How to make a decoupage of the coffee table with your own hands?


To date, the designer direction is increasingly popular, which gives old things a new life. For old furniture, which is a pity to throw out, as it is still loved, apply the decoupage technique. This method allows you to hide cracks and other damage that occurred over time.

How to make a decoupage of the coffee table with your own hands?

Decoupage with the help of monochrome photos and drawings in black and white gamma will allocate a table on a general background and will add to him mystery.

If you have worn furniture in the house, you can try to give her a new life. For this you need quite a bit of the skill and the tolik of desire. First you can make a coffee table decor with your own hands. Different types of decoupage will help you create furniture suitable for any interior.

Choose an image

Most of the masters at the decoupage of the table do with their own hands use technique using special napkins. They are purchased in art salons. Motives of such a design can be the most different. If the flat images do not like you, then you can apply the composition with embossed parts. The way it is created is called a carriage. If the surface of your coffee table is small, the ornaments can be printed for decorating with the printer.

There are cards for decoupage with miniatures, but their use is appropriate for large furniture dimensions. The decor of the coffee table, made in a classic style, using such stencils will be the perfect option. If you are a fan of contemporary art, an ordinary topographic map will come to the rescue. Decoupage will look very original and unusual.

How to make a decoupage of the coffee table with your own hands?

Decoupage table can be made using any topographic map of the world.

For more experienced masters in the course of the author's photo, newspaper clippings, fabric, lace, postcards. With napkins and decoupage maps, it is quite simple to work, while other materials require additional processing. So, old pictures and postcards are prefigured. To work with them it is necessary to remove the bottom layer of paper. Before processing, the picture is fixed by ordinary hair lacquer. Then the paper is closed, which is pre-moisturized from the reverse side with a wide brush. To thinning dry material, an ordinary tape is perfect. Such a decoupage of the coffee table will take a lot of time and effort.

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No need to make color decor. Sometimes monochrome images look much more interesting. Such a case requires the fulfillment of the basis in gray, black or white.

Decoupage can be made using the effect of web or friction. It is already artistic. Gusting to creativity finds output in bulk images and in Dorivovka various elements.

Preparation of the surface to decoupage

To begin with, we are determined with the color scheme. Options here can be a great set. The basis of the foundation will depend on the color solutions of the rest of the furniture and from the state of the coffee table. With a strongly damaged tabletop, light shades will look optimally. If its surface is well preserved, then in the coloring the need disappears. For the decoupage of the coffee table, you need to purchase such tools and materials:

To prepare the table to decoupage, you need to delete defects on it and paint.

  • PVA glue;
  • brush with a wide base;
  • primer;
  • Napkins or cards for decoupage;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • zero sandpaper;
  • coarse sandpaper;
  • wood spatula;
  • Lacquer for furniture in the canister.

Decorating the coffee table begins with his disassembly. It is advisable to remove the worktop and, if possible, separate the legs from it. The preparation of the surface is the removal of old varnish and paint. To do this, you will need a coarse sandy skar. All small defects are cleaned with fine-grained paper. Only after this feet of the table are attached back.

All these actions are used for wood furniture. The plastic table does not need to grind. It can be just degreased.

The next stage will be putty, which is the processing of all joints and cracks. After it, we leave the coffee table to dry for three hours. Next, we carry out the primer and staining of furniture. Acrylic paint It is desirable to put in several layers. Each of the layers need time for drying about five hours. If this is not done, the spots can be shot under the lacquer. After applying the lacquer, the table recently needs to be treated with fine-grained emery paper. On a thoroughly aligned surface, napkins and other elements will be better. The use of varnish in the canal helps to avoid the coating of the strips.

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Decorating table with your own hands

If you do not have time to spend a complete decoupage, or decorative napkins will come to the rescue. Images should be carefully cut and arrange on the surface of the countertops in the order that you like more.

How to make a decoupage of the coffee table with your own hands?

Stages of work on decoupage of the table with the help of painting.

When for the decor you need a smooth line of transition of the drawings, then in this case you need to use figure scissors or just cut the edges of the card or napkins.

The next step will be toning. If you need a decor of a brown shade, a strong tea or coffee is perfect for this purpose. Watercolor paints are suitable for toning to other colors.

To gluit the image to the surface of the table, you must lay out the cut fragments to a regular file. Figures should lie face. They are then smoothed using a wide brush under a thin jet of water. Gently lay out the image to the surface, which is pre-lubricated with glue. When using a decoupage card, I will urinate for two minutes, and PVA glue is dragging in half with water.

If you are a novice in this matter, it is best to use glue in an aerosol. It will allow you to cross the drawing with an unsuccessful execution. After drying, it is necessary to cover the acrylic paint countertop, slightly affecting the decor. The final stage will be varnishing. The updated coffee table is ready.

If it is additionally required, it is easy to make watercolor paints or contour from acrylic. The first will help to give the product a light shade, and the second will create a surround effect.

Decoupage cloth

How to make a decoupage of the coffee table with your own hands?

For decoupage, use cotton fabrics with dense weaving.

If the coating of furniture is not impressive with single drawings, you can use cloth for decor. It is best for this purpose a dense cotton. Such a coffee table can serve as decoration of the gazebo, balcony or loggia. For a long time, it will remain bright and attractive.

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Furniture made of plastic for decoration fabric is not suitable. The wooden countertop is processed in the same way as during decoupage napkins. PVA for fabric is not diluted. They fully cover the surface, and then apply a slightly wet material. The canvas begin to pull from the central part, gradually moving to the edges. It is recommended to fix on the reverse side using a stapler. The clips are pulled out after complete drying, which takes two days. Then you should apply a few more layers of glue and produce varnish.

Whatever way to decoupage a coffee table you chose, it is able to turn ordinary furniture in the work of art.

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