How to find water on the plot? Seven ways to locate water


How to find water on the plot? Seven ways to locate water
Knowing a few simple ways and will adopt, everyone can find water on its household plot. At least, to find out in where it is close to the surface quite possible.

Where is water?

Before you go to search for water, you need to know the principles for which its underground clusters are formed.

How to find water on the plot? Seven ways to locate water

As a rule, water can be found in the layers of sand, clamped between waterproof layers of soil. It may be clay or stone. In nature, as a rule, there are no strict horizontal lines. Therefore, the waterproof layers are located under a slope. In some places, a deflection is formed, where moisture is collected. These deepening of the waterproof layer can be of various sizes. Accordingly, the amount of water collected will be different. In some cases, they form underground lakes, in other whole streams - rivers. At large depths there may be both underground seas.

Water can climb at different depths. From 2 to 5 meters there is a ridder. These are lenses filled with melt or rainwater. In a dry period, when there is no precipitation, water disappears and again appears only with the onset of the rainy season. For this reason, the rover is considered an unreliable source for water supply.

Mainland sands are lowered more deeply. The thickness of this layer can reach impressive sizes. Accordingly, millions of tons of livic moisture can be filtered away, and at the same time and filter. This is for us just a more appropriate option.

How to find water on a plot for a well or well?

How to find water on the plot? Seven ways to locate water

In fact, there are many ways to be determined by which water is located as close to the surface. In this article we will look at some of them.

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1. By terrain relief. First of all, it is worth checking the existing natural recesses of the relief - basins, depressions and hollow. As a rule, waterproof horizons repeat the surface relief. It should be remembered that the internal structure of hills and elevations may be different. Waters may not be on the slopes or its number may be insufficient.

2. Forelated plants. Can not live without Water Water, Birch, Spruce and Alder. From herbs, you can mention a mother-and-stepmother, essay, sick, etc. Naturally, they grow where their roots can reach a multi-water source. Of course, looking for water near the birch planted on the city square. After all, it is regularly watering urban services.

There is an opinion that the willows planted in the form of a ring can raise the level of groundwater and form springs.

Pine has long roots. She pulls moisture from large depths. In addition, as a rule, it grows on sandy soils where condensate falls out.

3. Biometric method. If somewhere nearby are reservoirs (rivers, lakes, ponds) or there are wells and wells, it is possible to determine how deeply water flows, you can use a barometer.

The principle of action is extremely simple. With 13 meters of height difference, the pressure will fall on 1 mm mercury post.

For this method, you need to take a barometer-aleroid, to arrive as the reservoir coast and measure the air pressure. Then immediately go to the place of the alleged well and measure the pressure there. With a pressure drop of 0.5 mm on a barometer, water can be found, delving on 6 or 7 meters.

4. Fog. After a hot day in the summer in the evening or at dawn, you can watch the terrain where you wish to build a well. A fog will be formed above water soil. Than it is thick and extensive, the more moisture is contained near the surface. Well, when fog rises into clubs or in the form of a pillar. This is evidence that the water is, it is close and there is a lot of it.

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5. Animal behavior. In hot weather, animals are trying to find coolness. You can watch homemade pets. So, for example, dogs are looking for raw secluded corners. If your favorite has a favorite place where he is going through the heat, lying on the ground, it is likely that there is an active evaporation of moisture in this place. By the way, it is for this reason that the dog loves to lie in flowerbeds and lawns. Cooling, emanating from a saturated moisture of greenery, helps them to survive heat.

In some cases, it is worth seeing to favorite pets of pets. Check them with other signs. And it may well be that your four-legged friend found for you the best place for the well.

6. Silica gel. This material is the balls that can actively absorb moisture from the environment. We take 1-2 liters of this substance, asking him in the oven and frowned into the clay pot. The walls of the pot must be without glazes. We raise the vessel on the scales and write the weight. The more accurate the measurement, the better.

Then you need to wrap the pot with silica gel into a dense fabric. You can take a nonwoven material and keep the vessel in it in several layers. Wrapped and prepared pot injected 50 cm at the place of the future well. After a day, we take the container with silica gel and weigh again. The more water absorbed Silica gel, the more closer and more it.

You can take several tanks and arrange them in different places. Thus, you can more accurately find out where the place is optimal for the well.

If the silica gel was not at hand, then the usual brick made of red clay can be taken as a moisture-absorbing material. In this case, each brick is intended individually, and the testimony of weights are recorded. Comparing the results of weighing before the instillation and after, you can say whether there is water and in what place it is closer to the surface.

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7. Exploration drilling. Perhaps this method has the highest performance. In this case, you can do all work yourself.

Garden drill is taken. Even homemade is suitable. The handle is increasing to the required length, and the exploration well is drilled in 6-10 meters deep into.

When the bee reaches the aquifer, it will be obvious on raw soil raised to the surface. In this case, drilling stop.

What to choose a well or well?

By choosing, it should be borne in mind that the well and well have about the same service life, which is not one dozen years with due care and careful.

The deeper the water is, the more appropriate to beat the well. Stony soil can complicate drilling. Up to 10-15 meters you can arrange wells. If the water goes deeper, it is easier to drill a well.

Sanitary requirements

When arranging wells and wells need to observe sanitary distances. They cannot be placed closer than 25 meters from baths, septicists, garbage coup and composters, as well as any other objects that can contaminate groundwater.

It is also necessary to take care that taarea and rainwater do not fall into the well and well. The surface waters on the slopes are made.

The water intake hole is securely closed with a lid, which is discovered only if necessary. The source must be protected from all sorts of pollution.

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