Cement-sand screed: for sex CPS, device and mixture, do it yourself align


Cement-sand screed: for sex CPS, device and mixture, do it yourself align

The cement-sand screed is one of the types of rough-cement-sand screed is one of the highest quality and widespread materials used to arrange the foundation of materials. The technology of work with the material under which the leveling ability is declared is quite simple, therefore, even the amateur can cope with the task. However, as in any case, there is an ambitious and desire to study new processes.

Basic calculations: Cement Floor Screed

Technology screed involves conducting primary calculations, without which all works can go to no.

It is important to understand that the thickness of the screed should be at least 12 cm, while on the current concrete base, this indicator may vary within 7 cm.

Meanwhile, builders slightly shifted this indicator to 5 cm: thus, the screed turns out to be smooth and does not give cracks.

Cement-sand screed: for sex CPS, device and mixture, do it yourself align

Cement band screed has some drawbacks

It is important to take into account the disadvantages that the material sinters:

  1. Long, sometimes a protracted drying process. Even the hottest and dry summer cement-sand band screed will dry up at least a month. And if the work is carried out by cold in winter, then further work will be paralyzed at least for the whole season. But if the screed really dried well, it will be very good and very long.
  2. The presence of dirt and dirt. In the process of work, the materials are strongly dusty, so the master must be prepared for permanent cleaning.
  3. Additional load on overlap. Floor screed is recommended in relatively recently rebuilt houses. Otherwise, their condition can deteriorate significantly.
  4. High probability to buy fake. Very often, under the guise of CPS, poor-quality or base materials are sold, the main ingredient of which is sand, and not a special mixture. On this issue it is better not to save and purchase a product from a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation.

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These disadvantages, of course, represent certain difficulties, however, it is quite possible to cope with them. Even if the process is planned to be planned.

Definition of curvature: CPS for floor screed

Thanks to the cement-sand screed, you can achieve an ideally smooth floor surface. However, the level of alignment is not at all "on the eye", but using a specific technology.

For these purposes, you will need:

  • Classic linear level;
  • Levels (laser or optical);
  • Plumbers.

Cement-sand screed: for sex CPS, device and mixture, do it yourself align

With the help of a cement-sand tie, you can achieve perfectly smooth floor surface

The purpose of the process is to determine the relief of the space and its zero level. In addition, it will be necessary to make a mark of the highest point - it will also be aligned with the entire floor. Without this, the hard stage, which occupies an hour, ideally align the floor is not possible.

After the measurements are carried out, the calculation of potential costs should be carried out - what volume of materials will have to be purchased, how much it will cost, etc.

All data must be recorded to recover purchases with an already ready list. Non-profescionals should not be discarded on super professional levels, which may not be needed anymore. Make basic calculations and, in the future, it is possible to align the floor using a building level, which is a wooden line with an mounted glass flask. No difficulties when working with this "device" does not occur. Yes, and the error will be minimal!

Preparation: Cement and sand tie

The sand-cement screed device begins with the setting of so-called beacons - special guides, by which the master and will focus during the level of plane leveling.

Material for these purposes will suit any:

  • Pipes with a diameter of 15-32 mm;
  • Rectangular profiles;
  • Bar.

The main condition - the lighthouses must be tight enough and not to fade under the weight of the screed.

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Cement-sand screed: for sex CPS, device and mixture, do it yourself align

The device of a sand-cement screed begins with beacons

Several non-hard ways will help install lighthouses:

  • Lighthouses are placed around the perimeter of the room, and the threads are stretched between them;
  • Lighthouses are exhibited by laser level, perpendicular and parallel one one.

The first method is more landed and can be implemented by the master - self-taught. However, this does not mean that work can be carried out after the sleeves. Initially, it is necessary to calculate the number of lighthouses, and after reaching the threads between them. At the same time, it is better not to take an ordinary cotton thread, but a fishing line or even a wire. Otherwise, when contacting with a screed, the tension can relax and the master does not reach the ideal plane to which it seeks.

Is it worth saving: a cement band screed do it yourself

After the technology of working with cement / CPR and the instructions offered to it are thoroughly studied, you can think about what brand is better.

There are many options quite a lot, however, the best is the manufacturer of Axton.

His proposals have already passed the time check, therefore, they are actively acquired by masters around the world. Of course, such a mixture is quite expensive, but the result is worth it.

Laying a screed is not a complex process, but its use requires certain skills.

Cement-sand screed: for sex CPS, device and mixture, do it yourself align

Cement tie of the floor can be made with their own hands

In a relatively short time, the master will receive:

  • Perfectly smooth floor;
  • Simple technology decryption;
  • Excellent help for subsequent work;
  • Minimum grout even after intensive operation;
  • Durable and high-quality material.

Universal cement and sand screed (video)

The solution needs to work very carefully, carefully comparing the proportions of each of the elements included in the composition. And then the positive result will not make himself wait a long time, and the fill of the floor will not cause any difficulties! However, at the same time, do not forget about preliminary calculation!

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