Bedroom design with sofa instead of bed: Rules


The bedroom is the most intimate room in the house that requires a bed. But it happens that, due to certain circumstances, the equipment is impossible for a full-fledged bed. A comfortable and fairly wide sofa will always come to the rescue. Then the only problem will be the choice of the right design so that the rest room does not turn into a strict living room.

Bedroom design with sofa instead of bed: Rules

Unlike a full-fledged bed, the sofa easily develops, which increases the area of ​​free space.

Usually the choice in favor of the sofa make owners of one-bedroom apartments and studios apartments. In this case, it is necessary to decide for yourself, which is more important - combine a comfortable bedroom and a living room or equip a beautiful zone for receiving guests with a bed. Depending on the solution, the bedroom design should be different and the sofa design.

Such a universal bedroom has the pros. You do not have to worry about the place for storing bedding. You can always turn a fairly intimate room into a room for receiving guests, just fold the sofa for this. An indisputable plus is an increase in free space, which is impossible when the bedroom equipment is a full-fledged bed.

Full bedroom

Bedroom design with sofa instead of bed: Rules

For the visual separation of the studio apartment on the zone, a decorative partition, a screen or shelving with books can be used.

Properly selected furniture perfectly fit into the bedroom interior. The main thing is to comply with the same rules as when making an ordinary rest room. Choose a pleasant eye bright tones, visually expanding the borders of the room. But it is worth remembering that the sofa in the role of the bed imposes some limitations. In a too playful interior, upholstered furniture strict forms will look like foreign. Do not neglect the decor elements, but remember that the room with such a sleeping place looks better if it is decorated in a fairly strict style. In general, the design of the bedroom will not be too different from the usual interior solutions.

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And simple rules will help improve the interior of such a multifunction room.

  1. Try to arrange the sofa so that even in an unfolded place, he does not interfere with the free movement on the room. The minimum width of the passage is about 50 cm. With this location, you can safely do not clean the sleeping place in the morning, if you are late and not planned arrival of guests.
  2. So that the dream was calm and full, the headboard sofa should be near the wall. Such a security effect will provide a full-fledged sleep, as on the familiar bed.
  3. Depending on the configuration of the sofa, you need to take care of the bedside snacks or replace them. In some models, their function will be successfully performed by armrests.
  4. Try to enter the bedroom interior with a sofa of cute decorative elements that will help tune in to rest.
  5. Do not neglect the possibility of visual separation of the bedroom zones and the living room. This can be done with the help of color accents, a decorative screen or a rack with books.
  6. The sofa instead of the bed indispension in the bedroom of a teenager. It will allow and sleep with comfort, and do not worry about the placement of friends who looked at visit.
  7. Take care that the bedroom design looks finished even with a decomposed sofa. This will help niches and bookshelves in the headboard. As well as soft mats on both sides of the bed.

Living room with sleeping place

It is a little more difficult to arrange a bedroom, which involves the presence of a full-fledged place to receive guests.

Bedroom design with sofa instead of bed: Rules

It is important that the sofa replacing the bed is easy to develop if necessary.

  1. In this case, it is important to combine comfortable sleep and gathering with friends. In this case, it is better to choose a sofa and a bedroom design that assumes a comfortable seat. That is preferred models with bulk pillows. And that the bedroom design is comfortable and organic, it is necessary to be guided by the following recommendations.
  2. If you want to install soft chairs opposite the sofa, take care so that they are not too heavy. They will have to be held together with each laying of a bed.
  3. Do not put the sofa to one of the walls, the presence of free space creates a more relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Use zoning techniques, they will help create the right atmosphere. Color or light separate the sleeping area from the worker, and you will immediately notice how much easier it began to tune in to rest.
  5. Use in the interior of the mirror. They visually increase the room and bring a kind of highlight. Bedrooms with mirrors always look intimate and cozy.
  6. If you are planning in this room to watch TV, alone or with friends, it also needs to be considered. The bedroom design must be focused on it. It is necessary to envisage, in what position you will most often follow the plot of the blockbuster, because the direction of the view in the sitting positions and lying is different.
  7. The sofa replacing the bed must be easily and quickly folded. It is necessary so that in the case of a sudden arrival of guests, you could quickly turn the bedroom in the living room.
  8. Surprisingly, as can change the design of the bedroom the usual carpet. If your sleeping place is rather low, choose compact rugs that can be removed and returned to the place without more effort.
  9. The bedroom design, in which guests receive, should not be too playful or intimate, it will embarrass the owners and visitors.
  10. If the bedroom-living room is the only room, take care to the sofa performing the function of the bed, it was possible to move the table without extra effort. It will simplify the holding of family celebrations.

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If you decide to abandon the bed in the bedroom in favor of the sofa, it is worth considering the interior carefully that the rest room will not become a strict living room. But not everything is so difficult, the bedroom design can be absolutely anyone. The main thing is that he liked the owners and was quite functional.

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