It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


The bathroom is a place in which the shower takes is washed in the morning and before bedtime. However, for practicality and convenience, many people leave here towels, books, cosmetics or medicines. Danger - reproduction of fungi and bacteria in a humid environment. This is harmful to a person stored things.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

How does the situation affect the objects inside

The medium indoor depends on the temperature and humidity regime. If there are deviations, they will begin to multiply bacteria, fungi and disputes. The influence of moisture, light or heat:

  • color change (paper sheets yellow);
  • the emergence of dampness, mold;
  • The appearance of rust;
  • The reproduction of wets, multi-ninexes or insects.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

Humidity is the main factor affecting the finding of different objects in the bathroom. Bacteria and fungi are activated with changes in the microclimate indoors. Therefore, it is important to observe an acceptable temperature, humidity.

10 items that are not a place in the bathroom

The main purpose of the bathroom is the adoption of the shower, wash in the morning and before bedtime, washing underwear. It is impossible to store outsiders . The presented list will help learn what to unwanted to leave in this room.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


A direct appointment of the bathroom is the face wash, washing the body and hands, so the towels should always be near. However, the heat and moisture is the ideal environment for the appearance of bacteria and mold. The wet towel is considered a seatingman for infection. Dry and store tissue products better in other rooms.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

Tip! Drying is allowed when installing a heated towel rail in the bathroom. Tasks of the device: heating, maintenance of an acceptable temperature, humidity, driving towels and room space.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


Most women love make makeup in the bathroom at the mirror. As a result, cosmetics remains on the shelves. Manufacturers against storage in such places. Increased humidity is dangerous for the Rumba, powder, shadows or other bulk funds. This leads to damage, loss of functionality.

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It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


Increased temperature, humidity often cause jewelry or jewelry. Especially this is subject to alloys and silver. Consequences: sweating, darkening, rust . Store better inside the caskets in a dry place.

Remove the decorations is required in the bedroom to a hike in the shower.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


Medical storage conditions are prescribed in the instructions. Hold medication will need in a cool dry place. Failure to comply with the recommendations leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs. This causes harm to the body, since the proper therapeutic effect does not appear.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


Water acts detrimental on paper. Therefore, keep books in the bathroom is not recommended. Moisture, heat lead to spoilement root, yellowing, luxury pages, bending covers . After that, the book will lose an attractive look and will not be suitable for reading.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


The situation with perfume is the same as with cosmetics. It is convenient to keep everything at hand. However, humidity leads to oxidation of substances in the sputum fluid. P Fatal: flavor volatilization, smell change for the worse. For storage, it is better to highlight the shelf in the bedroom.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

Shaving machines

Moisture gradually oxidizing metal blades. This leads to the appearance of rust, decrease in sharpness and durability. After use, it will be necessary to carefully dry the machine, remove in the drawer of the chest.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


Increased humidity negatively affects the fabric. Sleep on bedding stored in the bathroom, unpleasant . Products acquire the smell of dampness, in the worst case are covered with mold. The best place is a wardrobe or chest.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom


Storage is not allowed only in combined bathrooms. If we flush the toilet with an open lid, then bacteria will fall on the brushes. Often it becomes the cause of health problems.

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

Tip! Holding dental brushes is better in the kitchen, in the bedroom or bathroom, but only in the case.


Water and hot couples are destructive effect on gadgets . Therefore, it is better not to take with you tablets, phones, e-books. Exceptions - shower devices, such as radio.

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It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

Recommendations affect and storing charging for the phone. Consequences: Split contacts, short circuit.

Do you know things that can not be kept in the bathroom? (1 video)

Organization of storage in the bathroom (14 photos)

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

It's too much! 10 familiar items that are not a place in the bathroom

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