Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo


As you know, the interior color largely creates a general atmosphere in the room, making it more, or vice versa, less comfortable and suitable for life and spending time. An objective fact also lies in the fact that it is impossible to present the interior design of any residential premises without furniture. It is on a par with the other elements of arrangement and design affects the overall entourage of the internal space.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

The general interior design depends on the right choice.

One of the most popular colors for furniture items is brown. That is why many people who think about repairing repair, the question appears: what wallpaper will fit with brown furniture and how to combine different colors?

Useful advice

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

So, what advice can be given about the combinations of possible colors? The main and main rule is the following: With brown furniture, the wallpaper of gentle, insensitive, pastel colors are best combined. Similar neutral colors create a relaxed atmosphere in the room.

However, when choosing a shade of wallpaper, it is necessary to consider not some neutral and generally accepted canons and rules, but what you see the future interior. In other words, it is the planned style that will be in many ways and will determine what wallpaper you will be glued in a room with brown furniture.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

As for too explicit use of brown color as the main one, then there are their minuses. So, the room where he or his different shades take on the role of dominant, can cause associations with boring and, to some extent, lifeless space. That is why it is accepted to actively use the wallpaper of gentle, mostly light tones. They create a more neutral background, playing in contrast with dark armchairs, a sofa and a coffee table.

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Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

In addition, light walls help create a brighter and cheerful setting. These colors include the following:

  • soft white;
  • Light yellow shades;
  • Beige and cream.

They are the classics, when it comes to a combination with brown, and not only in the interior of apartments, but also in design as a whole. At the same time, if we talk about the classics, but about other styles, then in these cases there will be very different shades. So, to create brighter and colored accents, you can use the wallpaper of such colors as lime, turquoise, yellow. Often they are used to revive the interior.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Bright accents on brown cheer

To give an atmosphere of proximity to nature, soil and ripening fields in exotic countries, it is advisable to use such shades as terracotta and brick-red, orange, dark green. At the same time, you can add the interior with decoration elements painted in a soft blue or green shade for a more relaxed, calm atmosphere.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Curtains and curtains

In addition to the combination of color of brown furniture and wallpaper, it is necessary to think carefully about how to combine these colors to combine these colors. If you are planning to make an interior in a more weathered style, it is advisable to use a tissue for curtains of light brown or cream-white colors.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Brown with warm tones will easily create a rich interior

At the same time, to give the interior of notes of liveliness and warmth, half the length of the curtains can be performed in the warm color scheme, applying golden yellow, terracotta red and green shagee. As for the light curtains, they should be made simply white.

Attention! Some apartment owners prefer to use blinds instead of curtains and curtains. As a rule, it is more relating to residential premises made in modern styles, especially in the style of Hi-tech. So: the principle of choosing the color of the blinds coincides with the principle of the selection of the curtains. The rules of the combination of shades remain the same.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Additional decor items

On a note! The brown itself is extremely rich in terms of the diversity of his shades. Their gamma is spreading from light to dark: since the colors of highly diluted with cream coffee and ending with a dark shade of bitter chocolate. So: they all are well combined with various shades of green, from soft and light salad and to a dark green "bottle" color.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

Greens successfully combined with brown

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Based on them, you can choose various additional colors for decor and life items. So, the sofa pillows can be salad or light green. At the same time, the floor vase must have a darker shade. Another excellent combination is turquoise. The combination of turquoise and brown on the background of a slightly lighter curtain will become an interior decoration. Especially successful use of turquoise is for almost completely brown, monochrome interior.

Brown furniture: what wallpaper to choose, photo

As for the materials used for furniture, the best choice will be able to become, of course, genuine wood. It is capable of premises natural, natural attractiveness.

By the way, many professionals engaged in interior design, in their work enjoy special color matching tables. It is these tables that help better pick up the color of the wallpaper under the curtains and curtains, as well as, by itself, and under the items of furniture, both brown and other popular shades.

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