We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly


The design of the window opening in the kitchen has its own specifics. After all, unlike other premises in the kitchen, cooking, washing the dishes and, in most cases, the family is going for breakfast and dinner. In addition to performing the standard features of the protection of the room from prying views and sunlight, the curtains in the kitchen should differ resistant to moisture and steam, temperature drops and easy to succumb from any kind of contamination.

We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

Short curtains in the kitchen

Options combining practicality and attractive appearance, quite a few. The use of modern types of fabric and comfortable, practical fasteners in many models of the curtain provides high functionality and variety of product design.

One of the optimal options for decorating the kitchen window are short curtains. The choice of just such a length is due to several factors:

We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

  1. Often the kitchen simultaneously performs the function of the dining room. It is quite natural that the dining table is more convenient to arrange in a well-lit place, that is, under the window. Long curtain in this case will be a hindrance.
  2. Cooking also requires good lighting, so it is desirable to install a cutting table as closer to the window.
  3. In the process of cooking on the floor, splashes of water, drops of fat and other garbage often fall, which leads to rapid pollution of the edge of long curtains.
  4. Short curtains in the kitchen installed in the window opening, free access to the windowsill and make it possible to use it when the curtains are delayed.
  5. In addition, the short curtains for the kitchen are less contaminated, they are easier to remove and clean in case of need.

    We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

  6. If the kitchen is located on the balcony, the closed curtain does not interfere with the passage.
  7. The design of short curtains is diverse and allows you to choose a suitable model under the classic and modern interior.
  8. Short curtains installed in the window opening visually increase the space, which is especially important for small-sized kitchens.

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Short curtains in the kitchen - what to stay?

When choosing short curtains in the kitchen, you need to immediately decide which option from the point of view of stylistics, practicality and convenience is suitable for a specific room. By way of opening, short curtains on the windows are divided into lifting and sliding. The lifting includes:

We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

  • Roman. A popular option that combines the beauty and laconicity of forms with the convenience of operation. It is an even rectangular cloth with sewn horizontal rigid inserts and a weighting plank at the bottom. For lifting, a rope or rotary-chain mechanism is used. The canvas is fixed at any height, while smooth horizontal folds are formed in the upper part.

We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly


  • Austrian and french. For ease of use, this option is comparable to Roman, however the design has differences. The rise is carried out with the help of the ribbon sewn from the wrong side. The braid is sewn vertically, at an equal distance from each other and when picked up at the bottom of the fabric, lush semicircular folds of the same width are formed. French curtains have a similar design, the only difference is that horizontal folds are located at the entire height of the fabric even in the lowered position.
  • Rolled (tissue blinds). The principle of operation is similar to classical blinds, however, instead of horizontal lamellae, a smooth tissue cloth is used. In the expanded state, the fabric completely closes the window, and when folding, it is wound on the shaft placed in a protective box. Such a curtain in the kitchen has several advantages: the mount can be performed on the top of the window opening, above the window or for each sash separately, in addition, in the rolled position, the fabric is reliably protected from burnout, moisture and all types of contamination.

    We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

  • Pliste. Modern curtains in the kitchen made of pleated fabric. The side edges are placed in an aluminum profile, when picked up the fabric is assembled at the top of the window in the accordion with a thickness of no more than 5-6 cm. The main disadvantage is the rather high price of short curtains into the kitchen, on average it ranges from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles per piece and depends on size and type of fabric.

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We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

Sliding short curtains for the kitchen are divided into:

  1. Classic short curtains in the kitchen, which are a combination of fabric curtains and curtains. They are distinguished by a variety of styles and versions. Can be used separately, in a set (more dense short curtain and tulle), as well as combine with pickups and lambrequins.

    We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

  2. Japanese curtains. Smooth vertical panels are shifted to the side, overlapping each other and not assisted nearby furniture and other interior items. This option is suitable for kitchen, decorated in oriental style, and other concise interiors.

Sliding and lifting options for curtains in the kitchen are not necessary to use separately.

They perfectly complement each other from aesthetic and practical point of view.

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How to make a small kitchen with curtains?

For small premises, short beautiful curtains made in bright or bright colors are used. Short curtains on windows made of translucent Tulle or Organza will give a feeling of lightness and airiness, visually increasing the room. Curtains from dense tissues in no way should overlap the window opening.

We select short curtains to the kitchen correctly

Styles curtains in a small kitchen:

  1. Country (rustic style) or French variety of this style - Provence. Short curtains made of natural fabric (flax or cotton) paste air and bring home comfort and heat in the interior.
  2. High tech. Short curtains on a gray-tech decorated kitchen are performed in a restrained style. It is organically looking at the interior of Roman or rolled lifting curtains made of modern synthetic tissue of white or gray with a metal glitter.

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