Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly


Combining the kitchen and hall is a solution that allows you to get a comfortable room for cooking, her reception and recreation. The studio kitchen is a new functional space. At the same time, the question arises, what to hang curtains in the living room combined with the kitchen and how to make a kitchen window.

Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

Kitchen-living room

  • Cooking - Studio with two windows
  • What are the curtains
  • When choosing a curtain for the combined room, the following points are taken into account:

    • Appointment of each part of the room
    • Quantity and interpordability of windows
    • Safety
    • Design Gardin
    • Installed furniture and equipment

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    To start picking curtains in the living room, you need to find out from which parts it consists of this space.

    What is a cooking studio

    The classic room of this type consists of three elements:

    1. The working part is a place where food is preparing, an appliance is installed, the dishes are stored, that is, the kitchen itself is directly.
    2. Dining part - there is a suitable table, chairs, a slide for beautiful dishes.
    3. Recreation Area - Soft furniture, TV, Bookcase, Coffee table.

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    As zoning elements are used:

    • Flooring and walls
    • Constructive elements - Multi-level ceilings, thresholds, arches, partitions
    • Furniture and decorative objects
    • Lighting

    The studio kitchen can have one window - only in the recreation area, two light openings - in the kitchen and in the hall, three or more in different combinations. In urban apartments, the question is most often about what to hang curtains for living room and kitchen with one and two windows.

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    Curtains for working part

    This part of the combined space is exposed to a strong exposure to water, steam, various contaminants. To select the curtains for the kitchen, you need to take into account the following characteristics:

    • Kitchen size - the darker or less space, the lighter curtains.
    • The proximity of the window to the stove - curtains should be safe, that is, it is not near open fire.
    • The proximity of the window to the sink - water should not fly on the curtains.
    • The length of the curtain - the optimal will be the option to the windowsill, you can choose asymmetric or arched solutions, while the farther window is from the plate and washing, the longer the curtains can be.

      Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    • Material - natural fabrics are quickly soaked with smells and polluted, so it is better to use synthetic materials.
    • Kitchen style.

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    When choosing a curtain for a kitchen room, first draws attention to safety and functionality, and then on the design.

    Suitable curtains for the kitchen choose easy. In addition to all the above, the requirements of the curtain should be easily removed, wearing and staring.

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly


    Curtains for the hall

    The hall consists of two functional areas. Choosing curtains in the dining room, can be repelled from where there is a light opening. When designing a hall, the design goes to first place.

    Registration of dining room

    In most cases, the window remains in the recreation area. If the room is planned so that the table is standing next to the window, then it is better to hang curtains that are well-transmitting light and pay attention to their color:

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    1. Light brown, orange, red and pastel tones - excite appetite
    2. Yellow - gives sense of satisfaction
    3. Cold shades - reduce appetite

    For the dining room you can combine curtains with tulle. Their design can elaborate with the recreation area or the working part. The length of the Gardin does not matter, but sometimes depends on the houseplants grown on the windowsill.

    Registration of the recreation area

    To choose successful curtains in the living room combined with the kitchen, three points should be taken into account:

    1. Relationship with kitchen;
    2. Size and illumination of the recreation area;
    3. Style room.

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    It is easiest to deal with dimensions and constructive features: warm shades are selected for the northern windows, cold - for southern and small rooms, bright - for spacious rooms, the vertical strip is suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

    Depending on how much the decoration of the living room echoes the working area there are two ways, how to create a curtain decor for the hall combined with a kitchen:

    • Functional zones are made in different styles, then Curtains harmonizes only with the living room.
    • Gardin becomes a unifying link between different parts of the room - with this version of the curtains for living room kitchens can overlap with apron over the working surface, to be completed with textiles of pillows, capes, harmonize with chairs or tablecloth.

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    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    You can pick up curtains in the living room, relying on the already existing room design. A classical solution involves the use of white tulle of various shades and heavy curtains of non-lard tones. To give the completeness of bold modern or avant-garde solutions, you need to place the kitchen living room with bright curtains with the effect of contrast. Lightweight fabrics with metal splashes are suitable for Heyteka. Provence will not cost without the effect of lilac. Country or Eco are supplemented with a vegetable pattern curtains. Pumping Baroque living rooms are decorated with curtains with lambrequins, fringe, tassels, faldami.

    Cooking - Studio with two windows

    Are there any curtains in different zones? Designers confidently say no. The selected curtains for the kitchen of the living room with two windows have an impact:

    Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    1. The location of the windows relative to a friend - if both windows are immediately visible, then it is better to combine the decision: hang the same tulle, choose similar on the texture or color range of fabric
    2. The style of the hall and the design of the working area - at different approaches to the design of space, pick up the curtains in the kitchen combined with the living room can be in any variant

    The curtains are selected not only from different tones belonging to one color, but also simply suitable shades in the color circle.

    What are the curtains

    Modern kitchen-living room allows us to use various types of textiles for windows.

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    Knowing their successful combinations among themselves, you can pick up curtains in the kitchen living room of any type:

    • Classic curtains from heavy fabric are hanging in the hall, combined with Tulle;
    • Lightweight curtains are suitable for curtains in the kitchen;
    • Tulle - used for any premises;
    • Rolled blinds - often installed in the working area, they can be covered with tulle;
    • Roman curtains are sewed from natural or expensive fabrics, suitable for a hall or kitchen if there is no plates with a sink;

      Curtains in the living room combined with a kitchen: how to choose and arrange correctly

    • Japanese curtains - move along the window along a special guide, are installed in any room, even for a small kitchen window, if made up to the windowsill.

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    When choosing curtains for the combined living room, you should pay attention to what part of the room they are intended, overall design, modern trends, practicality and functionality of the curtains.

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