Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos


Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

An embroidery of the cross is an excellent option for a beginner, because it does not require special skills today are increasingly popular with hobbies that suggest manual work. Embroidery can be called art. It has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person and allows you to realize your creative potential. The technique of embroidery cross is simple, but requires special accuracy, perfection, attentiveness and hardness. Beginner needlewomen must be patient, because experience comes in the process of work. This process can be associated with difficulties that can be easily overcome by pre-receiving theoretical knowledge.

Tips for beginners: embroidery technique with cross

Embroidery classes should be perceived as a joyful event that brings pleasure, and not irritation. That is why novice is extremely important to correctly equip their workplace. It should be bright, comfortable and cozy.

Before proceeding with work, it is important to prepare all materials that will be needed for embroidery.

Beginner embroidery is important to correctly organize work and time allotted at it. It is best to start with embroidery small pictures. This will make it possible to cope with the work faster, do not bother and be satisfied with the result.

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Beginners must be examined by the useful tips, which are indicated in the embroidery schemes.

Tips for beginners:

  • Choose canvas with a 14th account.
  • Work in which the performance of a full cross is required.
  • Prefer the small and simple design work.

Today manufacturers offer a wide selection of embroidery sets. They greatly simplify the workflow. The kit already includes KANVA, the finished scheme and the threads chosen.

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Simple embroidery technique for beginners

Many novice needlewomen do not have a praise on how to perform stitches. His technique is very simple. However, some nuances should be found before the start of work.

The main embroidery rule is the upper threads should always lie in one direction.

To embroidery was neat, it is important to perform work in two hands: right hand - from above, left - bottom. The technique of performing a standard cross is simple - put a stitch from left to right, then apply a thread on the right left. The appliances of stitches are largely dependent on the type of fabric.

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

If you are new, then you should not begin to immediately perform some kind of composition: to start it is better to embroider geometric shapes or lines

Types of stitches by the number of threads:

  • Even;
  • Odd;
  • Barestich.

The choice of the amount of threads depends primarily on the type of fabric. For example, for linen fabric, the embroidery technique is best suited. By Canva "Aida" you can perform stitches with an odd number of threads.

Cross Embroidery Process and Technology

Embroidery like the picture is performed according to a special scheme. It can be applied directly to the fabric, and can be printed on paper. Beginners can use two options.

The choice of embroidery and type of patterns depends only on personal preferences and convenience of perception.

You can start the embroidery in different ways. Many experienced needlewomen begin to embroider from the center of the drawing and go to its edges. Some needlewomen prefer to start from the corner, as moving towards the center.

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Before starting embroidery, it is necessary to prepare a workplace with good lighting and acquire the necessary materials: threads, canvas, needles

Cross embroidery process:

  • Secure thread without a nodal. Most often, the edge of the thread neatly hide under superimposed stitches.
  • It is important to correctly determine the length of the thread. Convenient when cotton thread comes to elbow.
  • There are two main stitches applying techniques: Danish and English.

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The English way implies the embroidery of the Polkrestik and impose a thread on it from above. Danish method involves embroidery of a number of semi-folds, then the completion of a number by overlapping the upper semi-plates. The stitches can be vertically and horizontally.

Learning correctly: safety technician when crossing the cross

Embroidery is a long process that implies enhanced attention and concentration on the process. It is necessary to work with the materials neatly, so some of them can directly injure or harm health. It is very important to draw attention to the workplace environment.

Workplace should be properly organized. Each assumes long-term eye stress, so the workplace must be correctly lit.

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

It should not be too high and raise the needle to do not damage the face

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of needles and scissors. First of all, you should find a safe place to store materials for embroidery. It should be inaccessible for children and animals.

Fundamentals Safety Shipping:

  • It is impossible to bring scissors and needles close to face.
  • If the needlewoman decided to pause, the embroidery materials should be removed into the place specifically allocated for them.
  • The needles should always be left in a special place.

It is very important to execute all safety rules. If children begin to engage in the embroidery, they should very accurately tell them about how to handle the items representing some danger to health. Embroidery will bring joy and calm if the workflow will be correctly adjusted.

Engineering crossing cross for beginners (video)

The embroidery process involves certain theoretical knowledge, which each inexperienced needlewoman can apply at the beginning of its work. Each embroidery must remember that professional embroidery skills appear after many hours spent behind embroidery. As a culinary technical school, in which you can learn to be deliciously prepare only with time. Embroidery production schemes can be different. Among the needlewomen is popular mixed and bilateral scheme of weaving threads.

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Details: Embroidery technique with cross (photo examples)

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

Embroidery cross appliances: for beginners. Execution, video and safety, step-by-step rules, manufacture with photos

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