How to put furniture in a narrow room: features


Narrow rooms - not such a big rarity today. Someone in the apartment they appear by mistaken planners of the houses of new buildings, someone - as a result of self-redevelopment, and someone went to inheritance. Simple placement of furniture The question of visual expansion of space in such premises is not solved. Therefore, in addition, how to put furniture in a narrow room, you need to think about the color design of the walls, the ceiling and gender, as well as the design of the furniture itself.

How to put furniture in a narrow room: features

The narrow bedroom visually increasing the photo wallpaper and a mirror.

With an integrated approach to the question, how to arrange furniture, shortcomings of small size rooms can be translated into dignity, comfort and comfort.

Do not disregard both illumination of narrow spaces. The generally accepted option using an exclusively chandelier is likely to be suitable. Bra, wall lamps, the point lighting of walls and furniture will help to remove the feeling of "grip" in narrow rooms.

Narrow kitchen - features

How to put furniture in a narrow room: features

The furniture in the living room should be narrow and long.

As in any narrow room, the living room also has to abandon the generally accepted rules of the standard location of the furniture.

Install the sofa not along the long wall, and in the middle of the room, leaving around it the space for moving around the room. Thus, the living room will be zoned into two sections, and thereby remove the disproportion in the size of the room.

You can hang out open shelves for the sofa, and in front of it to put a small coffee table. The passage to the window must be free, like the space near it. In no case cannot undergo windows with heavy curtains or deaf curtains until the floor. Curtains should be light and air.

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From the usual walls, even if they are with mirror facades, it is better to refuse.

The furniture is desirable to pick up narrow and long.

You can use light mobiles on the rollers. Of course, open shelves will collect dust, but they will not shrink space.

In a narrow living room you can combine the colors of the walls. For example, long walls can be separated by light tones, and the narrow to make darker, thereby smoothing the visual effect from the "car" size of the room.

In terms of lighting, it is better to abandon the chandelier and place a point lamps along the walls or hang under the ceiling with a flat flanfer lamp, which will be as close as possible to the overlap.

You can hang mirrors on long walls, which, as you know, have always played an important role in visual expansion of space.

Sleep room - nuances

How to put furniture in a narrow room: features

For a narrow room for sleep, you need to abandon large cabinets. It is better to install small dressers in the corners.

The problem, how to arrange furniture in a narrow bedroom, is related to the fact that most families cannot be abandoned from the double bed. The bedroom is not a living room, and in it first of all should be convenient not to guests, but the owners.

There are several developed and proven options, in which furniture alignment in a narrow bedroom masks its dimensions.

  1. First, the bed is better to put along the wall that is shorter, or headboard to it. You can solve the question more radically, stopping the choice on the bed, which will be removed in the furniture wall.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to abandon large-sized dresser for storing bed. It is better to install small cabinets in the corners that will not english space and make the bedroom already than it is.

The light gray tones of the walls and mirrors on the long walls in the bedroom will also contribute to the visual increase in the room space.

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Additional premises


How to put furniture in a narrow room: features

For a narrow hallway, the wallpaper is best fit.

The number of furniture items in a narrow hallway should be minimal. In the wall decoration there should be no place for wall panels and various kinds of borders - they are physically and visually reduced the already small space.

The walls are better to go around the walls in bright colors.

Particular attention should be paid to the floor. It is better to smash it into zones - the input part, for example, to bind with ceramic tiles, and then lay out the laminate.

In the walls, you can create a niche under the lighting mirror.


For a narrow corridor, there are also techniques of visual increase in space:
  • The corridor can be zoning on the input zone and the wardrobe area using multi-level plasterboard ceilings;
  • Light tones will always create volume, so they must prevail in a narrow corridor;
  • The mirror wall or both walls of the corridor will help expand the boundaries of the volume;
  • The lighting should not be bright, and it is better to solve it with the help of point lights on the surfaces of the floor and the ceiling.

Kids room

A narrow children's room will not create problems in the question, how to place the furniture if it is with the help of wallpaper is zoned to sites for sleep, games and lessons.

Furniture for the children's room is better to order in the original design, for example, a bed with a luggage attic bed.

Sports corner is better installed in the near door corner, so it will not get into the eyes and reduce the visual perception of space.


How to put furniture in a narrow room: features

In a narrow bathroom, it is better to use shower cabins.

If such a trouble happened, and the apartment turned out to be a narrow bathroom, then there is no reason for despair. If it is impossible to refuse from the traditional bathroom, it is better to be located on a small podium along a short wall.

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But the best option for a narrow bathroom will show a shower cabin installed in the corner far from entering.

Bathroom facing with tiled tiles will take additionally from each wall a couple of centimeters. Therefore, it is better to consider other facing options.

The sink for a washbasin is enough to move closer to the entrance door, as this is the most popular attribute for the morning use.

Conclusions from the foregoing

Narrow rooms should not cluster large-sized furniture. It is better to order furniture for 50 mm already, but to feel the freedom of space, rather than walk, as the obstacle course.

It is necessary to abandon looped facades. Sliding flaps of cabinets and bedside tables will be much more convenient. Glossy and mirror surfaces will serve as the best expansors of the visual perception of space. For decorative wall decoration, it is better to choose light gray tones.

The floor finish is also important for typing narrow premises. Zoning with various types of coatings will help hide small rooms.

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