Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior


The jacquard cloth has seen the world back in 1801, it was then Jose Jacquard designed and created the first machine capable of producing fabrics with the most complex patterns and operational properties that no views of the existing textiles could not compete.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

Jacquard curtains in the interior

Since then, the situation has not suffered changes - Jacquard as it was and remains the best textile materials for the manufacture of curtains.

Fortunately, there are many types of jacquard, including its budget options - the curtains from Jacquard, who were previously a sign of the elite and a luxurious standard of living, today the day has become accessible to all segments of the population.

Advantages of using jacquard

The properties of jacquard used to sewing the curtains are very different depending on which materials it is made.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

Jacquard fabric is made from synthetic threads (polyester fiber) or from natural textiles - cotton, silk, woolen or flax yarns. The thicker thread used to tailor tissue, the higher the strength and wear resistance of the canvas.

Jacquard fabric for curtains, from what material it is made is made, it is quite pleasant, soft to the touch texture, while patterns on such a fabric are relief, which highlights them on the background of the canvas.

Jacquard curtains are famous for the extraordinary resistance of colors - they retain it for a long time, not a fading during washing or under the influence of sunlight.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

There are two ways of jacquard cloth staining: the first - time-consuming, used in the manufacture of textiles for expensive curtains, it consists in pre-staining of the threads, the second - budget option, often used when creating low-cost synthetic curtains, assumes weaving the canvas from unwrapped threads, applying a printed pattern and Subsequent staining of the curtains by impregnating in color composition.

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Highlight the main advantages of using jacquard fabric:

  • Density - Jacquard fabric has a density of 250 g / m3, it does not let the straight sun rays into the room, providing a cozy twilight indoors even at the very day of the day;
  • Durability and durability - ready-made jacquard curtains have an unlimited service life, they do not fade, do not stretch and well tolerate washing - this material is afraid of only gross mechanical damage;

    Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

  • Easy to care - the jacquard curtain is hygroscopic, it does not absorb water, any contamination from such a fabric can be removed with a wet rag, and serious spots are dispersed without problems in a washing machine;
  • Luxurious appearance - not a gift for jacquard curtains for a long time, banquet rooms and living rooms of expensive restaurants and hotels dressed up, even cheap jacquard curtains look aesthetically attractive and are a real decoration of any room.

Types of curtains from jacquard

Thanks to the practicality of the material and the broadest manifold of color and patterns, jacquard is the most popular textile product used to create all types of curtains.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

Jacquard curtains use traditional popularity. The luxurious portor from Jacquard perfectly fit into the design of any room - a bedroom, a living room or a working office.

Forechers, even if they are decorated with additional elements - lambrequin or pickups, is not characterized by massive, they will not overload the interior of the room, and in terms of the comfort of using sliding porters is much more convenient than any kind of vertically raised curtains.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

Classic porks from jacquard

In addition to the porter, the following types of curtains from Jacquard are recognized as designers and acettes:

  1. Curtains Sleeve Bishop - This type of curtains are similar to traditional porters, however, it is distinguished by the presence of bulk intake along the middle of the vertical canvas formed by ties. Attask gives the curtains an exquisite and unusual appearance, the curtains of the bishop sleeve in the interior of the living rooms performed in the style of classicism and neo-baroque are most advantageous;
  2. Roman curtains - no less beautiful variant of jacquard curtains. It consists of vertical canvases of draped fabric, going along the edges of the window to the vertical sections. The obligatory addition of French curtains is a lush tulle, which gives the curtain a luxurious appearance;

    Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

  3. Rolled curtains are simple curtains that are an ideal option for hallways, kitchens and work offices. The canvas of such curtains when closing is wounded into the roll on the drum guide fixed above the window, thereby saving the free space of a small room.
  4. Panel "Japanese" curtains - jacquard fabric for a panel type curtain is used quite rarely, such an option choose those who appreciate the combination of simplicity, functionality and an elegant appearance. The panel curtains fit perfectly into the interiors of living rooms, bedrooms and relaxation rooms made in the style of minimalism and futurism.

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Features of using jacquard fabric in the interior

Using jacquard curtains in the interior it is important to take into account the initial orientation of the design of the room. Properly selected curtains are capable of becoming a real decoration of the room, emphasizing its advantages, visually adding space and shifting the emphasis from existing shortcomings.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

First of all, attention must be paid to the color and pattern of the fabric, because with the wrong choice of the shade or the use of an excessively saturated pattern, the interior will overload the web, as a result of which the room will "put pressure on the brains."

For small rooms, it is better to choose light jacquard blades with any gradation of brightness - from warm to cold tone. Such shades expand the room, making it visually spacious.

It is important to take into account the combination of the shade of the curtain and the color of the interior - in the bright rooms, the curtains will look at red or blue curtains contrasting with the color of walls and furniture.

Do not pick up the curtains identical interior color - such a solution will be boring, and after the expiration of several months you will want to revive the design by replacing the harsh curtains.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

Prefer cream, coffee, blue or yellow shades - it is them that most people are associated with the feeling of comfort and comfort.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence of additional elements of the curtain decor, the same jacquard curtains with lace and lambrequin will look much luxurious and exquisitive than naked vertical curtains.

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Choosing a web pattern Be moderate - jacquard curtains on a cut, possessing an overly saturated and bright pattern, in a relaxed interior will attract all attention to yourself.

Jacquard Curtains - Highlights of each interior

If you are faced with the goal to shift the focus in the room design, it is on the window, this is a good option, but if you do not want to the interior of sharp changes - choose calm patterns, the color of which is not strongly contrasted with a shade of the web.

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