How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself


Modern owners want to see their home not only cozy and comfortable. An important role is now playing interior. It must be exclusive and unique. Therefore, many masters seek to make furniture with their own hands. This allows not only to save money, but also to assemble such interior items that will satisfy the individual needs of households.

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Furniture in the living room must be comfortable and stylish. In addition, it should be harmonized with all the interior of the premises.

Thanks to the abundance of materials and accessories, which can be found in stores selling goods for the manufacture and repair of furniture, develop and implement their own design of cabinets, Tumb and shelves are completely simple. It is forces even a novice master. It is only necessary to determine the upcoming front of work in advance.

Drawing up the furniture drawing

The assembly of any furniture should begin with the preparation of a detailed drawing of the future product. In the diagram, it is necessary to specify not only the general dimensions, but also the dimensions of each individual part. Only such a drawing will allow you to collect a wardrobe or an end without errors and annoying flaws. Especially since the shortcomings made during the preparatory work, sometimes it is quite difficult to eliminate when installed.

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Figure 1. Wall drawing for the living room.

If you have some experience in the manufacture of interior items, it is wiser to immediately develop a whole furniture kit, not separate modules. This approach will provide a single interior design. In addition, you can immediately take into account the dimensions of the furniture and its location in the room.

The general drawing will be unlucky even if you are a beginner furnitureer. You can collect first only 1 end of a TV or a bookcover. And then return to a single scheme and mount the rack or wardrobe. In any case, the preparation of a preliminary drawing must be started with the removal of the measure. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of the room itself.

Usually, the following dimensions are taken into account in the living room:

  1. The height of the modular design (first of all, the dimensions of the overall furniture are taken into account).
  2. Long headset (as a rule, it should be equal to the magnitude of the simpleness).
  3. Depth of storage locations.

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The sizes of other parts depend on the depth of drawers. For example, the magnitude of the upper lids of cabinets and countertops. Typically, the lower tier of the kit is deeper, and the top is wider.

As an analog you can take the overall dimensions of the finished furniture module. They are indicated in manufacturers catalogs. Naturally, you can take into account your own sizes. But it is necessary to maintain the specified proportions. As a result, you should have a single scheme, an example of which is shown in Fig. one.

Further, you can develop a scheme for the installation of each individual interior subject, taking into account its individual characteristics.

General design module for living room

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Drawing of the built-in cabinet in the living room.

With independent installation, it is convenient to collect symmetric structures. Moreover, the so-called wall perfectly fit into any living room. As a rule, such furniture consists of the following elements:

  • linen cabinet;
  • rack for books;
  • TUMBU under TV with shelves for video and audio equipment;
  • closed sections for storage (with shelves and boxes);
  • Open sections (what was previously called a slide).

Their location depends only on your flavors, preferences and characteristics of the room. They can be lined up in 1 line or assembled at an angle. Part of the elements can be located on the floor, and the part is on the wall (hinged boxes). But remember that the modern living room should be comfortable, comfortable and safe. Therefore, it is not necessary to have furniture so that 1 elements lay on others. For example, antleesol boxes on the cabinets. Try to secure each separate item.

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Figure 2. Wall drawing assembled from several parts, for the living room.

The wall, assembled from individual parts, is also convenient because the maximum length of the sheets of chipboard or plywood does not reach 3 m. Therefore, the basic modules usually consist of 2 or 3 parts. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the overall design so that the docks of 2 modules do not violate the symmetry of the entire module. From this lack, you can easily get rid of if you provide for the presence of a single facade for neighboring Tumb. Or make 1 element much longer than others. An example of such a layout is shown in Fig. 2.

As a rule, long furniture items are located below. They can serve as not only a basic support for the entire design, but also visually combine the furniture module into a single stylistic solution.

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Construction of the module element

Each individual piece of furniture, of which one-piece design is going to be conditionally disassembled on the following details:

  • framework;
  • bottom (horizontal plane);
  • lid or countertop;
  • sidewalls;
  • facade.

The frame is usually the upper and lower frames, pulled by the longitudinal ribs of stiffness, for which the corners of the furniture occur. If the size of the cabinet or the cabinet is small, and for their manufacture, the material is used with a thickness of 25 mm (chipboard, chipboard or furniture shield), then without a frame you can do. In this case, the necessary stiffness of the structure will be given the walls themselves.

The dimensions of each individual detail of the furniture in the living room must be calculated taking into account the legs or lower supports (wheels).

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Figure 3. Scheme of the simplest stands for the TV.

It is necessary to take into account the protruding details of the decorative finish. For example, accessories. In general drawing, these sizes are not taken into account. But they are important when you think about the necessary depth of boxes.

After you take into account everything you need, you can proceed to the preparation of a detailed drawing of a separate furniture subject. In fig. 3 shows an example of the simplest stands for the TV.

If you lack experience in the manufacture of furniture with your own hands, then you should not take for complex structures with curved facades and curly countertops. Strict geometric lines can look no worse. The main thing is to choose quality material.

Selection of material for the manufacture of furniture

Many details for assembling furniture can now be purchased in the finished form. This may be, for example, the shelves of complex shape made of glass or chipboard. In profile stores sell ready-made facades and countertops, mirrors and other elements of structures, allowing you to mount exclusive interior items.

In addition, carpentry workshops offer cut the blanks of the size you need and forms. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a complex woodworking equipment to make furniture independently. Such a service will allow to use not only non-standard parts, but also to provide reliable fastening of elements among themselves.

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Coffee table drawing for the living room.

The fact is that the durable way of connecting dimensional parts is the node of the type of spike groove. But for its manufacture, you need a milling machine or a manual milling cutter. And also considerable experience of using them. But all the necessary nodes and details can execute the master for an additional fee. You will also remain collecting furniture.

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Going to the workshop, prepare the drawing with all the necessary dimensions. In the perfect version, you must have a scheme in your hands each separate part with places of fasteners and their dimensions on it. If you want to order the manufacture of curly elements (lids or countertops), then you need to pre-make paper molds in full size.

For self-assembly of furniture, the following materials are usually used now:

  • Chipboard or MDF - for side walls and frames of overall furniture;
  • LDSP - for facades, covers and countertops;
  • Thin plywood or fiberboard - for the rear walls and bottoms of the boxes.

The thickness of the material depends on the design of the furniture. For the manufacture of furniture cases in the living room, MDF or furniture shield (massif of wood) are usually used. But 2 option will be much more expensive. The chipboard is considered to be more reliable and less susceptible to the change in temperature and the influence of moisture. Therefore, such material is more often taken in the manufacture of kitchen furniture.

Additional assembly materials

How to collect furniture in the living room do it yourself

Scheme of hinged shelf for the living room.

For the design of the edges, experts recommend using laminated edge tape (ABS). It can be different thickness and colors, so you can choose the material under the individual design. But it is necessary to take into account and its thickness. If this parameter is less than 2 mm, then it is not taken into account when drawing up the drawing.

For self-assembly, you will need the following fasteners:

  • Confirmates (Eurobolta);
  • Wooden seasons;
  • Mensenol holder (hidden console with dowel);
  • mounting corners (they are used for fastening bases);
  • Holders for the shelves (reasonably acquire metallic);
  • Minifixes.

We must not forget about handles for facades and mounted loops. They are wiserfully acquired by a set. And immediately the number you need. In order for the fasteners to look carefully, you can use the plugs selected in the color of the furniture. After you have everything ready for the assembly, you can start installation.

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