Glass curtains: species, features, purpose


When planning an unusual solution for decorating the room, it is worth paying attention to modern glass curtains. These original products appeared as a result of the high popularity of glass shower partitions. They can be used in balconies, loggias, in residential and office space. They are a worthy substitute for traditional fabric curtains, differing in high practicality and functionality. There are options that can be used in a room for segmentation of space or simply as an original decoration.

Glass curtains: species, features, purpose

Types of curtains from glass, their features, dignity and disadvantages

Glass curtains that equip showers and a bath are equipped with a special group of products. In addition, there are two more types of products intended for use directly in residential premises.

  1. Glass whole curtains. These are plates of glass, ideally suitable for size for a particular window opening. They can be of different areas and are considered frameless structures, since it contains the minimum amount of aluminum inserts. Plates are attached to carrier frames that are practically invisible. The result is a clean image, widely used on balconies, terraces, directly in the rooms. Products are made from heavy-duty glass, strokes resistant. Various variants of color solutions and any degree of material density are possible (up to the full light lock).
  2. Curtains in the form of beads. Everyone will agree that elegant and graceful curtains made of flaring can be a real decoration of any interior. Few people think about their functionality - such things are created for beauty. Small or large beads are drawn into very durable threads and are attached to the window or door to the window, decorative arc, ceiling. Such products can be created even on their own, connecting the same or excellent elements and forming unique images.


If there is a choice between cheaper plastic beads and expensive glass, it is better to choose a second option or abandon the ventilation curtain. Plastic, in contrast to the glass, scratching, turbines, does not refract the light, does not paint the room with magic shades.

Glass curtains can be combined with tissue curtains, but it costs it cautiously: it may be a motley and causing image due to several shades and the combination of the porter with a shiny surface.

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Original structures, regardless of whether they are installed in shower cabins or residential rooms, have many positive qualities.

  • Attractive appearance, many options for design and submission of the system, a variety of materials.
  • Most glass panels are covered with a special antibacterial composition, which increases the practicality of products and facilitates care.
  • Even when using a shutter in a room with high humidity and air temperature (kitchen, loggia, shower cabins, bathroom) The surface of the functional elements is not covered with mold, fungus, rust or salt sediments.
  • The strength of materials allows not to worry about their integrity and can even protect against accident.

Among the negative points of use of structures, it can be noted that the glass curtains relate to expensive decor subjects, if compared with traditional options. Yes, and to establish such systems should be professionals, they can even cope with the most simple models very difficult.

Glass curtains: species, features, purpose

Appointment of glass curtains, application rules in the interior

Designs made of glass are appropriate in all rooms and interiors. Consider the most optimal options for using the objects of the situation in residential and household facilities.

  • Bathroom, shower cabins. Protection of the space of the room from splashes and steam is ensured, a secluded corner is created when using opaque materials.
  • Segmentation of residential premises with a flaring curtain. Original and non-standard solution that allows you to smash a spacious room for individual communicating areas. Glass curtains are perfectly suitable for separating the household part of the kitchen from the food zone.
  • Unusual design of the living room, loggia and balcony.
  • Kitchen. With the help of glass plates, which are commonly used to cut the shower from the bathroom, separate the working area of ​​the kitchen from the dining table or a soft corner. This technique is ideal for small-sized premises, in which everything is near.
  • Door openings. The glass curtains of the filament type are often used as doors in standard or arched openings.

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In the bedroom or children's room, such products are not recommended. Traditional curtains will create a more cozy, relaxing and having to sleep atmosphere.

Glass curtains: species, features, purpose

Glass curtains for shower and bathroom

In addition to protecting against water and a pair, glass curtains installed in shower cabins or on the edge of the bath must create a cozy and aesthetic atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the optimal option from existing ones.

  1. Fixed. The most simple option. Such curtains are installed only on one part of the bath, forming peculiar shower cabins, only without the door. Installation of the system does not require a lot of time and complex engineering works, you do not need to adjust the panel. With all the simplicity of solution, it is considered the least convenient.
  2. Swing. Options may be several - with partial or full of bath coating, one or two doors. Performed on a metal frame or without it.
  3. Sliding. Such sowers consist of mobile panels that are shifted by guides and provide maximum protection of the room from water. Required the presence of a fixed part (or two), for which the panels are becoming when not needed.

When choosing the optimal model, pay attention to the following points:

  • The glass must be durable, do not purchase cheap options with the addition of various mixtures;
  • When choosing a matte or tinted glass it is worth taking care of additional sources of lighting, otherwise the room will seem gloomy.

Glass curtains: species, features, purpose


Before planning a purchase, it is necessary to analyze everything and work out the details. In some interiors, such products will be uncomfortable or simply inappropriate, the view of the premises will suffer significantly, and considerable funds will be thrown into the wind.

With extreme caution, it is worth considering the use of such structures (especially from the glass) indoors with young children. Manufacturers make everything possible so that beautiful beads can not be cut off, but if desired, everything is possible. It is necessary to either carefully calculate the length and use shortened curtains, or provide other protective measures.

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