Primer on old oil paint with their own hands


Conducting repairs at home, I, like many, drew attention to the fact that the preliminary preparation of surfaces under a new finish occupies a sufficient time. But no matter how much the importance of this process indicates the need to perform these works. One of the most difficult processes for me was the dismantling of old paint before applying a new coating. And I started viewing various forums and sites, and then turned at all for help to a friend. Oleg has long been engaged in construction work and suggested to me, in which case the primer is carried out along the old paint. Now I share my experience with you.

Primer on old oil paint with their own hands

Primer for old paint

Cases when you need a complete disassembly

Primer on old oil paint with their own hands

Grinding walls on old paint

The fact is that it is not always possible to apply a new paint on the old coating, and Oleg decided to take a look at the state of the walls in my room. In this case, I was lucky, and the old paint on the wall kept so well that he could not talk about her removal. However, if you have noticed that in some places, the paint crashed and its disposal began, then be sure to remove the old coating with any ways for you.

Important! To remove an old coating, a chemical method is often used. It is less dusty and noisy, but requires a certain sequence of actions. Always use the protection tools for hands and respiratory organs during the application of the chemical dismantling method.

The paint makes the surface smooth and low facet. And these are two main criteria at which the adhesion of the base and the new composition is very small. It is for the improvements of adhesive properties that primers are used in paint. Let's look at the main properties of the use of soil:

  1. Strengthening the old foundation to which the new paint will be applied
  2. Reduces the population of the surface
  3. Reduces paint consumption
  4. Improves adhesion
  5. Antiseptic primers protect the surface from the appearance of mold
  6. Does not allow the appearance of spots

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Oleg immediately assured me that the paint herself could not replace primer because of such differences:

  • There is a smaller number of pigments in the ground
  • Thanks to special additives that are not in paint, adhesion is improved, drying speed and protection against the negative impact of moisture appears.

Now I made sure that the need for the use of soil, and we decided to start training the walls under painting.

Preparing the walls with Oleg

Primer on old oil paint with their own hands

Grinding wall

The surface preparation technology itself is not much different from the generally accepted actions. However, let's look at it in more detail if you paint primer on old oil paint:

  • The coating on my wall was held quite firmly, and the flaws were not very much, so there was no preparation for a lot of time. However, if you found small sections with peeling paint, then remove it. Oleg advises to remove an average of 5-10 cm and a good coating located next to a defective area.
  • Then we removed all the dirt and dust from the wall with warm water and a small amount of detergent
  • All plots where fellows are, we covered the universal primer and put the required amount of putty. In your case, it is also done with penalties, where there was a detachment of an old coating
  • After the primer is completely dry, go through these areas with a grinding machine or fine-grained skin. Thus, you will highlight the plots and cross them with the overall surface.

Ground wall

Grinding walls with their own hands

After the completion of the preparation of the walls, we started the most important process - primer in paint. Performing primer on old oil paint, stick to such a sequence:

  1. Using finished primer, stir it well. This action eliminates the inhomogeneity of the material
  2. If you need to dilute the soil with water, but not more than 10 percent. For us, this action was not needed, however, having too thick mixture, it will be necessary to make
  3. Primer applies from top to bottom with sweeters, usually rollers, and in corners and other difficult places - brushes. Do not forget that the layer must be uniform and thin
  4. If the room is optimal temperature, then the primer dries at about an hour, then it is worth applying a second layer. Under the word optimal, I mean +20 degrees
  5. When the second layer of primer in oil paint is applied, we leave all the processes until the surface drying

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The fact is that different primers and dry in different ways. By purchasing goods in the store, pay attention to the instructions where manufacturers prescribe an approximate time of drying their material. However, do not forget that the external factors also have a huge impact on these indicators. Therefore, maintain the optimum temperature in the room and the percentage of humidity.

There are special primers on oil paint, which are made precisely for such purposes. Therefore, pay attention to such mixtures, and if you need, use them. In my own experience, I realized that the walls of the walls should not be hurried after applying the soil. Post aside all the work for about a day and give the primer to dry completely and form a film on the oil surface, which for many years will perfectly protect the entire finish from negative influence.


After repairing at home with her own hands, I realized that many actions should not be afraid. In fact, it is quite simple to approach the choice of material and the technology of work. The primer of the walls or the ceiling is not a hard work, much harder to prepare the surfaces for this process. But here there are a lot of options and materials that are able to simplify the task as much as possible. Never save on rough work and materials to hold it, because poor-quality primer does not open the surface of staining with the necessary properties. And this means that the duration of the finishing service can significantly decrease and soon you will have to spend your own funds and forces to restore all flares. If you are worried about some kind of processes, then ask a friend or relative to you to help, because together will not only easier to perform primer, but also much more fun.

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