Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper


Often we are dealing with such a need like a distinction between residential space on functional sites. In the implementation of this idea, the zoning of the room with the help of wallpaper will help us. To do this, you will need to use two or more types of cloths, and, as a rule, not only different colors, but with different textures. However, let's go about everything in order.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Why it is necessary

It is not always that it turns out that the interior of a room or another is so functional as we wanted it. Sometimes you have to look for some ways to solve. In addition, it often has to combine various colors in the interior of a room. It is about living room, bedroom, nursery and so on.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Remember! This approach is characterized by a high level of practicality, since you do not need to resort to radical changes in the interior and to expensive repairs.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Of course, the use of companyon wallpaper requires certain skills to combine colors and surface. On the other hand, for this, it is not necessary to be a high-level specialist in the design of interiors. It is enough to assimilate the basic principles and look at the photo with examples, how they were implemented in practice certain decisions. As a rule, regardless of style in which the apartment is finished, what furniture and accessories are used in it, the principles of zoning remain universal.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

So, let's consider the major arguments in favor of separation of space on the functional zones:

  1. When a small room should be divided, but you do not go to use bulky and thick cabinets and shelves to avoid even more reduced area indoor.
  2. Each separately taken part of the room must be highlighted, at least individual color. It will emphasize her purpose.
  3. If several people live in the room (for example, children of different floors), then with zoning, you can create a gaming space for each kid. The same applies to children of different ages.
  4. You can single out the main part of the room, visually separating it from the secondary corners. This can be done using various shades of wallpaper.
  5. Often, such ways to decorate space are used in the case of one-room apartments with a combined living room and a kitchen, or for studios.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

As a rule, with all this, it is desirable to use non-monochrome, but more contrasting color gamut. Also suitable for the combination of wallpaper with drawings / ornaments and monophonic companions without any pattern. By the way, under the condition of a competent approach, you can somewhat "adjust" those or other shortcomings in the room. Of course, we are talking exclusively about visual correction of shortcomings, for example, too small room size or not quite a good configuration.

Types of separation on zones

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

First of all, it should be remembered that the main criterion, with which the separation of the room is produced into two or more plots is color. What shade is used in one place or a large extent determines its functional purpose. At the same time, it is necessarily necessary to take into account what is in a particular section of the room lighting. It concerns both sunlight and artificial (lamps, lamps, etc.).

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Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Let's look at the main features and variants of combinations that can give the room more attractiveness and practicality:

  1. The differing paints in the design of the walls of the room are usually used in cases where you are going to either: a) allocate the main background and certain accents; b) Initially, you are going to make the interior bright and somewhat eclectic.
  2. An interesting alternative is to combine areas with ornament and monophonic walls. In almost every such case, it will be a patched place on behalf of. So, stopping at the appropriate version (brighter and unusual, or vice versa, peaceful), you can give a particular place in the room a special, unique atmosphere.
  3. The wallpapers used to highlight a zone can have a different texture: smooth or textured, with pronounced vertical elements, the "height" of which can be 1-2 mm. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve homogeneity or the combination of color of companyon wallpaper. The joints between them need to be arranged so that the transition was beautiful and attractive. It is permissible to use moldings or special transitions and other decorative elements.
  4. Finally, you can apply such a designer reception as a combination of wallpapers with drawings made in different directions. So, first can be pasted with horizontal patterns or stripes, then with oblique (diagonal) or vertical. By the way, as an option, you can use the same wallpapers, in different ways "sending" them on one or another site of the room walls.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Combination options in different rooms

Let's see what options for zoning space are available for such facilities such as bedroom, living room and kitchen (you may be an interesting article "Wallpaper for a small and narrow kitchen in Khrushchev".

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

What can be done in the bedroom

In most cases, it is difficult to talk about a large number of options for zoning the bedroom wallpaper. As a rule, the most frequent object for selection is a bed, as well as the bedroom zone, which is in close proximity to it. At the same time, not only wallpapers may participate in the interior composition (they, by the way, can be vinyl, phlizelin paper and so on), but also other finishing materials.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Examples can serve:

  • Wood.
  • Metal.
  • Decorative items.
  • Pictures and photos within.
  • Wall mural with various plots.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Attention! You can read more about the features of the photo wallpaper in the article "Wallpaper for Apartments".

It should be understood that the choice of shades when creating a combination should be sufficiently weighted and prudent, since the bedroom refers to those spaces in which the factors annoying and disturbing you should be excluded. This room is intended primarily for recreation and relaxation, so the abundance of bright and "screaming" shades may not be very appropriate.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

If you go to achieve a successful combination in the bedside zone, then use, first of all, the same colors that are already present in the interior. The entourage of the room should not include alien colors or poorly fitting solutions on the decor of the indoor space. The unity of shades related to the monochrome colors can, to a certain extent, diversify, using wallpaper-companions with different ornaments for this, or a combination "with a pattern and without a pattern".

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Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

As for the bedroom for kids, and children's rooms, in general, then they are also inherent zoning. It allows you to divide the inner space to the places intended for sleep, games, study (for older children) and so on. In addition, the use of different colors will allow you to solve the problem of a children's room for all-choice kids. In addition, wallpapers for children of different ages may also differ from each other, and you will have to think about how to create a harmonious combination and in this case.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Options for the living room

This space is perhaps the most versatile in terms of those tasks that are assigned to it. In addition to resting the whole family, we often take guests in it, organize festive meetings on various reasons, and in general, we use it for various meetings. It is for this reason that it is necessary to try to reflect the multifunctionality of the living room in the design of the walls, highlighting and emphasizing those or other sections of its walls with the help of wallpaper.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Ceiling can also be highlighted by wallpaper

Of course, the solution to this task is largely simplified in cases where the area of ​​the living room is large enough, since the arsenal of interior techniques in such cases is significantly expanding. If your room is not big, it can deliver certain problems. At the same time, whatever large in size is your living room, it is not recommended to make many zones. 2, maximum 3: This will be quite enough. With more "zones", the room begins to look too "overloaded", since such motley and numerous combinations are more similar to the loskutka, rather than a well-selected and qualitatively implemented project.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

It should be taken into account that in a small or narrow living room, especially in cases where it is located in the apartment-Khrushchev, the use of dark, smoothly, as is unnecessarily bright tones is extremely undesirable. The point is not only that the dark color scheme has the ability to make the interior of such a small hall too gloomy. Worse, the fact that dark and dark shades are known to be able to create a visual impression of even more limited space, which is simply unacceptable in the already small living room.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

That is why it is very desirable to use pastel colors, and in general, a brighter color palette. This, by the way, does not at all mean that dark or too bright shades use at all impossible. Of course, glue such wallpaper. However, it should be remembered that they should not occupy the main location on the walls and dominate the interior of the room.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

So, what features an emphasis should be made if you want your living room, according to the result, it turned out and attractive, and functional:

  1. If you have decided to still use bright colors, it is desirable that they are used either fragmentary or in the gaming area for children if it is provided. If we talk about the choice of color, then you can mention different shades of such tones as red, brown, yellow, orange and peach.
  2. In addition, the plot that is located near the TV may be taken relatively bright wallpaper. Green, purple, blue or darker blue - here is a small list of colors.
  3. If you have a small working area, which is to some extent, an analogue of the cabinet, it can also be allocated. It is best to stop on more calm and neutral shades. An example can serve beige, dark gray, green or brown.
  4. As for the recreation area, it is customary to execute in more "warm" colors, such as peach, pink, beige. In some interiors, you can use white color.

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Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Kitchen solutions

In addition to the allocation of the zone in which cooking is cooking, the zoning of that area is most often practiced next to the table. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that such places, and the whole kitchen as a whole is a zone of increased and very frequent pollution. So try to use special washable wallpaper in such places. As for the space where the cooking occurs, it is not recommended to use wallpapers there: it is better to make a choice in favor of apron from ceramic tiles or other finishing materials, but not wallpaper.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

In other words, the kitchen often has to combine wallpapers and other finishing materials. This feature applies to the design of the space located near the bar counter, if there is such in the kitchen or in the dining room (if it comes to the studio or apartment with combined rooms). By the way, it is in the case of studio apartments, zoning and turns out to be one of the most frequently used interior design techniques. The absence of walls and internal partitions makes it one way or another to highlight a certain space, distinguishing a large general room to the larger "corners".

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

In the studio apartment

As a rule, in the case of studio apartments, it is customary to carry out the division of the room into several zones, each of which has absolutely accurate purpose (kitchen-dining room, bedroom, living room, hallway / corridor). At the same time, it is desirable that the colors are well combined with each other, because they will all be used, in fact, in the same space. Save the homogeneity of the color range, or at least, a successful combination is not so simple, since each of the "zones" has absolutely different purposes.

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Nevertheless, everything is possible, especially if you are guided by the general principles of design of premises and the combination of various shades. By the way, the interior design specialists advise when dividing the room on the zone to devote high attention not only to wallpaper-companions, but also other elements of finishing and designs, including windows, doors, flooring, ceiling, furniture, lighting and decorative accessories. Room zoning with wallpaper, photo:

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

Zoning one-room apartment by wallpaper

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