How to choose curtains for living room in style and color


The living room is a central room of any residential premises, the design of which requires a special approach. It is very important to choose the right curtains that will protect windows from strangers, and will also prevent the penetration of street noise, dust and bright sunlight. Curtains for the living room also carry a decorative function. They help to keep cozy and at the same time a solemn atmosphere in the room, emphasize the unique design, correct the disadvantages of the interior. You can buy ready-made curtains or order them tailoring, taking into account the situation of living room and personal preferences.

How to choose curtains for living room in style and color

Curtain selection for different interior styles

The classic style is elegance, grace, luxury. The fabric for the porter, which will decorate the living room with such an interior, should be dense and natural. You can choose a pass, velvet or silk. The solemnity of the room will help curtains with lambrequins or fringe, beautiful ornament, tulle with manual embroidery.

For a classic style living room, you can choose the following curtains:

  • French, resembling theatrical, which are several separate sections from lush drapes, falling to the floor;
  • Austrian - the shortened version of the French curtains;
  • Roman - fabric strips, outpassing on each other, between which wooden rails are laid for extra rigidity.

The modern style of High-tech is equally popular. It focuses not on tones or drawing, but on texture and form. Curtains for the High Tech Living Room should not have ornaments and any decorative parts. The dominant is white color with the addition of metal tones. If cold shades in the interior of the overabundance, you can pick up the curtains of neutral colors: beige, gray, coffee. High-tech style is perfectly suitable panel curtains with sliding mechanism. You can choose curtains from lightweight fabrics, such as organza, hung on eaves from metal or rings.

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For style, minimalism is characterized simplicity and conciseness in everything. Curtains in the living room with such an interior should attach a finished look and create a cozy atmosphere even in the simplest and strict room. They should not have a complex design and decorative elements. You should also do without multirud and brightness, choosing ash, dairy and black and white shades of the curtain. For minimalist style, you can choose Japanese, rolled curtains and various types of blinds.

Make the living room unusual will help the country style. The situation of such a room should transmit the flavor of the village house. For this purpose, the curtains from natural light fabrics should be selected: Citton, cotton, flax. The shades of curtains for the living room in the country style should be blond: white, beige, gentle pink, light blue. The fabric can be decorated with an uncomplicated pattern, such as a cell, peas, flowerfish. Perfectly look at the curtains any items corresponding to the surrounding of a village house.

How to choose curtains for living room in style and color

Selection of shade curtains

For the living room, the windows of which go to the north side, it is better to choose the curtains of warm, bright and saturated shades: beige, golden, emerald, orange. They will help visually "warm" the room and make it more comfortable. To compensate for the overabundance of sunlight in the "southern" living rooms, you should choose cold and calm tones. The porks of blue, gray, blue shades are suitable for light rooms, and purely white.

When choosing a color of the curtain for the living room, you can navigate to other criteria. A successful option is the selection of curtain fabrics into the tone of the largest furnishings. It can be anything: a painting in a massive frame, a large sofa, a wall, a carpet on the floor. Curtains in color can be combined with furniture, both in general and with its separate elements. Unusually and stylishly looks like a room, curtains in which coincide on a shade with pillows, plaid, tablecloth on the table.

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Neutral shades of the curtains can be associated with other, brighter, elements. For example, a window curtained by beige curtains should be decorated with colored drapery. On light curtains you can make a darker edging, use the lambrequin saturated color, etc.

If there are many different shades in the interior of the living room, one-photo curtains should be selected. They can coincide with the walls with the walls (one wall). To create a monochrome (monochrome) environment, it is not necessary to hang curtains exactly the same shade as the main items of the room. You can pick up the curtains of close tones or two-color: Then the window does not merge with the interior, and stand out.

With the help of a curtain, you can make the space of the living room easier and cozy. To do this, use neutral tones of tissues that are suitable for the room of any design. It is beige, cream, chocolate, sandy and other popular colors. Bright curtains can be hung in the living room, where you need to distract from any lack of interior or draw attention to the window.

How to choose curtains for living room in style and color

Tips for choosing curtains for small living rooms

For many people, the ideal living room is a stylish and most spacious room. What to do if this room has a small area? You can solve the problem with correctly selected curtains.

  1. Choose curtains from the maximum easy, air fabric (satin, silk). In this case, they will not unnecessarily load a small room, but they will cope with their main functions: the window will hide from curious views and sunlight, as well as create a relaxed home atmosphere in the room.
  2. Curtains in a small living room should not have a complex design. It is better to choose simple and neat curtains long to the floor. Magnificent lambrequins and other decorative elements will be crushed by their volume, while placing the size of the room.
  3. You can visually expand the living room space with light shades of curtains. For the same purpose, the color of the curtain can be chosen in such a way that they practically "merged" with the walls. If you want bright tones, give preference to green or light blue shades. Well, if the curtains will have a drawing with vertical stripes or other ornaments.
  4. In the living room with low ceiling, use ceiling eaves: it will help create the effect of continuously dropping down the porter and visually increase the room space.

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Remember that the living room is a room for receiving guests, which should emphasize the mood and state of the soul of its owners. To create an appropriate atmosphere, first of all, it is necessary to correctly choose the curtains, since their appearance affects the perception of the room as a whole. The shade and composition of the curtains should be harmonized with the shared style of the room.

When choosing a porter for the living room, focus on your personal preferences. The curtains should not only be perfect to approach the design of the room, but also please the eye. The most stylish and fashionable curtains will not create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room, if you do not like you like.

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