How to choose a suitable interior design?


Each person in life happens to such a moment when the surrounding situation ceases to delight and bring positive emotions. In such situations, the setting is very helpful. But what to do, if before the holidays still wait a long time, and the surrounding situation is increasing more and more? In this situation, the interior change can very help. But how to choose an interior design in which you will feel as comfortable and comfortable? Taking advantage of the following advice, you can easily find the right way.

How to choose a suitable interior design?

The design of the room should be harmoniously combined with the inner world of the owner.

On the choice of interior design is conceived not only when the existing situation acts in the oppressive way. There are several more reasons, because of which the owner of the house or apartment is thinking about how to choose a design.

The main reasons requiring selecting the interior style

How to choose a suitable interior design?

Romanticism is characterized by natural beauty and tenderness.

  1. Acquired a new apartment or house.
  2. Changing the functional purpose of the room (for example, from the office you need to make a children's room or from the kitchen dining room).
  3. Repairs in the room and furniture are outdated and require updates.
  4. The internal state of the owner has changed, or there has been a change in the type of activity (changes in the character of a person and his hobbies are usually reflected in the situation around it).
  5. The surrounding environment no longer meets the needs or acts inhibiting residents and guests.
  6. There was a desire to upgrade everything in his life (the interior change is almost always).

Methods of interior change

How to choose a suitable interior design?

Types of interior design.

  1. Global method - design is drawn with almost pure sheet. Under the global method, the owner fully changes the existing interior, which includes repair, buying new furniture, decorative elements, etc.
  2. Partial way - the interior design is changing, but not completely. For example, the owner decided to change the style in the interior, without making repairs at the same time. In some cases, on the contrary, a small repair is performed, decorative elements are changing, and the furniture remains the same.
  3. A simple way - the change of the interior occurs only due to changes in decorative elements and small transformations (curtains, paintings are changing, the furniture is rearranged, etc.).

How to choose interior design?

No matter how much the way of changing the interior you choose, the main thing is to remember that the main task is not to implement the repair and change of furniture, but the change in the surrounding space. Repair can be a step in implementing this task, but not at all the main tool.

It is necessary to look at your apartment with the eyes of an outsider. See what you see? The surrounding situation tells a lot about the owner of the apartment. Interior design of the room is a kind of business card. You can even spend the experiment and invite a person unfamiliar to you. Let him try to answer the questions - who lives here, how many people, what age of the owner, what is his character, is it happy for a person living here? Who do you want to look in the eyes of others? Housewife, business man or man movement and creativity?

The design of the room must open the inner world of the host and at the same time good to harmonize with it.

How to choose a suitable interior design?

For Baroque style, gold-plated stucco and great abundance of mirrors are characteristic.

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Only in this case you can comfortably and comfortably feel at home. Many have situations where started repair is delayed very long. This is because old wallpapers change to new, the ceilings and coating on the floor are updated. Maybe the old repair would be quite satisfied, but it is necessary to change so that there is no shame. By doing the same repair and changing the interior of "for yourself", everything happens quite differently. A person connects his creative potential and gradually begins to create his "nest". The peculiarity of a good designer is to feel the mood and preferences of the host of the room and implement them in ideal form, using your knowledge and skills.

However, the owner of the house itself, having received the necessary information and responding to a few questions, will be able to become the best Creator to create an interior in his home. One should only believe that on the entire area, which you own, you can fully express our individuality, and the interior is to make memorable and interesting.

When choosing a style, it must be remembered that the apartment performs several functions:

  1. The apartment is a holiday destination and relaxation (think what items, colors, details and materials are associated with your holiday).
  2. The apartment is a place to accumulate forces, recharging energy, meals (choose for yourself those objects that really bring you pleasure and joy).
  3. The apartment is a reflection of your individuality (think what colors, things, symbols, or something else you identify with you and your inner world).

To avoid previous errors, carefully inspect each detail of your interior. In relation to every detail, answer questions: Do you have pleasure to look at her, use it, what kind of associations and memories do it cause, is it good if it fulfilled its functional purpose? Sometimes even the best interior can overshadow negative energy. When there is a lot of quarrels and unpleasant moments in the room in life, the negative attitude towards the interior takes shape. In such situations, the decimal change is extremely necessary.

How to choose your style in the interior?

How to choose a suitable interior design?

When creating an Egyptian style, it is recommended to focus on structures with columns.

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A good art critic, looking at the sculpture or picture, immediately calls the author of the work. This is because it immediately catches something that defines this author. And it is called this style.

The style is called a harmonious combination of content and shapes. If there is no harmony, then the created image produces repulsive impression. Style can be inherent not only to directions in art, but house, apartment, car and man itself.

Do not think that the style is the privilege of only wealthy people. Everyone can make their home unique and special, especially since the modern market offers a huge variety of finishing materials and tools designed for people with a different level of wealth. With repair and small decoration efforts, everyone can transform his home.

First of all, it is necessary to find your own style. This can be done with the help of an experienced designer, and it can also be independently familiarized with some theoretical knowledge and concepts about the interior. The main feature of the style is the unity of all components of its decorative and structural elements, as well as the idea, spirit and manners, which permeated this work (in this case, the interior of the house).

The main styles that are used in the creation of the interior

How to choose a suitable interior design?

Gothic style does not recommend using a large number of items.

  1. Gothic style is characterized by the maximum cleansing of space from unnecessary and unnecessary items.
  2. Baroque is characterized by an abundance of mirrors, gilded stucco and rounded corners.
  3. Egyptian style imitates the majestic and pompous ancient temples, tombs and palaces. The main accents are put on structures with columns.
  4. Classicism - dear style for rich conservative people.
  5. Modern assumes an exquisite linearity.
  6. Romanticism promotes natural beauty and tenderness. For decoration of premises in this style, wild stone, wrought iron and live plants use.
  7. Modernism involves the creation of the most ideal proportions and color solutions.
  8. Art Deco is characterized by ease and grace of decor, which is trying to fit into the world of modern technologies.

Stages of creating interior decor

How to choose a suitable interior design?

When changing the design, it is recommended to get rid of old unnecessary things.

  1. Stage planning. It begins with the development of planning solutions that can mostly reveal the potential of this space. At this stage, the owner of the premises must decide how it will be convenient for him to walk around the apartment, relax, work, etc.
  2. The stycle of design style includes a choice of colors and suitable textures.
  3. The project implementation includes a selection of suitable elements of structures, materials and engineering networks.

Methods of interior design

How to choose a suitable interior design?

In place for recreation it is recommended to use photos or paintings.

One of the main materials for interior decoration are photos, painting, sculptures, tapestries, glass and wood products. The restroom must be issued by those elements of the decor that are positive, soothing charge. Very often, things that were acquired during exciting travels, or photographs made in favorite places act as such elements. The resting place can be decorated with your favorite colors.

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The working area needs to be equipped in such a way that it can lift your energy, to stimulate on improving performance. Over the desktop you can hang a picture depicting what stimulates you to action. It can be a running animal or an image of what you are striving for and what you work for. Creative people can equip the workplace by those things that inspire them and reveal the creative potential. It is useful here to place objects that reflect the result of labor: awards, letters, successfully taken photos, favorite books.

Many parents make a big mistake in the design of the children's room - copy liked the design from the magazine. Most often, the girl's room is chosen in pink color and decorated with toys and plots from favorite cartoons. The room acquires the standard in which the child will not be able to feel as comfortable as possible and develop its individuality. Consider what your child is interested in. Maybe horses? Then, maybe instead of pink wallpapers, punish a photo wallpaper with running horses, make a ceiling in the form of the sky and put a green coating in the form of grass? What do you think a boy who is fond of aircraft will be glad if you place a room in the form of a runway, and on the closer you will find a flying plane?

It is very important when changing designs to say goodbye to the old, unnecessary, who taught their own terms. They will not only hinder the new image of your home, but will begin to suppress it. There are cases when it is not possible to replace the thing yet or you don't want to throw away, but it does not fit into the interior. In such situations, the thing can be transformed - to adapt to a new interior design. The thing decorated with its own hands will reflect the inner world of the host. To do this, it is necessary to armarate with paints, brushes and other utility materials and tools that can be bought in the store or find at home. There are many techniques with which you can even update the oldest and unfit item.

How to choose the style of the room, if a few people live in the house with a variety of tastes and looks on how homemade heart should look like? It is worth remembering that each family member should have its own corner, which he will be able to equip at its discretion, without adhering to any other templates. In the arrangement of general places of recreation and pastime, it is necessary to look for compromises. Even having the biggest contradictions, due to the vast choice of design solutions, you can find all the option.

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