7 original and simple storage ideas for home


Tired of eternal mess, because there are no places in the house for convenient storage of things? There are 7 original and simple ideas that will help bring order in the house, and streamline the life of your items. These ideas will make a highlight to the interior of the apartment, and contribute to the competent organization of the home space.

Wall hooks

Many underestimate such an idea like wall hooks. This option is an inexpensive and universal way to store things. N. And the hooks can be hung not only of clothing items, but also different accessories: ties, scarves, bags, belts and hats.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Metal wall grid

Metal wall mesh is a popular storage method, since this option is simple and concise. This grid has the basis of a metal with small cells, on which you can store different accessories, shoes and clothes on the shoulder.

At cells attach:

  • hooks on which you can hang ties and scarves;
  • clothespins for hats and different clothing items;
  • Shoes with heels for which they can be cling.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Interesting! Due to the small dimensions, the metal grid can be placed at any wall. It takes very little space, so practical in use.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Fabric cabinet

This interesting idea is suitable for apartments with a small area or for a removable apartment. The fabric cabinet can be closed or open, have crossbars for hangers and shelves.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

The advantage of the cabinet made of fabric is the low price compared to large wooden shelves and cabinets. This option will be an excellent solution for the arrangement of student hostel or cottage - compact and easy, it is convenient to transport it in the car. When necessary, it can be easily rearranged to another place, and if there is no need to use this cabinet, it can be quickly disassembled. It does not need special care and is easy to clean.

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7 original and simple storage ideas for home


Hanger-staircase - original way to store things . To take advantage of this idea, you just need to lean the staircase to the wall, and it will turn out a hanger for bags, towels, shoe and clothing items.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

You can attach a hook to the crossbar, hang clothes on the shoulders or directly on the crossbar. This is an excellent option for a small room. The staircase hanger is easy to remove or rearrange to another place.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Wardrobe showcase

The cabinet-showcase is an original idea for storage, which will make life more comfortable and practical. In it, you can store bags, shoes and shoes, exposing both in the store on the shop window - in perfect order. No need to spend a lot of time looking for the right thing - all in sight.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Important! Any thing that is stored in the wardrobe should be in perfect condition. After all, anyone who goes to visit you will certainly see everything.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Station design

To significantly save space in the apartment, you can use the rod design. It implies a rod suspended to the ceiling on the cables. On such a construction, you can hang clothes on hangers. Simple, original, convenient especially for small rooms.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

Wire cabinet

Another original idea is a wire wardrobe that can be bought almost in any store. The view is a wardrobe with the door, inside which the wire baskets are placed. They easily put forward, so you can quickly find any desired thing. This option is suitable for any apartment, such cabinets are produced in different sizes and designs.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

In wire wardrobes, it is best to store:

  • Different accessories;
  • light shoes;
  • underwear;
  • Objects of clothing in folded form, things that do not need to iron.

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

For each mistress, it is important to issue places for storing clothes and other things. 7 original and simple ideas will help to properly organize space in your home, and easy to clean up without special costs.

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7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

7 original and simple storage ideas for home

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