How to charge the battery 18650


Recently, many people start wondering how to charge 18650 batteries correctly. There are several subtleties, about which people forget for some reason. We will consider the main nuances and subtleties, they all will help properly charge the battery for electronic cigarettes and will prolong the service life several times.

How to charge the battery 18650

How to charge battery 18650

Initially, it is worth remembering that accumulators of 18650 actually represent. They appeared long ago, but were evaluated by many manufacturers. Use the battery of this type can be:
  • For lanterns.
  • Radio.
  • Portable charging.
  • Electronic cigarettes and other devices.

Note that they have won the most serious popularity among electronic cigarettes. As a rule, people buy several such batteries at once, so that their mod constantly functioned.

In addition, the batteries of this type can be used as a portable charger for mobile phones.

How to carry out charging

Immediately note! 18650 batteries can only be charged with special chargers that are designed for this.

It looks like an original charger as follows:

How to charge the battery 18650

This is what the battery itself is 18650:

How to charge the battery 18650

Basic Recommendations for Charging:

  1. It is always necessary to remember the polarity. That is, minus to minus, plus to the plus. After all, not all chargers understand, then the battery is connected incorrectly. If he starts to charge, then his failure is inevitable.
  2. Charging starts from 0.05 volts and ends with 4.2 volts. If the charger is automatic, it must turn off the power. There are those who do not do this, so it is worth constantly monitoring the process.
  3. The average charge duration is three hours.
  4. Do not fully discharge the battery and charge it to the maximum. Optimally, if the category holds at 25%, and the maximum does not exceed 90%. This will allow several times to extend the battery life.
  5. Current power (a). It is also very important to understand, with what power of the current is charging the device. Take an example by photo: it is possible to charge at 1 A and 0.5 A. If the current is 0.5, then the process will last a long time, but 1 allows you to speed up. However, you should understand that a smooth charge always has a positive effect on the service life of 18650.
    How to charge the battery 18650

Article on the topic: Production of Rashovka do it yourself

What charger to use

We strongly recommend using only original charging devices, as they are calculated for a specific model of the AKB. For example, the original devices clearly understand what power you need and turn off the process if the charging passed to the maximum.

Also, the original devices are served from the start of charging a strong current, and at the end begin to reduce it. As a result, nothing overheats, and the battery will serve for a long time.

How to store 18650.

Often there is another question from users: how to store the 18650 battery correctly? There is nothing difficult here, there are some recommendations:

  1. Storage temperature from +10 to +25 degrees.
  2. Akb should be charged by 50% no more.
  3. If the container is completely discharged, it needs to be charged, as this will lead to its failure.
  4. With full charge, storage is not allowed, the container in this case will be less.

Video on the topic

Also on the Web we found several interesting rollers who will help each person to understand the general rules and recommendations.

Overview of the best devices.

Charging for 18650 do it yourself.

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