How to put a sofa with your own hands?


One way to update upholstered furniture is to replace its skin. You can use the services of professional masters, and you can decide the sofa with your own hands at ordinary home conditions. The event is quite troublesome, but not requiring serious physical efforts.

How to put a sofa with your own hands?

Sofa Upholstery: A - Soft and Upholstery Materials; B - cut; B - the order of upholstery and drying.

Preparatory stage

Any work is recommended to start with planning, the sofa cover is no exception. The action plan is determined according to the type of upcoming repair - cosmetic or capital.

How to put a sofa with your own hands?

Types of repair work sofa.

Cosmetic repair usually assumes only the replacement of an old sheat or even fixing the new material on the old one. For example, replace wallpaper on the walls. Capital - complete or partial replacement not only the top of the upholstered furniture, but also fillers.

For the preparatory stage it will be necessary:

  • Passatia;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • a set of keys;
  • a hammer;
  • centimeter or roulette;
  • Leaf of paper and pencil.

It is also better to stock in advance boxes or bags for storing fasteners. When disassembling very old furniture, vinegar may need. To dismantle the steamed rust fasteners, it is sufficient to moisten them with acetic acid.

How to put a sofa with your own hands?

Soft sofa scheme in section.

Does not hurt the presence of a vacuum cleaner or brushes and a damp cloth. With their help, you can immediately remove the furniture design of garbage and dust detected in the hard-to-reach scan of furniture design.

  1. The sofa disassembles - the sidewalls are dismantled, other elements of its design. Carefully removes the skin. The goal is to determine the true state of the seat and back filler, ensure the convenience of the necessary measurements. It is desirable not to remember the sequence of furniture disassembly, but also to record it in the most detail. All fasteners should be immediately folded in boxes, bags with appropriate marks.
  2. Measurements are performed. Usually under the upholstery of the sofa are layers of foam rubber, batting. With the help of a centimeter is determined, some sizes are needed for the restoration of the seat, backs. The results of all measurements are also fixed on paper.

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In determining the size of pieces of new upholstery fabric, the features of the old fastening are required. In order to save, some manufacturers do not convey its edges, which then "scribble". The seams "in principle" also do not extend the service life of the upholstery.

The process of skin sofa do it yourself

How to put a sofa with your own hands?

Furniture before and after a hauling.

Before deciding the sofa, it is necessary to inspect its design for possible defects, damage. If necessary, carry out repair work.

The replacement of the foam rubber is carried out entirely. Do not try to save, lining pieces of new material for the sold places. An additional layer of wattin and burlap will not only extend the service life of the upholstery, but also provide comfortable conditions during rest and sleep.

When calculating the number of materials, it is necessarily taken into account:

  • inputs on the seams - 1-1.5 cm;
  • Binding on the edge - 1-2 cm.

To decide the sofa, you need to purchase not only foam rubber, batting, upholstery fabric, but also:

  • Threads - better categorous;
  • ruler, triangle, tailor chalk or a conventional color pencil, contrasting the color of the chosen upholstery;
  • glue for fixing foam foam sheets on the sidewalls;
  • glue bf-6;
  • good scissors for fabric;
  • Wallpaper cloves or construction stapler.

With the observance of the main Portnov Regulation "I will defaminate 7 times, 1 - a revenue", neatly disintegrates the canvas of the foam rubber, wattin and upholstery fabric.

Sowing edges are better to undergo an overwheel or zigzag.

Covers are sewn on the sidewalls, other necessary seams are made. The costs of time and forces on a preliminary ironing of upholstery tissue and seams with a bitter will pay off in the process of its attachment.

One way to extend the service life of the upholstery is to strengthen areas located on the corners of the furniture. To do this, they are tracked from the inside or glued with glue bf-6 patchwork from burlap or a piece of upholstery fabric left after cutting.

  1. Falone sheets are stacked - usually only on the mattress, sometimes on the sidewalls.
  2. Watin is put on the sofa mattress, and its edges are attached to upholstered cloves or staples. You can hide the sidewalls by Vatin, if they did not lie to the foam rubber.
  3. All sofa elements are squeaking. It is not necessary to sew caseine covers, you can shelter them, applying the burlap of the mustache. The magnitude of the fattest is about 2 cm. The burlap must completely close the batting.
  4. Clean skin is a covering with a bottom cloth, the edges of which are converted if necessary.

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All canvases are tensioning evenly and neatly. Then the sofa design is going.

If the sofa is planned to be sewn with their own hands on top of the old sheathing, then careful cleaning of the second from contaminants is pre-performed. Highly worn places are strengthened with pop-bays that are sewn or glued. Plus this option is to minimize material and time costs. Minus - the old clusters of dirt and dust remain inside.

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