How to mount the door frame: Tools, recommendations


Replacing the door in the apartment is quite common. This case, of course, is not very simple, but if you try, everything can be equipped with the best way without much difficulty.

How to mount the door frame: Tools, recommendations

The door box serves as a frame for the installation of the entire door design as a whole.

In the attachment of the door there are a lot of complex moments, according to experienced specialists, one of the most difficult is the mounting of the door frame.

With a clear observance of the instructions, everything can be done in fairly short time, and the quality of work will be high. So, how to fix the door frame correctly, so that the door will not be unreasoned soon. The tools that are necessary for this are as follows:

  1. Plumb.
  2. Building level.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Hammer drill.
  5. Nails.
  6. Screws.

Door fastening process with their own hands

How to mount the door frame: Tools, recommendations

Door box installation circuit.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to accurately make a collective process of strapping that secure the door box. When this procedure is completed, you must start installing the box in the doorway door. 3 parts of the door box must be folded on the floor. After that, the door stop is installed. The strappings that were previously connected should be fixed with nails (it is highly recommended to use nails whose length is 75 mm), it will also be necessary for a round cross section. A small gap should be left between the door frame and the wall, which can be filled with thermal insulating material. Horizontal and vertical surfaces should also be filled with this material.
  2. In the gap, which is available between two strapping, it is necessary to navigate the bar, which has a cross section of 50 by 25 mm. It must be installed at the bottom of the box. Such a bar is needed so that parts of the box remain in a parallel position during the entire fastening of the box.
  3. After the door frame is collected, you must start its mount in the doorway. It is very important that its location is exactly in the center. In this process, it is necessary to pay attention to the verification of verticality and perpendicularity, it is necessary to use a plumb, level and as a carbon. If necessary, a seal can be installed. The door box should be fixed well and easily, it is necessary to do this in those places where there will be contact with the wall, for this you need to put plywood pieces. After the process comes to an end, it is necessary to check again how the side elements are vertical. Fastening the box to fixing bars should be carried out with nails (their length is 65 mm, such nails should be without a hat). In the event that the wall is made of stone, the optimal option is to use screws, 65 mm long. After that, the spinning bar is removed. It is necessary to check how exactly the horizontal is the top strapping. If there is a need, the position may be corrected.
  4. For competent hanging, the fastened parts of the doors must be separated, after which the installation should begin on the pre-prepared places, they should be on the door. When the door is installed in the door frame, the lining should be put under it, after that the installation of the rest of the loops begins. At the end, the axes are installed at the corresponding places.

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How can I mount the door frame with the door web?

If there is a need to fix the door frame with the door web, then such work is also quite easy to be performed independently:

How to mount the door frame: Tools, recommendations

The process of installing the door block: A - reconciliation; b - fixing; B - the doorway hide; 1 - level; 2 - jamb; 3 - Versa; 4 - door leaf; 5 - loops; 6 - a person; 7 - partition rack.

  1. The first thing on the vertical elements of the box is denoted by the lower boundary of the door leaf (it is done with a pencil). After that, the leaf is removed from the loops and the box is installed in the hole. In order to make the strut box, it is necessary to use two wooden planks that must be the corresponding length. Planks that are inserted at the top should be between the vertical elements of the box with some difficulty.
  2. Now you need to start the level of the door frame alignment. It is important to note, it must be in a strictly vertical position. A plunder and level in this regard are indispensable tools. In order to be able to effectively adjust the position of the box, it is necessary to use wooden planks, if necessary, they can be subsened to vertical elements. With all this, it is necessary to take into account that the door of the door should be closed without difficulty (as well as open), between the box and the lower edge of the canvas must necessarily be left a lumen of 5 mm. In order for all this to be done with the maximum clarity, it is necessary to make preliminary marks on the lower border of the door canvase.
  3. Now it is necessary to start installing wedges. The best way the box can be fixed using wooden wedges. You can use wedges that are used when working with laminate. Installation should be made to the floor, about the height of the spacer. At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the vertical elements of the door frame, their installation should be performed clearly vertically. The construction level in this regard will provide invaluable help. There is always a clearance between the box and the wall, so, on both sides, this clearance must necessarily be the same.
  4. It was a queue of final fastening the door box. Frame dowels made of metal in this regard will be suitable, as it is impossible. They are gently inserted through the hole in the box, which is in the wall. It should be noted that the wall holes must be made through the holes that are in the box. In this regard, it is advisable to use a shock drill of high power, which has a drill that can drill concrete.

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Useful recommendations

How to mount the door frame: Tools, recommendations

After the installation on the installation of the door frame and the canvas, you need to install accessories.

After the work approached the end, it is necessary to check how tightly the door canvas enters the box. It is necessary to check whether the gaps are enough if they are insufficient, then you need to pull the screws.

Modern building stores offer wooden door boxes of various species. They can be treated with paint and varnish coating, but it is optional. The coating has the following advantages: protection against scratches, burnout and fading, resistance to the effects of chlorinated compositions.

It should be noted that the tree is such a material that many mistakes can "forgive". That is, such errors can be easily corrected by even non-specialists.

If the box is made under painting, but the paint is not yet covered, then its installation and fastening is best carried out by plates.

How to mount the door frame: Tools, recommendations

Installation diagram of the door frame using mounting plates.

Then the upper transverse is twisted from two edges, then the door is hung, the tilt is checked. It should be noted if the bend is carried out towards the web, then in this place another suspended plate can be installed, the cross is stretched towards the volume. The base of the box can be drilled, for this you can use an ordinary self-tapping screw, its head must be recessed into the box, then everything is hidden with a putty (acrylic sealant can be used instead, but only one that is ideal for color scheme). After staining is performed, all these places will be securely hidden, the place of the installed anchor will not be issued.

It should be noted that in this way it can be fixed even the door frame that has already been painted. But this can be done only when there is a complete confidence that all the sites of the anchor will be most thoroughly hidden. In this regard, you can use the color putty, which has a similarity with the color of the tree, you can also use color sealant, at the end you need to use the lacquer, but it should be approached by color, then the door frame can be installed so that it will be beautiful.

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