Dark Bedroom Wallpaper


Each of the premises in the house has its own functional destination. As for the bedroom, the design of its interior should be favorably affected by man's sleep, his mood, since this room is connected directly with sleep. This part of the dwelling can be made darkened or, on the contrary, brighter. Usually rooms emerging in the north side, due to lack of sunlight become darker. Also, the blackout threatens to those rooms in which small windows, loggia are installed.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Dark decoration in the big bedroom

Features of a dark bedroom

Resting in the dark bedroom is incredibly comfortable, since the absence of bright light contributes to the speedy relaxation and falling asleep, and, which is equally important, creates a romantic situation.

On the other hand, overly the gloomy premises quickly bored with its dimplence, and in some cases it can cause a bad mood, depression. In dark rooms it is not recommended to be those who read either engaged in work.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Contrast in decoration

Choosing finishes

If you need a deliberately dark bedroom to make brighter, then first you need to choose a brighter finish, and than this tone is closer to white, the more the room will be filled with light. Therefore, you can choose light beige or white wallpapers for design. When the room comes to the north or in your region, overcast, rainy weather prevails, then a white finish, on the contrary, will make the interior more gloomy and uncomfortable, as it will be painted with gray.

Specialist advice! In this case, it is impossible to finish a cream shade better. If the room has a rectangular shape, then the shortest of the walls should be saved with yellow wallpaper, which will give it a truly spring warmth.

Floors - no less important part of the finish. If the area is large, then dark floors are allowed even in the case of its excessive dimension. But if there are few spaces, it is best to use a light floor covering, which will exclude the absorption of light.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Dark bedroom involves light curtains

Decorating windows

In the bedroom should not be one curtain, but two. One of them (organza) will be used during the daytime, to ensure the maximum penetration of light. Well, the second curtains should be dense, night. They may not only be dark, but also bright.

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The advantage of light drapery is that it will protect the room from the penetration of light, but at the same time does not take part of artificial lighting. Therefore, the darker bedroom, the more brighter there should be curtains. If the room is visually too cold, then the curtains of yellow will help him warm and comfort.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Dark furniture is allowed in the large bedroom. At the same time, the walls should be blond

Rules of light premises

Even a dark dark bedroom can appear at warmer and pleasant appearance. To do this, it is worth using those rules to which many designers resort to:

  1. Bright or white furniture. The larger the furniture, it should be lighter - all the big elements (wardrobe, sofa) should have a light shade. Well, for the coffee table, Purphic, the chair is suitable and rich dark color. The fact is that in many homes - the upper direction of light, and it penetrates the room from above. Therefore, all those objects that are located on the floor until the middle of the wall must have the most light shade.
  2. Lack of obstacles - the smaller room, the more it seems more. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the deaf monolithic partitions, replacing them with shirms and walls from glass blocks. You should not use a large number of cumbersome furniture and secondary items in a poorly lit bedroom. You can limit the bed, chest of drawers and a wardrobe.
  3. "Warm" lighting - lamps with warm lights should be placed almost everywhere. It is not necessary to limitate alone alone, and better - and at all the ceiling lights throughout the perimeter of the room.
  4. An increase in mirror surfaces is to have mirrors it is necessary that the light in them reflect and increases. This is usually space opposite the window.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Lack of daylight can be replaced with bright natural accents.

Bright accents

The bedroom in monochrome looks monotonous and boring. And so that it acquires a rainbow mood, you need to dilute it with bright accents. If, for example, cream wallpaper for a dark bedroom is used, then bright accents can be made using turquoise, blue and yellow colors. Not the last role is given to the flooring. In this case, it is worth using waters of yellow colors that are associated with sun rays. As a result, the space will acquire a spring mood and missing brightness.

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The turquoise and blue shade is associated with heavenly blue, reservoirs, so they can also be used to make accents, and the room will become significantly lighter and volume. But each of the color accents should be limited. It can be wall paintings, art art objects, posters, with the help of which the premises will acquire the lack of a notch of the liveliness.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

The last trend in the design of interiors is the decoration of walls with dark colors. Indeed, such an unexpected decision can radically change the entire atmosphere, it would seem that quite familiar room. As a result, the room acquires mystical energy, and it becomes more mysterious, bold, and, of course, luxurious, which is so important in the interior design of the bedroom.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

The presence of a large amount of natural light is a prerequisite for such cases.

When the dark wall coloring is used

We can safely be taken for creating a new environment where there are dark wallpapers in any of the following cases:

  • If the room that is subjected to change has impressive sizes, otherwise the unobacked room will turn into a room, and will resemble close storage room;
  • If there is a minimum of two windows in the room itself, with large sizes. Due to the large number of natural light, less consumption of artificial lighting will be required;
  • If the evening lighting system is correctly calculated correctly and rationally. After all, in addition to daylight light, the room should have enough light and in the dark day. And for this, in addition to chandeliers in the room should be present, desktops, as well as other lighting devices;
  • If the room does not have clear boundaries and is separated by a smooth visual boundary using sliding doors, shirm.

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Photo: Combination with bright interior items

In addition to the bedroom itself, each of the home premises allows for the use of dark wallpaper, and before being taken for creating a new design, you need to know certain nuances of each of them:

  1. The living room (hall) - when using dark walls, it becomes literally fascinating, but so that it was comfortable and cozy in it, it should be competently pick up furniture, as well as other items (accessories, decor). The thick dark color of the wallpaper (rich green, blue-black) obliges to use the set of light objects. If dark wood or graphite colors is chosen in the walls for the walls, then the use of bright color gamut is allowed.
  2. Kitchen, dining room - as the tile is usually selected in this room for wall cladding, then all other items (chairs, dishes, textiles) should have a brighter and rich color. By the way, the white color is universal and perfectly suitable in order to make the situation ease and some solemnity.
  3. Bedroom - in dark color it becomes more intimate and a little mysterious. But in order not to get too gloomy room, a large number of deep shades should be avoided. By the way, dark wallpaper in the bedroom can not be located on all the walls, but only one, becoming some accent. Be sure to consider lighting, including wall, floor and ceiling lights.
  4. Bath - the dark color of the walls can be used even in the case of a small room, but in this case, preference should be given to glossy shades, which, reflecting the light, make a more spacious even a small room.

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Such different shades

Dark Bedroom Wallpaper

Unobtrusive room backlight will make the interior not dark at all

Dark wallpapers for the bedroom and other rooms may have the following shades:

  • Black is better to use not on the entire area of ​​the room, but only on one of the walls to create a semantic accent (dressing table, headboard);
  • Dark blue - they are ideal for decoring the bedroom, as they have a soothing effect;
  • Dark brown - is also ideal for setting up a bedroom and a number of other rooms. The darker wallpaper, the lighter you need to select other items;
  • Dark green - with it you can create interesting combinations in the bedroom and living room, adding opposite, brighter components (lilac, yellow, blue). But the contrast should be made only by accents;
  • Dark red - creates an atmosphere of luxury, but it should be used in spacious premises. Well, for a small room, dark red wallpapers are suitable for point accents (joints with floors and ceiling, at the door, etc.).

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