Environmentally friendly bedroom wallpapers


Many will agree that the most popular decorative material for walls is the wallpaper. The consumer regularly offers an increasing range of this product. But when choosing finishing materials, most people pay special attention to the ecology of wallpaper, as they want to be confident that they do not contain those components that can negatively affect the health of those who will be constantly in the room.

Environmentally friendly bedroom wallpapers

In such a bedroom it can be easily

Why need eco wallpaper

For the first time, the concept of wallpaper in Europe itself appeared in 1599, and the very first canvases were not glued to the wall, and fucked with nails on a special framework. These old finishing materials were made of paper.

Gradually, as new components appear, the technology of their manufacture has changed. And today on sale you can meet not only paper canvases, but also vinyl, cork, fabric and many others.

Despite this, environmentally friendly wallpapers are always in demand, which are ideal for the salary of the premises of allergies, children, as well as all those who carefully monitor their health.

Environmentally friendly bedroom wallpapers

Even paper wallpapers are able to make a bedroom cozy

Paper wallpaper

Undoubtedly, these are the most environmentally safe wallpapers for the bedroom, children's and other premises. Thanks to their pricing, as well as the ability to "breathe", today are the most popular in the finishing materials market.

Moreover, manufacturers offer not only classic canvases, which, as you know, have a number of essential drawbacks (rushes when sticking, fear of water, etc.), but also multi-layered embossed embossing. The latter is not only more resistant to work and during operation, but also hide some wall surface defects. There are among paper ecological wallpapers and those that are equipped with additional impregnation from UV burnout.

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Environmentally friendly bedroom wallpapers

Stylish black and white bedroom

Textile wallpaper

In the manufacture of similar canvons, not only natural, but also synthetic tissues can be used, and in the second case, the degree of environmentally friendly coating is dramatically reduced. But the canvas from viscose, silk and cotton have a rather high safety rate. But choosing fabric canvases, it is necessary to understand that all natural fabrics are more susceptible to burnout, so they require special protection against sunlight.

The main disadvantage of such ecological wallpapers for the bedroom is their price, but in some cases it is fully justified, since the room becomes not only safe, but also acquires other, equally important properties: increased noise absorption, hypoallergenicity, antistaticity.

Environmentally friendly bedroom wallpapers

Wallpaper from bamboo

Vegetable wallpaper

These are natural, and, of course, safe finishing materials, which are based on all sorts of plant fibers: jute, bamboo, sisal, etc., regardless of the top coating, the paper canvas are used as the basis. As a result, the resulting finishing material has the following advantages:
  • ability to "breathe";
  • has an excellent appearance and increased strength;
  • Well, the room itself with them acquires high indicators of heat and sound insulation.

The main lack of such cloths is in their high cost, due to the use of manual production. Well, except for this, they are very quickly fused under the influence of sunlight.

Cork and other coatings

This material also has a paper base, has high antistatic properties. Unlike many other coatings, they are not affected by UV rays, and for many years they retain their initial appearance.

Special originality the interior attached coatings from genuine leather, as well as glassy, ​​based on quartz sand, soda and lime. Any of the finishing materials will not only make the interior exclusive, but also protects from allergies, fungus, mold.

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Environmentally friendly bedroom wallpapers

Wallpaper for the classic bedroom

Than glued wallpaper

In order not to lose the important property of the wallpaper environmentally friendly, they need to be glued to a certain composition, which will be able not only to effectively hold the canvas, but also maintain their valuable characteristics.

A few decades ago glue did at home, and he answered all the requirements of ecology. Unfortunately, modern ecological wallpapers for bedrooms can have more weight compared to their thin paper predecessors. Therefore, it is necessary to select adhesive directly in the store, which accurately holds the selected web on the walls.

On the shelves, you can find a variety of adhesive compositions, but it is worth paying attention only to those that have a mark of their environmental friendliness. And although in their composition you can find the components of an animal or vegetable origin, the adhesive characteristics do not change from this.

To glue any canvases should be guided by the recommendations that the manufacturer offers directly. Well, in order to ensure high-quality gluing, you should carefully prepare the surface, clearing it from pollution and defects.

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