Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch


Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Embroidery with a cross - the process of exciting, creative and universal, helps to relax and without much costs to create an interior decoration that embroidery has a beneficial effect on a person's condition, but it should not be forgotten about elementary safety equipment. Getting Started, you need to learn how to make stitches correctly, since without this, the embroidery will not work beautiful and neat. It is possible to embroider with crosses in various ways, namely: from bottom to top and vice versa; rows can be vertically and horizontally; Diagonal embroidery.

How to embroider with a cross right: features

The most important thing when embroidered so that the ranks walked strictly in one direction. Each crop performed consists of two separate stitches: lower and top. Initially, all stitches are stitched in one direction, and then embroidery goes in the opposite direction. Observing uncomplicated rules, you can quickly learn to embroider very well and decorate the house with your products.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Before starting work, to perform beautiful and unusual embroidery, place individual threads on special bobbins

An embroidery of a cross is considered a sufficiently light and interesting kind of needlework, but, before proceeding with the work, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for embroidery.

Before carrying out embroidery, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, namely:

  • Canvas treatment with a special adhesive substance;
  • Carrying out the marking of the canvas;
  • Stretch and try fabric.

Since the canvas in the process can be sprinkled, then it is necessary to be treated with a special adhesive before starting embroidery. It takes quite a bit of time, but at the same time the edges will be saved entire. It is especially important to pre-process the edges of the border when embroidered large modular paintings. Then it is necessary to make a marking of the canvas. All schemes for embroidery with a cross are broken into separate squares corresponding to one cross. In order not to get confused in the embroidery, it is necessary to place the canvas on the squares of 10x10 crosses. Markup is quite possible to do using special markers, pencils or ordinary kneaders.

Important! When choosing markers, you need to take into account their peculiarity, as some of them are fixed on the tissue at high temperatures, therefore it is impossible to wash the product in hot water.

Threads for embroidery should be divided into separate threads, winding them into special bobbins. Before the start of the work, the cloth must be used and thoroughly try.

How to learn to embroider with a cross alone

To learn how to embroider a cross from scratch very well, you need to see the master class, where it stages about how to start the embroidery process and that it will be necessary for this.

To learn how to sew beautiful pictures, you need:

  • Correctly fix thread;
  • Stitches;
  • Select drawings and much more.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

The thread attached without nodules is the necessary embroidery element to help create the perfect needlework

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It is necessary to start the embroidery from the top left corner, in this case the cross will go from left to right, and all the available rows will be seeded in turn down one by one. From the very beginning of the embroidery, it is necessary to learn how to fix the thread without nodules. To secure the thread, you can leave a long tail on the opposite side of the embroidery or fasten the tail on the front side of the embroidery under the previously embroidered cross.

To embroider a cross, you need to turn the needle to the leftmost corner of the future cross from the wrong side, and then diagonally to remove the thread on the front side and turn the needle to the top corner on the right. Then on the involving side to draw a thread and remove it in the bottom corner under the top.

It is necessary to make the right side of the same diagonal stitches of the same color in a row, as indicated on the embroidery scheme. Then the same way to return to the very beginning of the row. To do this, you need to turn the needle to the upper left corner and remove it through the wrong side in the lower corner diagonally. As a result, smooth and beautiful crosses are obtained.

Important! You never need to start embroidering from the middle of the pattern, as you can only get confused and incorrectly determine the location of the pattern.

Easy embroidery with cross: lesson for beginners

Embroidery with a cross for beginners - an excellent opportunity to get a beautiful picture in the end, without applying too much effort, since the main drawing is already applied to the fabric, the most important thing is to study the value of each color applied to the fabric.

A different fabric can be used as a canvas, namely:

  • Cotton;
  • Rhozhod;
  • Linen;
  • Sackcloth;
  • Canvas.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Canva based on flax, canvas or burlap is a unique material for embroidery, allowing you to create many interesting works.

All these fabrics have a noticeable cell for embroidery with a cross. The fabric can be with a large or small weave and better if it is bright. After reviewing patterns of patterns, you can choose the best option that will be stylish and refined to look at a completely any item. Schemes are very convenient for embroidery, as in this way, learn to embroider with a cross. It is very interesting to be a combination on one linen of a cross with a stuel, as it will allow you to get a very beautiful and original drawing.

You can embroider on color tissue, because such an embroidery will look very interesting and original.

Especially cross-stitch

Before you start choosing a drawing for embroidery, you need to clarify, such a symbol is carried away each figure.

In particular, you can embroider such patterns and drawings as:

  • Flowers;
  • Animals;
  • Human.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

To maintain a nonsense charm of embroidery, it is necessary to use flowers as a pattern that convert ordinary work into a symbol of love and beauty

Flowers are most often used as a pattern for embroidery, as it is a symbol of beauty, love and attractiveness. Lotus denotes perfection, grace, spiritual peace. Magnolia is considered a symbol of love and sophistication. Peony - Flower of Joy, Passion and Love. It is considered the most favorable sign for young couple. Chrysanthemum is considered a symbol of good luck, and a vase with flowers helps to attract wealth to itself. If you need to attract love to the house, you should hang a picture on the wall, where Osinka is embroidered.

Very often on embroidery you can see animals. Many prefer to embroider cats, as they are considered a symbol of home comfort. Therefore, if there is a desire to get your own keeper comfort, it is worth embrace the cat.

If there is no beloved person, you can embroider a couple of wolves, as it contributes to a meeting with the second half, and also helps to find a family comfort. In addition, you can embroider a pair of birds, in particular, the bullfights look very beautiful, as the embroidery is obtained bright, colorful and saturated.

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Embroidery with cross: ideas

Many are interested in which it is best to choose patterns for embroidery so that you can decorate the house.

Now embroidery is actively used to decorate many products, in particular, such as:

  • Decorative pillows;
  • Handbags;
  • Boxes for jewelry and more.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

An additional chic embroidered picture gives an image of the seasons. The perfect option is a summer that makes a hopper at any interior.

There are many ideas for embroidery, which will be able to please children and adults. To make a beautiful picture or a postcard for children, you can use pictures with animals, in particular, they are perfectly suitable for those depicted: bunny, fox, dog or cat. For kitchen towels, fruits embroidered fruits, vegetables, tea and dining rooms can be a good ornament. In addition, if you wish, you can decorate the kitchenware with beautiful and original patterns. It looks stylish enough and unique.

Many prefer to portray a person on embroidery, however, it is necessary to take into account some rules. To bring comfort and harmony and comfort to the house, it is better to embroider a couple that holds hands or kiss. This will help bring harmony into a family couple's relationship and make the relationship more harmonious. It looks very beautifully on the painting of the cross-embroidered seasons, especially summer, as in this way, you can show all the beauty of nature. If there is a desire to portray Christmas topics, then you need to portray the balls of the balls, the Christmas tree, Santa Claus and other fabulous characters on the canvas.

How to embroider a cross: basic rules

An embroidery with a cross is considered quite interesting and easy to occupy, the most important thing to comply with certain rules. All required processes must be carried out very competently and carefully.

There are three main types of stitches that are used when embroidery, namely:

  • Cross;
  • Half-trial;
  • Tapestry stitch.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

To make the embroidery, it is necessary to competently approach the location of the stitches, performing them in one direction

An embroidery of the cross implies a pattern at which two threads fall on each other in the form of a cross. This seam is quite simple, the most important thing to consistently perform the embroidery process. Semi-travesty is half the crossed. Similar stitch usually embroidered background for drawing. In addition, the semi-trial is used for embroidery large pictures, as this will save the thread.

The tapestry seam is very similar to the semicreress, but only the wrong side differs. Tapestry seam embroidered vertical and horizontal rows.

There are certain secrets of good embroidery, which must certainly consider when carrying out work. It is very important that all stitches are the same and walked in one direction. It is not worth tightening the thread too much, it is better to make a stitch get better. For embroidery, it is better to use threads of good quality Moulin, as they differ in strength, durability and saturated colors.

Important! When carrying out an embroidery, the cross can be used traditional (English) cross or Danish.

What you need for embroidery with cross: materials and tools

Before proceeding directly to embroidery, you certainly need to prepare materials and tools.

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In particular, such as:

  • Invoice canvas;
  • Family;
  • Threads Muline;
  • Needles;
  • Scissors;
  • Scheme for the pattern.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cutting canvas conveniently use for embroidery on bags, pillows and other things that I would like to decorate

Cutting canvas part is used to facilitate the embroidery process. After completing the embroidery, its threads are simply pulling out from under the threads of the finished pattern. For embroidery, the cross is used threads Moulin, which manufacturers offer in a wide range of good quality. Before holding work, it is desirable to wash them in order to make sure that they do not lose and ready work over time will not lose their attractiveness.

It is very convenient to embroider if a picture is already applied to the web, as it facilitates the embroidery process. Many craftswomen do not use the puffs during operation, but they help to significantly alleviate the embroidery process.

Beautiful bulk work: photo embroidery cross

One of the most popular embroidery types is an embroidery with a cross. A similar type of creativity is quite possible to make volumetric.

The bulk embroidery of the cross allows you to create simply unique products of the three-dimensional type, for example, such as:

  • Caskets;
  • Vases;
  • Jewelry;
  • Decor items.

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Decor items, made in a cross-stitch technique, will give your dwelling of originality and stylish

All things can be used to apply. To make a manufactured product volume, a plastic can be applied to work. You can buy such a material at any needlework store.

Cross embroidery is carried out directly on a plastic basis. In addition, the desired drawing can be applied to an ordinary canvas, but there are small allowances from the edges of the tissue. After the embroidery is fully prepared, the canvas need to sew to elements made on the basis of plastic on the outline of embroidery. The result is a strong elements that are then fastened to obtain products of the required form. Such products will be able to decorate a house or a fairly interesting and original gift.

Very nice and unusually looks like a modular embroidery with a cross. Modular patterns serve as a real decoration for decorating at home.

Cross stitch lessons for beginners (video)

Embroidery with a cross is very popular, as it allows you to relax, calm down and as a result, it is simply an excellent result.

Details: Cross-embroidery (photo examples)

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

Cross-embroidery: how to learn video and photos, how to sew, osinka do, the value of the processes from scratch

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