Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool


Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery is not only an exciting hobby, but also an excellent opportunity to decorate the interior of the room with your own hand all the times, the cross is an extremely popular occupation. For the female half of the population, it was one of the main hobbies that the boring gray weekdays cashed. Currently, an embroidery cross is not only a hobby, but also a way to make money. In the modern world, embroidery cross turned into a fashionable lesson. This kind of hobby was absorbed not only women, but also men. True, they are not always recognized in this.

SAMPLER Cross Embroidery Scheme

Cross-embroidery is a great way to take yourself in your free time, improve your hands, try yourself as a designer, to send extra creative energy to the right direction. With embroidery, you can make money. Cases when the hobby brought a lot of money and recognition of fans - a lot. Lovers of the entire copyright and handmade with their hands tear the masters on embroidery cross. How to become this master?

An embroidery of the cross implies the choice of a huge amount of schemes. Embroidery schemes that are very popular have a sampler name. What is her essence? The scheme was created in 1598 by Jan Bostok. He created the world's first suit decorated with sampler, after which this method of embroidery began to turn new fans.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

In order to make an embroidery sampler, you should buy a long cloth and embroider interesting and unusual patterns on it.

At the moment, the SAMPLER embroidery circuit has the following form: a long tissue or cloth is expanded by a pattern around the entire perimeter. The center is placed in its center, which is a key image.

Here is what can be placed in the middle of the embroidery-sampler:

  • Festive congratulations;
  • Motivational proposal;
  • Any original drawing.

The image in the center of the fabric can be any, you limit only fantasy. If you are preparing embroidery for sale, try to embroider the most original creation. Sampler Embroidery Style implies room to the tissue center Image or text. When creating a central decoration, pay attention to the pattern of the perimeter.

Drawings in the center and around the perimeter should approach each other style. For example, in the case of writing text about the birthday, you can embroider candles, cake or balloons in the perimeter. Choosing the color of the threads, rely on the shade of the walls where the drawing will be hung. Making the edging, you can simply alternate stitches, use any creative idea that came to your mind.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Make an embroidery sampler original and creative, with the help of festive congratulations on the canvas

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To embrokece the edging carefully, take a millimeter on which you should place the idea of ​​edging, then select a picture for the central part. Then you should select selected ideas and copy them so that they are located at convenient positions. Elements should be added to the diagram until you receive the perfect composition. Use the drawings in the millimeter to check the bay of the edging and focus. It will be much easier for you to draw a drawing on the stretched fabric. Tension a fabric without cells on the frame and you will be able to make the perfect embroidery in the sampler style.

Sampler style in embroidery is ideal for those who want to make a birthday present, wedding or anniversary. A great thought will collect a portfolio of embroidery made, in case the masterpiece can repeat. It is especially recommended to start the portfolio wishing to monetize their embroidery art.

Cross-stitch white on white: schemes and advice on competent design

The cross is an excellent embroidery method, especially in the case of using design white on white. Storeroom tips proposes to use various tricks so that work is a success. The white-white method will allow you to embroider a snowman on the snow. In addition, this method is suitable for embroidery such beasts as fox, or rather its white elements.

Embroidery white on white is an old method of embroidery, used by our ancestors. We embroider an old way, because it looks very sophisticated and beautiful.

The main components of this style:

  • White fabric;
  • White threads;
  • Technique smooth.

White embroidery on white looks strictly, but extremely sophisticated. If you want to make a rich and expensive gift - this is what you need. Previously, this method was made in the main tablecloth, napkins, duvettes and sheets. Fancy curled patterns or flowers were used as a picture. The most important thing is that the drawing is volumetric, and for this in the embroidery there must be a few threads.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Easy white on white is easy, the main thing is to prepare white threads and fabric in advance and stretch out stagger

For the embroidery white on white, white fabric is required. There are no specific tissue councils, but if you embroider for the first time, it is better to choose a dense tissue so that it does not bloom and have not formed a tightening. The most suitable tissues for embroidery are satin and coarse. Experienced embroiderers can try the embroidery on silk or atlas.

Threads for embroidery You can also choose any. Want to use wool or moulin? You are welcome. Ideal will be embroidery with cotton fabrics. When choosing threads should be based on the tissue density. For thin tissues, like silk or satin, thin fabrics are needed. The thicker the fabric, the thicker thread, and vice versa. The use of different thread and tissue density will make the drawing rough and heavy.

Needles should choose thin so as not to apply a big harm fabric. The needle must be small and thin so that the holes in the fabric are thin and imperceptible.

To start the embroidery white on white, you should prepare a workplace. It should be well lit, and all the necessary items are at hand. The edges of the tissue used must be aligned, you can start working from any part of the web. Using the technique, apply the pattern on the canvas. Upon completion of the picture you can add to the image of beads or stones. The work performed on perfectly is distinguished by a smooth outstanding.

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An excellent option for the sale of vintage embroidery is bedding or clothing. Pictures with vintage embroidery are not as popular and look less elegant.

How to quickly embroider cross according to the scheme

Would you like to make a picture as a gift where bullfinings are embroidered, but do not know how to do it? We propose to quickly learn how to embroider cool pictures as a gift and for sale. Creating your own masterpieces will bring the sea of ​​pleasure and will give will creative ideas. Using the embroidery method with a cross, it is very convenient to use Muline threads.

In one thread there are 6 thin threads, but for embroidery is taken only 2. Using Moulin when embroidery, you can save money, because one thread is enough for 3 strings for embroidery pattern.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Quickly embroider your first picture yourself easily, if you select a simple and simple scheme for yourself

The cross method does not require the creation of a nodule. Thread will enshout after the creation of the first cross. So that the thread did not slip, it should be under other threads, and when it ends, it needs to be done under the rest of the threads or make a knot of it.

The embroidery process consists of the following actions:

  • To insert a thread in a needle and insert the needle from the inside of the fabric, then pull the thread;
  • Do not skip the squares on the fabric, if not so conceived.

To start embroider with a cross, you should use various schemes. Newcomers are encouraged to stretch out to embroider ready-made drawings before starting to create something your own.

Original cross stitch, schemes: how to make a monochrome

The use of monochrum in embroidery has become popular over the past 20 years. The main sign of monochrome is the only color in the embroidery. You can easily use several colors to create a more original drawing. Embroidery by monochrome involves filling the entire canvas with threads. This means that there should be no free space on the fabric.

However, there are cases where some designers left free space on the fabric to achieve a special effect.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Monochrome embroidery perfectly decorate napkins or linens

With the help of monochrome embroidery, you can decorate:

  • Napkins;
  • Linens;
  • Tablecloths;
  • Clothes;
  • Pillows or pillowcases;
  • Paintings;
  • Various accessories (handkerchiefs).

Monochrome embroidery is an excellent option for those who are just starting their embroidery path. Thanks to the small number of colors when embroidery by monochrome, you can pay more attention to the embroidery technique.

Contour cross-stitch: monochroma schemes

The contour embroidery includes the best schemes for drawings. To create pictures using the contour embroidery, a countable cross is used. From afar creation can remind a pencil layout of the picture. With the help of thin lines, the features of the shape or silhouette are created. You can emphasize special places with small strokes.

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Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Schemes for monochrome embroidery you can buy in a specialized store or found on the Internet

The main positive features of the contour monochrome embroidery:

  • Mystery;
  • Incompleteness;
  • The ability to think about the picture yourself.

So that the contour paintings turned out to be high-quality need to be made with high-quality threads. To mark the canvas, do not use a pencil, and the fabric pick up the best quality. The best contour embroidery do not need the framework. Remember this if you want to choose a frame for the picture.

Microwaching cross: Schemes and tips

Microwave allows you to create masterpieces on small fabric flaps or embroider small parts on a large drawing.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Using even a small piece of fabric, you can embroider a real and unique masterpiece

What can be sewed using a microhevka:

  • Christmas toys or garlands;
  • Anyone with the presence of a multitude of details is also suitable for the microeashing;
  • Frog or bearish will harmoniously look at the microwave or within a large picture;
  • Using the microeashing, you can embroider the name of your own company or the names of famous artists, if you embroider the plot of someone's paintings.

Microwave is a real storehouse of ideas for experienced embroidery. The only condition is the presence of special fabric - microchanvs.

Interesting Cross Embroidery Schemes

The dream of any beginner embroidery is to glorify their art. Therefore, at the stage of practice and extinguishing skills, they choose very complex schemes to master any trick in embroidery. Someone embroiders dog breeds, most often to order. Those who embroider to order are very often offered to embroider their pets, most often these are spains.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

If you first decided to master the skill of embroidery, then you better pick up ready-made sets with simple and interesting schemes

Located in searching for embroidery, you can offer original stories, interesting for everyone - this is:

  • Image of Matrona Moscow;
  • Tea drinking, plot with tea set and sweets;
  • Rural wonderful animals, such as geese or chicken.

The schemes of the cross that you like

The world has a huge number of schemes that will come to the soul and experienced and beginners. For example, monochrome smooth. This is not the most common type of embroidery, but it does not cease to be beautiful and elegant.

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Beautiful and original embroidery can well decorate not only napkins and handkerchiefs, but also clothes

What can be decorated with this way of embroidery:

  • Clothes for children;
  • Tablecloths or napkins;
  • Handkerchiefs.

Modern cross stitch: schemes (video)

To make a truly sophisticated and expensive masterpiece, you can use silk threads that give the product to unprecedented refinement. Choosing a plot for embroidery, see it to come to your level. If you are a beginner, do not take complex church plots or still lifes.

Examples of embroidery with cross and schemes (photo)

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

Embroidery cross scheme: white storage room, photo of a snowman, fox and bullfinch, fast in pm, how to do cool

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