Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer


Bedroom - Multifunctional Rooms. If there are few places, the items begin to accumulate on the bedside tables, chairs and sex. Organizers located in different places will solve the problem of order. They are ready for sale in the store. But manufacturing independently decorative canvas with pockets, the hostess makes it under its items, simultaneously gets rid of old things, which just thoroughly sorry.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Sort all the little things in the closet

The optimal option for guidance of order and solving most of the problems is the placement of the organizer in the closet . Using for the basis of old dresses, it is convenient to hang on the shoulders. In the pockets you can fold the little things that forever have to search:

  • socks;
  • gloves;
  • underpants;
  • Scarfics;
  • scarves.

When going to work in the morning, it is enough to open the Chiffonier and get the desired thing, knowing exactly where it lies.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Such an organizer can be double-sided. To do this, you need to make simple actions available to hostesses far from the profession of porn:

  1. Take a flat dress straight cut.
  2. Spretch sleeves and extra elements.
  3. Another dress cut into stripes, separate one side of the braid.
  4. Sew the untreated bottom fabric strips.
  5. Make horizontal seams, creating the pockets of the desired size.

Important! So that the pockets were voluminous and beautiful, the fabric is going. Scheduled on the markup, located down the finished side. Then rises, divides seams on the section. Unprocessed edge hidden inside pocket.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Made a note, where socks, where shocks to quickly get the right things and know where to lay them after washing.

Note! The basis should be made from dense tissue, which will not be pulled out under the weight of things. Pockets made of lightweight material.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

In the closet there is so many organizers as needed to fold all things. The basis is made from different old things:

  • skirts;
  • pants;
  • jackets.

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For men, it is better to make a separate adaptation and pockets of different colors, then they will faster will find their things.

On the wall

In the small bedroom, the organizer turns into a decor, adjusts visually space. A long vertical strip of contrast or darker color than walls, lifting the ceiling. The device is originally located near the bed, stitched from the remains of old denim things.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

  1. Collect the belongings from denim who did not dress for more than a year.
  2. Spretch all overhead pockets.
  3. Sew a long canvas. Insert the bar on the upper edge and fade to her edges cord so that you can hang on a nail.
  4. Safle on the canvas at the bottom of the pocket.
  5. The top to decorate embroidery or appliqué.
  6. Score a nail and hang next to the bed in the headboard.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Now the items used before bedtop items:

  • glasses;
  • books and newspapers;
  • televisions from the TV;
  • Mobiles;
  • alarm clock.

Tip! If you are reading before bedtime, make a big pocket for newspapers or books. In a house where animals have, it is convenient to put sneakers in such an organizer.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Even a short organizer, without jewelry, frees the place in the bedroom and helps maintain order. No one will fall asleep, rise to put the remote or newspaper. They will be on the floor along with glasses. In pockets near the head, it is not difficult to put, and no one comes on things.

Attention! If the apartment is located near the road and dust seeps in the windows, make closing pockets for a wall organizer. Then vacuuming it every day and maintain cleanliness will be much easier.

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

The mood of a woman will be good in the morning when there will be a bright organizer with cosmetics, comb, hairpins near her bedroom. Everything lies in their places, on the table, order and vase with flowers.

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How to sew pockets (1 video)

Organizers with pockets (8 photos)

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

Fabric pockets: Excellent Little Bedroom Organizer

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