How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?


Over time, any furniture loses its original beauty, flies and starts not to decorate, but distort the interior. And what if the favorite comfortable sofa came into disrepair and do not want to buy and buy a new one at all?

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

Old torn sofa upholstery is not a reason for emissions. High-quality restoration will give him a second life.

There is a way out: you just need to make the sofa alteration with your own hands. It will require smaller financial costs, will allow you to preserve a loved thing, and in addition, it will be possible to apply fantasy and make a thing truly unique.

Preparation for independent alteration of the sofa

Most often, the sofa during operation is not a framework, but the upholstery. It wipes, loses the former paints, gets wakes up with stains or tightness. In this case, there are two options out of the situation: take a sofa in the furniture repair workshop and there to order a replacement of upholstery or, which is much more interesting and more economical, make an independent breathtaking.

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

Soft sofa scheme in section.

In fact, it's not so difficult to remake the sofa. To replace the upholstery, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • porolon with high density;
  • silicate glue;
  • chalk for fabric;
  • Deststeler;
  • construction stapler;
  • brackets;
  • Roulette or measuring tape (centimeter);
  • Fabric for lining and upholstery of the sofa.

Fabrics for having a sofa

Most often, the following fabrics are used for upholstery:

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

An example of a sofa upholstery of the old upholstery.

  1. Cotton fabric. Cons of such a material: it is easily thumping and quickly disappears. In addition, like all natural fabrics, it will cost more. The advantages of cotton fabric are in a very rich assortment range.
  2. Velor in its appearance resembles velvet. It is very beautiful, and the sofa, upholstered with such material, looks luxurious. Another plus velor: it is easily cleaned. However, the wear resistance of this tissue is not at the height, it quickly rubs.
  3. Jacquard fabric is characterized by high density and long-term operation. It has a embossed structure, a little reminiscent tapestry, and, as a rule, is distinguished by beautiful patterns. The minus of this fabric is a relative high price.
  4. Flock is a material with a pile, which is created by the nonwoven method. It looks interesting, but easily electrified and because of this quickly collects dust. Positive sides of the FLOK - its durability, high breathability and waterproofability.
  5. Arpatek is a very popular type of material for drying. Externally, it looks like a skin. Arpatek is practical and reliable, and its cost is cheaper than in genuine leather. The sofa, covered with Arpatech, looks very aesthetic.
  6. Shenill is also very popular in furniture manufacturing material. This is a natural fabric with a slight addition of synthetic fibers. Shenil looks great and manufactured in a wide variety of colors. It is durable, does not absorb unpleasant odors, it is easy to clean and does not cause allergies. Cons of this fabric: it can be exposed only to dry washing, and it easily clings. If there are cats in the house - Shenill's sofa is better not to crawl.
  7. Tapestry. Modern tapestry is a mixture of cotton and polyester in equal parts. Tapestry is practical, wear-resistant, easy to care. It has many beautiful drawings and looks wonderful, especially on old, elegant sofas or in the interiors decorated in a vintage style.

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Measures of material

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

The process of removal of the measurement from the sofa: 1 - the length of the sofa with a bending of a bending, 2 - width of the sofa with an allowance for seams and bending, 3 - depth (thickness).

Before buying a fabric it is very important to correctly produce all measurements. It is better to buy fabric a little more, with a margin. You also need to purchase a fabric for a sofa lining (cotton).

To make the right sofa measurements, you need to follow the following tips:

  1. Each item to be upholstered should be measured from all sides. To the dimensions of the element must be added to the intake cloth.
  2. The measurement of each detail is better to record on a sheet of paper. And it should be fixed both the size of the part itself and the value of the reserved stock.
  3. On the sketch it is necessary to note the direction of the pile. On the seats and the back it goes from top to bottom. On the side parts of the sofa, the direction should be either the same or edible.
  4. If the fabric has a clear drawing (for example, strips), then it is important not to forget to additionally calculate the material in order to fit the joints.

Liquidation of defects on the sofa case

Before starting the removal of old upholstery and trim, the external wooden sofa parts should be examined. If they formed any damage or defects, they need to be eliminated. Moreover, when a short damage is made, it can be done, not even disassembled furniture.

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

Sofa case circuit.

Fit small damage in the following ways:

  1. Very small scratches can be removed from the surface with the help of walnut. To do this, you need to take a nut and grasp them the scratched place, and then wait a bit until it dars in the tone of the main tree. After it takes a little wipe the place with a napkin and cover it with a transparent varnish.
  2. An excellent method of getting rid of small scratches is the use of a furniture stroke purchased in a construction store. This remedy should be applied to the defeated surface, filling them with scratches, and after 10 minutes it is a wet cloth over it.
  3. Wooden details made of oak, mahogany or walnut can help a solution of iodine if they grasp them spoiled places.
  4. You can handle the wood by the verse. However, in this case, the tool will not hide scratches, but simply processes the tree from above.

For more serious damage, such as chips and cracks, you will need to purchase putty in the construction store for a tree corresponding to the tone of furniture, and gently apply it to small portions to the place of damage.

After a crack or chip will be filled with a putty, it remains only to walk with a spatula and to dissolve the surface.

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

Sofa sofa scheme.

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When the wooden sofa details are damaged very much, without their removal and disassembly of the sofa can not do. Elements (for example, those who slept animals) will have to be replaced by ordering new in the furniture company. In the case when remaking damaged coverage of the whole part, the first thing you need to remove the layer of varnish and paint. When it is impossible, you have to simply sand the surface. A special primer for wood is applied to the element, and the paint or olifrais is applied to the item. If necessary, it is additionally covered with varnish. After drying the coating, it remains only to put in place and proceed to further work on the alteration of the sofa with their own hands.

Alteration - the process is creative, so you can show fantasy and hide the existing flaws of the tree with the help of decor elements, such as mosaic or other decorations.

Dismantling of the old coating and cutting of the material

The next step that needs to be done for self-alteration of the sofa is dismantled by the coating that came into disrepair. To do this, disassemble the sofa, while it is important to remember which details where there were. To simplify the task, you can use the camcorder. When disassembly, you just need to shoot every stage. Then collect furniture, after the alteration be completed, will not be difficult. Excellent for the same purpose will fit the camera.

First of all, armrests are removed from the sofa, which in some cases can be combined with legs. The sofa sofa, transformation mechanism, seat and back are removed further. The sofa is understandable until only the framework remains.

After that, you need to remove the upholstery material using if it is necessary, despeteler and fashionable tissue with a knife or scissors. When all the details of the sofa are released from the old material, you should get rid of the filler. With long-term operation, it usually comes into disrepair, especially if foam rubber or syntheton are in the role of the sofa filler.

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

Sofa upholstery scheme.

First of all, those pieces of foam rubber who are easy to separate are removed from the frame. Small details of the trim are removed from the frame with a spatula, but it is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to spoil the wood. Trying to remove the closed pieces of foam rubber or synthesis do not follow. It is better to do this using the tool. If it is not possible to remove the upholstery even with the help of a spatula, it is necessary to twist the remaining pieces with warm water and repeat the action. Before you begin to further alteration of the sofa, it is important to make sure that all the dignity of the upholstery is completely removed. Wet washcloth It is necessary to remove small bulk pieces from the frame, and then wait until the tree is dry. In no case cannot continue to work until the frame is completely dry: it is fraught with fungus, shockting and wood, and upholstery.

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The next thing is needed to make a sofa with your own hands, it is to cut and prepare upholstered fabric. Coloring better all elements immediately. It is convenient to do with a special chalk (if there is no chalk for fabric, it can be replaced by a piece of conventional dry soap). The pattern is made according to the removed, old material or parts of the furniture item itself. The carved fabric before further work should be processed on the sewing machine: to last the edge of matter so that it does not bloom. Also measured and handled lining material.

After the fabric is ready, the lining of the foam rubber is cut. It is cut in the size of the sofa, while the lining also leaves the battery size of 5 cm. For alteration it is worth using only a good, very dense foam rubber, since the material having a low density is extremely quickly deformed, and, therefore, this upholstery will not last long . Then the lining should be done with the parts of the sofa and, make sure that all patterns correspond to the details, one can safely switch to the main stage of the rework - direct upholstery of the sofa.

Drawing a sofa

How can you remake the sofa with your own hands?

Sofa dragging scheme.

When all parts of the lining are ready, they can begin to glue to the details of the sofa. Pattern made of foam rubber applied to the sofa. Next, the silicate glue is split and applied to the edges of the material with a non-alarm strip (not more than 1.5 cm). Then the melting side is needed to apply to the sofa and press for 3 minutes. So, the side by side the entire sofa is punctured by lining. But only glue is not enough. It is necessary to record the foam rubber with a stapler. Returning from the edge of a couple of millimeters, it is necessary to break through the foam rubber, observing the distance between them 10 cm.

Next, in the process, the alteration on the sofa stretches the lining. This is done, so that Porolon does not rekwind about the upholstery and did not begin to climb through it with small pieces, with the help of cotton fabric.

Tights occurs with a lining material as follows:

  1. Crawled and treated piece of fabric is applied to the sofa part.
  2. It is fixed by the stapler at the edges. It is better to work together, as the fabric must be tentory. One must keep the material tightly stretched, the second is to fix it with a stapler.
  3. The fabric needs to be attached, slightly retreating from the edge of the material. So, all the elements of the sofa are styled.

In the same way, the sofa is facing and upholstery. After the sofa is covered with the main cloth, it remains only to gently collect it. Alteration completed.

If there are fears that you cannot remake the sofa, then you should not sow all the sofa immediately, but to try only one element on the sample. It is necessary to pull on the selected item (best, side) foam rubber, upholstery and main fabric. After making sure that all the actions of the alteration are completed correctly: the seams are located correctly, the foam rubber is not selected and taken in sufficient quantities, you can begin to further make a halter on the sofa with your own hands.

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