How to make a cover on your own hands?


Case on a chair with your own hands can completely change the appearance of the room and hide the shabby, worn out or inappropriate the silhouette of the old armchair. Make it at home from the remaining fabric, specially purchased decorative matter or not yet used dense portor today can any housewife. This process is quite fast and economical.

How to make a cover on your own hands?

Chair device diagram.

To properly fasten the cover on the furniture, it is better to use wide bands from the fabric. The bands in one end are sewn to the involving side of the cover, and the other to the existing courtyard of the chair. For a more dense fit, the product on the chair can be used pieces of foam, which is placed between a cover and furniture housing.

It is easier and easier at home to sew a cover case with straight perpendicular angles, much more difficult - with figured and decorative elements. Soft seats with open decorative straps are usually tightened, but if the wooden elements are present only on armrests, then a cover on the chair can be sewed, pre-wrapped the wooden parts of the Vatin furniture.

How to make a case? Sew the cover is very simple when there is a desire, accuracy, necessary materials and fixtures.

Materials and tools for work

How to make a cover on your own hands?

Scheme of removal of measure from the chair.

To sew a cover on the chair, you must have:

  • decorative fabric;
  • cord or taper for edging;
  • zipper required length;
  • necessary thickness of upholstery batting;
  • Thin polyurethane foam;
  • sewing machine;
  • flexible measuring tape and chalk;
  • pins, furniture nails, buttons or brackets with a stapler;
  • muslin;
  • Iron with a sweeping function and ironing board;
  • The scissors are tailor, ruler, pattern, sharply sharpened pencil.

The cover on the chair can have various forms, but it is always necessary to develop and sew taking into account the features of furniture and its structural component.

As an ideal backrest configuration, one that has a direct shape is expanding or narrows upwards. Such backs are well kept short and long cover. If the chair has a non-standard, curly back, you can sew a decorative short pillowcase, which will close approximately 1/3 or 2/3 of the back.

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How to choose a fabric

How to make a cover on your own hands?

Scheme tightening the pattern of the case.

It is better to make a cover on the chair of a dense stinging of a non-lighter decorative tissue. Do not use thick heavy furniture fabrics intended for furniture upholstery. Heavy fabrics are poorly amenable to machines, it is difficult to dramatically and rudely adjacent to the bends of the furniture.

In order for the manufacture of the cover to be simpler and unearmable, it is better to choose a fabric that does not require the combination of the pattern, for example, a monophonic or small print all over the field. With special accuracy it is worth choosing striped, checkered and with ornaments of fabric, as they may require lines aligning both in the horizontal and vertical direction.

Fabric consumption is primarily determined by the size of the chair and its design, and also depends on the width of the tissue, the size of the rapport and the layouts of the pattern on the fabric. As a rule, the standard soft armchair will require from 6.5 to 7.5 m of tissue, and on a wide range of 9.5 to 11 m. And in the specified calculations, it includes edging and assembly with folds in the corners. When buying a fabric, you should consider the additional flow rate on the ears, decorative assemblies, skirts and folds.

In general, the chair pillow is required from about 1 m to 1.5 m, assembly and folds should be additionally added to the volume of 1 m for a standard chair and 2 m for a wide model.

Development of pattern

How to make a cover on your own hands?

Pattern circuit Cover for chair.

A standard case consists of 4 important structural elements: covers for the seat and back, armrests and skirts, which descends from the seat to the floor. To get the exact dimensions of the elements, you should correctly measure the chair. It is better to measure it with a flexible centimeter. It should be measured:

  • height and width of the chair;
  • Seat size and backs;
  • The dimensions of the armrests.

When the measurements are removed, you can proceed to the development of the pattern. The easiest way to make the pattern of the cover on the existing elements of the courtyard of the chair with the help of pins and inexpensive fabric, such as Muslin. The seams on the case should be placed in those places as on the upholstery, but at the same time eliminate complex parts and elements that violate the ideal landing of the cover.

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To make the pattern for the inner and face part of the back of the cover, you should accurately measure the length and width of the outer part of the back between the feeders of the upholstery, and then carve out the parts on the muslin, considering the allowance.

The finished pattern should be shielded on the surface of the back of the chair and pinch to the upholstery using a pin. At the same time, it is necessary to smooth out the fabric over the entire surface and eliminate it to crush and throwing it. When the pattern is perfectly sitting on the chair, you should do similar operations with other elements.

If the chair has wooden armrests

How to make a cover on your own hands?

Scheme of chairs.

If the furniture has wooden armrests, the batting will help them in the manufacture of the cover. Handrails of armrests should be wrapped with a thick layer of batting, and then decide them with this material and dodge on both sides to the seat and back of the chair. This operation will make it possible to form a soft wide armrest, harmoniously inscribed in the design of the entire design of the chair. Karnat batting in the armrest can be using a furniture stapler.

In the manufacture of patterns for the left and right armrest, two patterns should be made - facial and involving. Mounting the front pattern of the armrest is needed on the front surface of the chair, having previously folded the matter twice and noting with the help of a pencil, its central longitudinal thread. The lower bounds of matter must definitely overlap the specified flip seam by 1.5 cm.

The inner surface of the arrangement pattern should be connected to the front part in the place of the alleged outer seam. Moreover, its inner surface should have an impressive reserve on all the faces, about 18-25 cm on each side. This is necessary, since one side will enter the inner surface of the back, the other is on the front surface of the armrest, and the third is to the bottom edge of the blank placed on the seat.

When all parts of the cover, including for armrests, are cut and are attached to the upholstery of the chair, they should be signed, check in them the presence of the necessary extracts, folds and assemblies, and then open and remove from the chair. The resulting parts will allow you to accurately move the pattern on the fabric and perform the cut.

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Transfer patterns on fabric and cutting

The pattern of muslin should be rationally decomposed on the tissue with the picture, then it should be flipped to the material and with the help of shallow, melts and rules to transfer to the fabric. If the pattern does not contain snacks on the seams, you should be added now. Then cut the items. Patterns are well rented from top to bottom along a longitudinal thread.

Before you begin to connect the details of the pattern, they should be decomposed on a flat surface and consider the sequence of the connection actions. Initially, it is necessary to stack with the help of the corresponding seam and sew using the machine all small parts, for example, extracts or assemblies, and then stack and sew large parts. In this case, you do not have to mess with a bulky uncontrollable case.

In order for the seams to be durable and did not diverge, it is better to use a durable nylon thread and the average stitch length equal to 2.5 cm. Places where thickening from several layers of fabric is becoming better to carry out with a marking needle 90-14 or 100-16.

To the places where the case is subjected to friction, decorative kant should be added.

During the machine's seams, the fabric and kant can not be pulled out.

If the edged seam is superimposed on the other, it should be removed 1 cm cord at the end of Kant to eliminate thickening. In the back of the back of the cover should be sewn zipper.

Supplements to the cover on the chair are various pillows and rollers - today are very relevant accessories and are relevant for almost any kind of soft chairs. They are a simple and comfortable decoration that can bring a variety of design.

Thanks to them, you can independently change the view of the chair, to make it elegant, bright or, on the contrary, calm and strict. You can make supplements on the chair both from the fabric from which the case is made and from any contrasting canvases of any design and configuration.

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