Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care


Rope (threaded) Curtains look like a thin miserable shoe from layers of threads. They were invented in eastern countries where the hot climate demanded active air circulation. In addition, the rope curtains (Kiese) decorate the room and well shade it. In the 70s, Kieze with beads was very popular, then the fashion for this decor left, and after almost half a century he was reborn again.

Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

Rope curtains

  • What styles are the curtains from rope
  • Pussy Operation: Wash
    • How to hang Kisey

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Rope curtains in the interior are considered a harmonious and cozy accessory, providing a unique atmosphere.

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

    Staying among other analogues with an interesting texture, they are characterized by the following advantages:

    1. Close the room from irrepused views.
    2. Light skip well.
    3. Break interior on zones.
    4. Contribute air circulation.
    5. Transform the room, speaking with an original decorative accent.
    6. Supplement light and multivariate installation.

    A huge plus curtain in the ease of length control.

    There is no need to give the product to the studio and spend money for fitting.

    Tip: You just need to measure the needed length and trim the curtains with scissors!

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

    Despite the lot of advantages, products have their own minuses:

    • Kyosa is able to accumulate static electricity, because of what a lot of dust is collected on the ropes;
    • With incorrect washing or incorrect storage, such curtains are confused, while unleashing the nodes on thin threads is extremely difficult;
    • Best of all curtains from threads and rope curtains look in mass, i.e. To get an impressive composition, not one set is needed.

    Curtains from threads in the interior

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

    Kiese is universal and applied not only to decorate windows (including complex) or entrance, but also to decorate the walls of the room. The choice of color gamut products allows you to implement the most bold design solutions.

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    The average cost of one simplest filament canvase size of 290x300 m is approximately 1200 rubles. In the case of supplementing it with decor with glass, butterflies, flowers, or mitzen heart on rope curtains increases more than 2 times.


    The great advantage of such products is a room with the curtains of the threads.

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care


    With their help, it is possible to harmoniously and beautifully divide the kitchen on the dining room and the zone for cooking. At the same time, it is possible not to be afraid that the fabric will absorb fat or smells: modern manufacturers produce rope curtains treated with special protective compositions intended for operation in the kitchen.

    Thanks to the abrasion, some parts of the room are easily closed from foreign eyes, while the improvised "Shirma" does not look cumbersome and inappropriate.

    Curtains rope is easy to combine. They are easily combined with various types of fabrics or other decorative curtain compositions. Elegant and light threads complement even heavy curtains, not to mention the light curtains, tulles or Roman curtains. Most often, filament curtains serve in fabric ensembles to facilitate the main composition.

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

    Thick threads are made to decorate any decorative elements suitable for style to the overall room design. It can be glass, metal or wooden balls, feathers.

    Festive decor

    On the eve of holidays, the filament curtains can be decorated. To the new year they are complemented by toys on threads of different lengths, snowflakes or tinsel. And on the birthday of the rope, shade with flowers (alive or artificial) or ribbons.

    The use of rope compositions in the children's room opens up an expanse for limitless fantasy. You can hang up toys and letters with numbers or letters that help in learning.

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

    Festive decor

    It is noteworthy that the fastening of decorative elements to the ropes does not represent complexity. You can grab them with hairpins, pins or clamps.

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    What styles are the curtains from rope

    Such curtains look harmoniously in the premises decorated in the style of postmodern or modern. When used in modern decorated premises, the main thing is to choose the right color gamut and accessories. Stylishly look the threads of silvery tones, milky white and even black.

    Despite the fact that the designers are eagerly used by Kiseu in any interiors (country, Provence, classic), the harmonious thing it looks in apartments and houses decorated in the style of pop art or ethno, because it is here that bright accents from artificial materials are appropriate.

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care

    Pussy Operation: Wash

    Shutters having a rope design, unpretentious in care: they are easily erased and hang back.

    To avoid problems with the threads and glassworks, Kreye is recommended to wash manually.

    Before starting work, Kisey is tied up in several places with a braid, immerse yourself in the detergent solution and leave there to mock. Fibers are erased by hand, gradually adding heated water. Then the threads are wicked under the shower until the foam is completely released. After the water stalks finally, the product hangs, giving it to spoil in a wet form. Curtains with beads from China are recommended to erase in this way.

    If it is decided to wash the rope curtains in a typewriter, then they will be pre-braid into the braid, and the device is customized to the most sparing mode. Machine washing is recommended only for kisa, devoid of decorative elements!

    Room zoning with rope curtains and secrets of care


    How to hang Kisey

    To properly hang rope curtains, first find out the matching of the height of the room and the length of the product (most often 1.5-3 m). If the cheese is too long, it is trimmed or grabbed with nasup.

    There are several options for montage Kisei:

    • The filament curtains are fasten with velcro to a special eaves, supplemented by the feed part of the tape sticky;
    • You can decorate with filaments with a dense opaque curtain or tulle;
    • with the help of a profile cornice or cornix rod;
    • You can classically rope curtains: on the carnis pipe with a pocket with a row.

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    View video design

    The most popular options for mounting Kiseu - on the challenges, scenes or a curtain braid.

    The use of Kisei fills the room with aesthetics and ease, giving it a harmonious mood.

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