Loft-style bedroom with their own hands: design, photo



The bedroom, in the interior of which two worlds were bizarked: old with open brick walls, female floors, remaining visible, pipes, stairs and a new one with the most modern appliances and furniture, metal and huge mirrors, is a bedroom in the style of Loft. The main rule of this style is the connection of various, at first glance, uncompressive, architectural solutions.

Loft-style bedroom with their own hands: design, photo

Figure 1. Bed with a canopy excellent private space.

Space without borders

Since the loft literally translates as a attic, he absorbed all characteristic of these premises features: a lot of free space, the presence of open communication networks, simple brickwork, open beams on a high ceiling. The founders of this direction were poor artists who settled in the old industrial premises and equipped them with what was available.

Loft-style bedroom with their own hands: design, photo

Figure 2. Distinctive features of Loft style - high ceilings, walls with coarse plaster.

Modern Bohemia also prefers this direction in the design of their homes. It allows them to use all their fantasy, thinking on the design of the house. Loft style is more than any other suitable for the lifestyle of creative people, for exhibitions, presentations and noisy parties.

Supporters of this design become owners of studios or apartments that have free layout. Window over the wall and a lot of space - the best basis to organize a stylish interior.

The number of supporters of this direction is complemented by young freedom-loving people with their constant desire to stand out from the crowd, with the whole new and non-standard.

Loft style is an excellent choice for a human economical person who does not want to spend a lot of money, drawing up his housing, but still wants to stand out against the rest of the rest.

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Freedom and spacious

Loft style in the interior is a bold solution. Not everyone can normally feel in the same room, which combines the entire apartment: kitchen, living room, bedroom.

Loft style in the interior completely rejects partitions, only a bedroom and bathroom can be exception. The game of light, color and special placement of furniture help break the space on the zone.

Loft-style bedroom with their own hands: design, photo

Figure 3. Loft bedroom lighting can be the usual light bulbs freely hanging from the ceiling on wires that imitate temporary lighting.

The bedroom is the most problematic place in this interior. How to organize a zone for loft style and not lose personal space? A good solution will be partition from a dense impermeable fabric or lightweight air canopy, which means the border between the general and the beginning of the personal space (Fig. 1).

To embody Loft's style in the interior of your home, it is not necessary to have a studio apartment. Even in the usual apartment there is a similar design. Loft style gives complete freedom of action, does not limit in colors, giving the opportunity to choose those that are most suitable. After all, the bedroom is a personal space that I want to arrange as it seems to the owner itself.

When the interior of the bedroom is associated with purity and peace, it is necessary to choose light tones: white, gray, beige. They will help soften space. The bed on the podium or in the form of a mattress on the floor surrounded by plants in the original pots will complement the bedroom design.

Those who prefer more aggressive direction of style should pay attention to brighter colors: orange, turquoise, red, blue. Or stop your choice on the classic version of this direction.

Loft bedroom design is a wooden floor, a wall with brick masonry or coarse plaster, high ceilings with protruding beams (Fig. 2). Brickwork can be painted white. This will add air to the interior. If the walls are revealed so that the real laying is visible is not possible, then you can simulate it. For example, use the wallpaper on which a similar pattern is applied.

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Furniture and light in the bedroom interior: features

Loft-style bedroom with their own hands: design, photo

Figure 4. Registration of windows blinds makes lighting soft and scattered.

Stress the design in Loft style will help furniture. To do this, it will be necessary free space, and if it is enough, then the bed in the center of the room is ideal for the bedroom in the style of Loft. In addition to the bed, you can put the armchairs, soft puffs. All upholstered furniture should be focused closer to the middle of the room. The most important thing is not to overload space, everything should look harmoniously.

Loft style is a lot of light and feeling of freedom. Ideal if there is a large window in the bedroom. This is an extra opportunity to close the bedroom design as much as possible to your favorite style.

If there are no windows, it is possible to expand the space in other ways. For this, large mirrors are used. It can only be a mirror occupying one of the walls, or a wardrobe, whose doors are a huge mirror cloth.

The bedroom design will be unfinished without the use of lamps. They can be the most different and unusual. There must be a lot of them. It may be ordinary light bulbs and freely hanging from the ceiling of wires, stylizing temporary lighting and as if hinting that in the past life, this room was industrial (Fig. 3). Or a chandelier, stylized under ancient, can be attached on the remains of the old pipeline, which remained on the ceiling.

However, it should be remembered that the lighting of the bedroom should not be aggressive. Blinds and multi-level lighting will allow you to get soft scattered light in the interior (Fig. 4).

Decor in the bedroom

It is possible to decorate the bedroom in the most unusual direction. The main thing is that it was close to the life of its owners. Loft style in the interior can be supplemented with household rugs and chopped with a covering, upholstery cloth with monochrome ornament, small puffs.

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Bedroom design will complement the fireplace. It can be a traditional design laid out manually, or a more modern electrical model.

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