How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe


Curtains with fringe - a symbol of luxury and wealth, which are drawn up window openings in all classic interiors. The curtains decorated with decorative braid are the winting of the room, they attract the look and focus on the designer of the room design.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Curtains with fringe

From this to become you will learn what is a fringe for a curtain and how to use it. We will consider the main types of decorative products and give recommendations for their choice and technology of sewing.

Bahrome for a solemn environment

Curtains from high-quality textiles are able to radically modify the interior of the room. They contribute to the design of solemnity and presentability, engraving even the most simple room atmosphere. The fringe is a decorative element, many times enhancing the visual attractiveness of the window design.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

The market presents a variety of fringe, characterized by manufacturing material, dimensions, color and use of additional accessories. It is not difficult to choose the appropriate decor for any curtains - from the lightweight curtains from silk and atlas, to the curtains of dense tissues - Jacquard, velvet.

Among the interiors, in which curtains are appropriate from the fringe, we highlight the following stylistic directions:

  • Victorian style;
  • Classic;
  • Modern;
  • Baroque;
  • Provence;
  • Ampir.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

In the interiors decorated in modern styles - minimalism, fusion, high-tech, loft, fringe on the curtains looks alien, since their philosophy does not imply an accent on the solemnity of the situation.

Features of fringe

The fringe is a textile tape, the lower circuit of which will be trimmed with decorative elements in the form of lush tissue yarns or glass or plastic pendants. Such products used to be used to finish heavy curtains, as they had a lot of weight under which the light fabrics were kept and lost drapery, but with the distribution of synthetic materials in the textile industry, light decorative braids began to decorate air curtains from organza, chiffon, silk.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe


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There are the following types of fringe for curtains:

  1. Splitting products in which the braid is decorated with a strip of flip of fabric threads;
  2. Block braid for finishing a curtain, consisting of several different color segments. Gradient (with a smooth transition of shades of similar tonalities) or contrasting (sharp transition of opposite shades) palette;
  3. Mishury braid for curtains with tassels from the collected tissue threads, at the top of which stacked beads are fixed, chrome metal or wooden fittings;
  4. Ferry - curly products with a wave-like or cascading shape decorated with ornament from festoons.

The classic version of the fringe is a textile braid with a lush edge of flies, however, there are products consisting of separate ropes, on which decorative fittings are fixed - imitation of rhines, glass bulbs, steel figures, and auxilia.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

It is possible to use a similar decor not only to decorate curtains curtains, but also for lambrequins, pickups, either for finishing upholstered furniture, pillows, covered and tissue tablecloths.

Choising selection

When choosing a material for finishing, focus on the curtain fabric, accessories for curtains and windows should not only look beautiful, but also to emphasize the positive aspects of textiles. With independent sewing panels, it is rationally to simultaneously buy a fringe and a fabric for their manufacture, so you immediately make sure in the compatibility of specific combinations.

For light fabrics - organza, silk, satin and chiffon, suitable fringe with beads for curtains. This is a weightless, elegant product, the price of which depends on the manufacturing material of beads: plastic fittings - a budget solution, more expensive - beads from a glasswharus, the most luxurious - beads from natural crystal, they shimmer under the rays of the Sun and create impressions of real gems.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Making heavy fabrics - Jacquard, velvet, velor, use a massive finish. It is appropriately a fringe with pompons for curtains or products with volumetric brushes, due to its weight, they stretch the curtain and prevent the appearance of irregularities and folds on the panels.

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View video design

The fringe with pompons is a great addition to the laconic Roman curtains and curtains length to the windowsill. The fringe balls for curtains will make the window design cozy and adds it easy naivety, which is especially appropriate in the kitchens of country style and in children's rooms.

Pay attention to the combination of color finishes and tint. Contrast combinations are advised - gold fringe for curtains and emerald or blue curtains. To decorate light tulle curtains, a fringe with glass curtains is suitable, and it is not necessary to choose transparent beads imitating precious stones than brighter fittings - the more interesting the composition looks like.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Vertical curtains can be successfully complemented using a pocket for curtains - decoration in the form of a cord with a brush applied as pickups for closing closed cloths. Pose is an integral line of classic design and interiors made in oriental style.

Pay attention to the compositions in which the lambrequen is decorated with a fringe, and the curtain canvases remain without decorative trim, it is a calm and elegant combination that is relevant not only in the living rooms, but also in the bedrooms and work offices.

How to fix?

First of all, decide on the location of the fringe on the curtain. The standard option is the finish of the lower cut, it is also possible to sew a fringe on the side edge of the curtain, however, this is applicable to the porter from dense tissues - light textiles under the weight of the finish will resist, which will negatively affect the visual attractiveness of the curtains.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

To sew a fringe to the curtain you will need overlock, threads in color braids and scissors. In the absence of a sewing machine, we recommend attributing the curtain in a sewing studio, because with the help of manual stitches it is not properly secured, it will not get the curtains and the fabrics are formed unnatural folds.

Proper to sew a fringe on the curtains will be helped by the next master class:

  • We process the lower circuit of the curtain on overlock so that the fabric does not pour in the process;
  • If the decorative braid has a side seam, we migrate a slice of a lighter, so we will prevent the dissolution of the fringe after sewing;

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How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Processing the edge of fringe

  • We turn the scope with an invalid down and put the braid for the fabric. We make a longitudinal stitch along the entire length of the panel, if the braid is wide with two lines at a distance of 3-5 mm. from the edges of the tape;

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Making a longitudinal stitch from the wrong side

  • We lay the stitch on the front of the curtains on the top contour of the braid;

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe


  • We begin the side sections of the fringe on the purl side of the fabric and fix them with two longitudinal lines;

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

We drive the side cuts of the fringe and fix

When mounting the braid by this method, the sewing machine presses the tape into the fabric, as a result of which the textile itself is stretched and after sewing there is no folds and protruding sites. Following the instructions, you will get pure fixation, without the slightest visual defects.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Fixation without the slightest defects

When finishing the pah bed with a fringe along the bottom and lateral circuit, you will encounter difficulties when fixing the braid on the corner slice of the tissue. It is important not to tighten the textiles so that after the tailoring it is not formed about it.

Finish the stitches on the first contour of the fabric without reaching 5 mm. to the edge.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Finish the stitch without reaching 5 mm. to the edge.

Next, raise the paw machine, expand the fabric to 900 and launch the stitch along the side loop.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Raise the paw machine, expand the fabric to 900 and lagging the stitch on the side loop

After fixing the flashes on the withdrawal of the fabric, make a line on the front of the product, evenly distributing the fringe and giving it the desired shape.

How to give a wint interior with a curtain with a fringe

Facial Stitch

After sewing, flying the curtain from the wrong side so that the fabric creates.

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