a sewing machine. The indent on the seam in this case should be about 0.7 cm.

On top of the received square, the second row of elements with a total number of 8 pcs are stacked. The laying must first be done by perpendicular lines, then add new triangles into space between the first four. Elements are also punishable, facing the typewriter. There may be 12-16 elements in the third row, etc. While the whole base is not filled. On the edge of the base, an elegant tape is usually sewn to hide the place of fixing the last row.

Tools and materials:

  1. Dense tissue base, braid and trimming of different fabrics.
  2. Santimeter, Portnovsky chalk.
  3. Portnovo pins, threads, needles, scissors.
  4. Sewing machine, iron.

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Spectacular mats from old things

Rugs on the chairs with their own hands from various materials

Circuit round cape on chairs.

A pretty rug on a chair with a square seat may turn out if you use trimming knitted fabrics and a mesh-foundation that can be bought in a construction store. In addition to fabric and grid, a knitting hook and scissors will need to perform a rug, by means of which will need to cut the knitwear on the strips of preferred length. The method of performing the product is quite simple. Before the operation of the circuit of the grid is sick with scotch, so as not to embarrass during operation. Next, knitted ribbons are based on the basis of the hook in an arbitrary order or in the form of a pattern. Ribbons for such a rug should be sufficiently long and wide, so that when the chair does not feel the base.

Times when old woolen things bloomed and bandaged, almost passed. Nevertheless, the exhaust sweater may be suitable for the execution of a pump from pumps to the chair, such a thing will last long enough, it will look for fun and create particularly pleasant sensations for the body.

For its manufacture, you will need:

  1. Remains of threads.
  2. Scissors, needle.
  3. Leaf.
  4. Tight fabric for the base.

Before the billet, the pumps need to measure the chair and approximately calculate how the volume of small parts is needed on the rug, how colors will be located whether the pompons will be the same magnitude. Next, two patterns are taken (most often made of paper) in the form of circles with holes in the center, superimposed on each other, are fired tightly. The turns of the threads need to be cut into the collapse, spread the pattern, wrap the pump center with a thread, cut the flow, remove them and fluff off. After that, manufactured pumps are collected on a thick thread in the desired order or are substantiated (preferable).

Such a rug on the chair will be quite expensive for the price, as any yarn today is expensive. Therefore, it is worth considering another way to perform a volumetric rug from tissue pumps with a synthetic filler. To fulfill it, you will need:

  1. Fissure base (optional).
  2. The remains of the fabric are preferably durable.
  3. Round pattern.
  4. Sintepon.
  5. Santimeter, Portnovsky chalk.
  6. Scissors, kapron threads, needles.

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Many circles are cut from the residues of the tissue on the patterns. Then in the middle of each of them is laid sintepon, and the edges are tightened with a durable thread so that the ball turns out. After that, the balls need to be sewed with each other, applying the product periodically to the seat of the chair, or put the base on a predetermined pattern. Often such interior elements are performed from bright, multi-colored tissues, which gives them additional attractiveness in the eyes of kids. Therefore, such an element can be done on a highchair.

How to decorate the interior in Japan

The above methods of making mats are available almost any housewife, and to perform products proposed below, it will take possession of a knitting crochet and the ability to read knitting circuits.

For example, such a rug for chair, developed by the craftsmen in Japan, will require thick yarn, a thick hook, at the request of a synthetic gasket inside and many hours of operation. First, the top of the rug is performed, then the bottom, after which both sides are connected by the strapping (you can like a step), the filler is inserted, the brushes are inserted and attached. Completed from woolen uncommon materials, such a rug is almost always loved by children who do not like to sit on the cold surfaces.

To perform mats on the chair, there are more opportunities for those needlewomen who own a knitting crochet, not knitting, since this tool allows you to encourage complex forms, including animals, flowers, etc. as well as numerous patterns. Therefore, the rug made of thick yarn can be performed on many schemes for napkins with a dense pattern. In some countries, such products are manufactured based on a simple chain of air loops, which twists in the helix and stitched between the rows.

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