Increase electricity consumption for no reason: what to do


Quite often in life there may be situations when the owner of the house begins to notice that the consumption of electricity has increased, although there are no reasons for this. Immediately note that such a phenomenon is not rare and should immediately apply steps to eliminate. In this article, consider the main reasons and tell you what to do if the electricity consumption has increased significantly and how to quickly correct the problems.

Increase electricity consumption for no reason: what to do

Electricity overrun: why it happens

What can be caused by electric power

We highlight some of the main reasons that can lead to overcaps of electrical energy and increase consumption:

Incorrect meter connection

Frequently often serving companies interfere with the work of an electric meter, they do this for several reasons:

  1. Check the lack of unnecessary wires and make sure that there is no extraction of electricity in the house;
  2. Change old counters to new - it happens more often.

Initially, we will tell why the wrong circuit setting the meter can lead to an electric power consumption. Imagine the situation: if the electrician connected the zero wire from the meter to the room and ripped it through electrical reads - it will cause a serious overrun.

Remember! The zero wire from the meter in the apartment should always go directly, there can be no other connection options here! If there are gaps, there may be a serious overrun.

Incorrect connection of employees of the service organization can make on the basis of two options:

  1. Consciously try to make you pay more.
  2. Made a mistake by chance due to bad qualifications.

Therefore, when you change the counter or interfere with his work, you should look at employees. If everyone did, until you were at home, you need to check the correctness of the connection of the zero wire - this is important.

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Old Wiring and Bad Isolation

Many people think that the posting should be changed only if necessary is a serious misconception. For example, if the insulation comes into disrepair, it can cause current leakage. The electrical counter will not understand this, accordingly, it will be better to consider spent electricity.

Tell the case: Khrushchevka, panel apartment, wasolation burned down, and the wire directly in contact with the reinforced profile. As a result, the consumption of electrical energy increased by 200% is a real case. People several months could not understand what the reason, but permanent payments for electricity forced to call experts who managed to find a leak in this place.

Therefore, it is necessary to measure the resistance of wire insulation, it can be made by special devices, but it is better to call the wizard.

Note! Posting should be changed immediately after the end of its service life. And remember, the service life of aluminum wiring - 15 years and before it was constantly used in homes. Therefore, it should be replaced in any case.

Sadness from the neighbors

We have already considered the article, what to do if the neighbors steal electricity, there were ways to identify. And here we note that such a reason is the most common and if you notice a serious overrun of electrical energy in your apartment, you should pay attention to such a reason. After all, the cost of the LCG services makes many people connect to neighbors or search other options to save. And no one will worry that for the tested electricity will have to pay someone else.

Eternal use of household appliances

Yes, we understand that the savings should be economical, but reasonable. However, there are situations when the overrun of energy goes out of the place you did not wait. For example, do you often turn on the TV or a washing machine completely from the network? Most likely, no, because many people think that there is nothing terrible. Now look at the next table and you will understand where the electric energy overrun is taken:

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Increase electricity consumption for no reason: what to do

Consumption of devices in standby mode

And yes, all this is only in standby mode. Is it no sense to turn off the electrical devices completely or at night?

Increase electricity consumption for no reason: what to do

Trick Savings, did you know about it?

So we looked at the main reasons that can lead to overflowing electrical energy. In fact, this list can be continued for a long time, so your task is to find the cause and quickly eliminate it. If there are no options, you can call specialists, not before it is worth thinking well, since they will have to pay money.

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