How is the connection of the crane and installation of the toilet to the water supply?


When connecting household equipment and mixers to the water supply, it is necessary to accurately comply with all stages of work that will help avoid leaks. This connection is performed differently, it all depends on what equipment must be installed. Consider three main situations when the installation of sanitary equipment may be required to the overall water supply. Find out how to connect the houses with a crane, a conventional washing machine and a complex installation for the suspension toilet. Will it take to get any permission?

How is the connection of the crane and installation of the toilet to the water supply?

By installing the sink, you need to be guided by the fact that it should be at an altitude of 850 mm. From the floor and be as close as possible to the water supply point.

Connection of the sink to the water supply

Before making the connection of the shell and the crane to the general water supply system, it is necessary to consider several points:

  • It will be necessary to turn off the water for the entire riser of the house. This requires pre-treatment to the relevant service bodies, agreements with your neighbors. It may be necessary to resolve the housing (the works themselves need to be planned at convenient for all time);
  • When connecting to the water supply, a situation may occur when simultaneously installing water meters for cold and hot water. Installation permission is unlikely to be required, but for sealing will have to contact the relevant organizations;
  • Next, it is necessary to determine the place to install the sink, usually the optimally suitable height of 850 mm above the floor level. A place for installation should be in the minimum proximity to the water supply point. Otherwise, additional pipes will have to install not only for water supply, but also for sewage.

Connection begins with the markup of the place of the shell, mounting the support or frame for the bowl. The fastener for the sink is mounted in this way:

How is the connection of the crane and installation of the toilet to the water supply?

Scheme of sinks with dimensions.

  • Through the holes made by the markup, the holes are drilled, dowels are clogged;
  • After that, special fasteners are screwed.

When attaching it is necessary to ensure that all the elements not only withstand the weight of the equipment, but also not loosened during the support.

After the sink is installed, you can start connecting to the water supply. First, the mixer of the selected type is set, which is attached to the surface of the sink using studs (if provided), after that, the hoses are mounted for supplying water. It should be borne in mind that after the end of the installation, nothing will dismiss anything, only disassemble the system and start again. Hoses for water supply at home are carried out through special hole holes, then nuts are put on the heels, which are tightened with the help of a clamping element with sealing rubber.

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When connecting to water, it is necessary to ensure that the nose of the mixer is in the right direction, the mixer itself was mounted at an angle of 90 ° relative to the wall. It is necessarily checked by the tightness of all attachments and connections to make sure there are leaks, how firmly each node is installed to connect to the water supply. Next, you need to put the gasket between the crane and the nut, it is impossible to delay the nut to avoid leaks. If everything is fine, then the connection to the water supply is performed correctly.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

How is the connection of the crane and installation of the toilet to the water supply?

Washing machine connection diagram for water supply /

Connecting to the water supply of the washing machine at the same time, very simple, and a painstaking case requiring compliance with certain rules. It is important to purchase all the required adapters and nodes in advance, do not forget to overlap water. Connect the washing machine to feed cold water as follows.

Using a three-pass valve or a conventional tee with a crane. To perform work, it is necessary to take a rigid pipe, passage crane, a special flexible eyeliner. Pipe for connecting to the house water supply is used plastic, eyeliner must be flexible. The connection itself is performed in this way: first the flexible liner is unscrewed, then the seal is wound up, the tee is mounted.

The inclusion of the crane is carried out, water supply is checked, the absence of leaks in various places of compounds.

If necessary, the metal-plastic pipe for water supply is lengthened if the washing machine is at a certain distance from connecting to the water supply.

How is the connection of the crane and installation of the toilet to the water supply?

Connection diagram Santechpribors.

Connection using the repair cage (drainage). Such a connection is performed using steel pipes per or ½ inches, it is allowed to use polypropylene, which are more convenient in the installation, are distinguished by greater reliability. The compound process is carried out in this way: the pipe is crimped with four bolts for drainage, the rubber gasket should be placed without distortion. Next, drills a hole with a diameter of 8 mm, we wake the seal, screw the pipe for 3-4 turns. For a crane on an inch with an outer thread, a nut is screwed, be sure to have a gasket. Nut tightened by hand. After that, you need to check how correctly the plug is connected to the water supply.

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Direct connection to the instill of the mixer. This method of connecting to the water supply of the washing machine at home is considered one of the most uncomfortable. Today it is applied extremely rarely, only if you simply connect another option. In this case, the first time before starting washing, it is necessary to connect the spout of the crane, often unscrewing the shower hose. During washing, it is impossible to use water, since the mode switching leads to a stop of the machine, a violation of its operation. This connection can be called only temporary, while there is no possibility to perform a normal compound of hoses to the water supply water supply.

When connecting to the Washing Machine water supply, you cannot forget about compliance with all security measures. If the hose lengthening is required, then it is necessary to either initially take a one-piece piece, or use aquastop that will help to avoid troubles like leaks. When choosing a crane for connecting, preference is given to such models that do not contain a silumin material, you can not choose nodes with too thick walls.

Connecting the installation of suspended toilet to water supply

Suspension toilet diagram with dimensions.

To connect the installation of the toilet to the water supply, it is not necessary to have many years of experience. It is enough to follow several simplest advice that will help you fulfill this work with your own hands quickly and efficiently. Today it is the suspended toilets that are becoming increasingly popular, as they occupy little space in the bathroom, and this is so important for the urban apartment. In addition, all the required elements for connecting to the water supply and sewage are hidden in the wall, external massive structures are absolutely not visible. Minus only one - unlike the usual toilet to install the suspension, it takes more time to connect.

Before starting installation installation, the corresponding location is selected for the equipment. It is advisable to do it in a niche where there is an opportunity to arrange all the pipes and connection nodes. If there is no niche, it should be done artificially. It is enough to open with dimensions in 150x700 mm, such a niche closes after installing plasterboard.

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When installing installation, it is recommended to comply with the following recommendations:

Diagram of installation of the suspension toilet.

  • The toilet is installed, the pipes are mounted, only after that you can connect to the water supply;
  • During the installation of installation with the help of a building level, the correctness of the frame installation must be checked. Only after that you can already perform the final fastening.

Connecting the suspension installation should be fully responsible, since all nodes will be closed by the wall, which means that it will be very difficult to get to the desired system element. Experts Therefore, it is recommended to use pipes only from polypropylene or copper, the quality of which is tested by time. Other types of pipes can not be mounted in the wall, since protection against the flows cannot be guaranteed. To seal the threaded connections when installing, it is best to use packs with special uniPak paste. Flexible hoses are not recommended to use. If it is absolutely impossible to do without them, you need to take stainless steel products.

But what about the sewer?

When you connect installation to sewage, you need to use the tap, which will be located under the tilt at 45 °. The connections are recommended to miss special sealants. Before close the wall, check all the compounds once again, their tightness. If you need to put meters in a niche over the suspension toilet, then it is pre-obtaining a permit on its sealing.

A rubber gasket is stacked between tiles and installation so that the tile does not crack. Typically, manufacturers offer such gaskets complete with a toilet. You should not forget that connecting the toilet to the general system of the house of the house may require a turning off of water in the riser, and for this it is necessary to permission from the service organization at home and from the neighbors. Therefore, before installing the toilet, you must pride it in advance, agree with all the services to get permission. »width =" 640 "height =" 425 "style =" max-width: 100% ">

Connecting various systems to the house of the house is a complex, responsible process that can be easily accomplished with your own hands. Priority for connecting a conventional crane or complex installation of suspended toiletoma is completely different. Therefore, be extremely attentive and responsible.

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