Holders for curtains - how do they change the look of the window?


The original decor always completes the interior of the window, which can consist of a curtain porter, curtains, cornice and accessories. The finished type of curtain compositions give holders for curtains that not only support the curtains, but also decorate the window. Even the smallest accessories form an expressive design, so do not throw their importance from accounts.

Holders for curtains - how do they change the look of the window?

Main functions

The correctly selected wall holder for curtains is a multifunctional object that can completely change the appearance of the porter depending on the design and style of the curtain.

  • He holds the curtains, not giving them to slip and close the window.
  • Forms folds and drapes on the canvas.
  • Adjusts the level of lighting and the intensity of the penetration of daylight into the room.
  • Changing the styling of the curtains, defines the style of a curtain composition.
  • Decorates the curtains and curtains.

The final appearance of the port depends on the species, the method of fastening and fixing the holders. In each case, designers recommend trying several options to determine the most suitable.

Holders for curtains - how do they change the look of the window?

Types of holders

The holders for the curtain can be divided into several groups of the material from which they are manufactured by the method of fastening to the wall and by the method of fastening to the fabric. A variety of various devices provides consumers an unlimited choice.

  • Holders made of wood - the traditional type of product that looks perfectly in the classic interior with elegant strict porters. To add a little luxury, it is enough to choose carved wall patterns or add a little gilding to the tree, and the pickles decorate with brushes.
  • Metal holder for curtains - reliable hook for pickup fabric, cord, beads. Metal stuffs are most often used as independent stationary elements as pickups. The bracket has an ornamental form or decorates the decorative element at the end, which is selected for a specific curtain design. Forged products have increased strength and are suitable for heavy porters and curtains.
  • Plastic holders are especially popular with a variety of forms and a low price. Plastic products justify their use in case of lightweight curtains and curtains from veil, organza, sither, chiffon, when not exposed to a large load.

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Often holders for curtains are sold complete with cornices and have a common design with tips. If you have to choose them yourself, you need to pay attention to the details of furniture, interior items, lamps and a speed for a common harmonious combination.

The selection of plastic holders largely depends on the texture and weight of the fabric, drawing and colors. To dense heavy porters it is better to choose metal or wooden models.

Holders for curtains - how do they change the look of the window?

Construction of holders

The curtain holder can be used as an independent element and paired with pickup. Most often for pickups, hook holders or elements that perform their functions that are attached to the wall are used. The advantage of such drapery systems curtains is the possibility of changing pickups without replacing hooks. If the pickup is temporarily not used, the holder and the place of its attachment is covered with a curtain and becomes invisible.

Manufacturers of curtain accessories offer a plurality of pickles in the form of curtains, such structures are used to create original compositions from several types of tissues.

With the help of Kanzashi, you can drape straight curtains anywhere, creating decorative elements without binding to the wall:

  • crossed curtains (symmetric and asymmetric);
  • Combined classic models;
  • "Bishop sleeve";
  • Decorative finish of soft lambrequins on peroxides, swags, chill and ties.

All the hairpins consist of two parts, between which the curtain fabric is clamped in a certain place, creating drapery. Especially smart look at the hairpins, decorated in the technique of multicolored canzashi, in which you can use the same fabrics as in the curtain composition.

An independent decoration of curtains and tissue drapery is considered draped rings that have the kind of large beads with a wide hole inside. Through the hole stretches the fabric and the folds are turned up above the rings. The adjustment of the depth of the folds can be carried out, freeing the one or the other side of the canvas, without removing the holder for the curtains. Drapeting rings are made of wood, metal and plastic. The most popular plastic - due to low price and a wide color palette.

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Holders for curtains - how do they change the look of the window?

Mounting place to the wall

The total design of the curtains and the curtain composition depends on the place of attachment of the holders to the wall, as the proportions are changed between the drapery and the freely falling cannol. Several ways of fastening to the wall are used.
  • Mounting at the level of the windowsill - is considered to be a classic way at which the window opening is expanding for the receipt of daylight. This method is preferred for a living room, a bedroom or a cabinet, where the curtains are usually hanging on the entire wall.
  • Above the windowsill is set to the curtain holder on narrow windows to create Italian curtains, crossed compositions, when the tissue drapery is closer to the eaves. You can use this case if long pickups from the cord or braid are used for drapery, which are tied at any height of the web, adjusting the width of the opening. Great such holders in the kitchen or children's room, where short curtain compositions are used before the windowsill.
  • Below the windowsill line are attached to the holders on wide windows, which allows you to visually narrow the window opening. Original this technique looks in the hall or living room on heavy curtains and tight curtains.

The choice of place for holders depends on the overall style of the interior of the room, the shape and size of the window, from the functional purpose of the residential premises.

To determine the choice of places for attaching holders, you should collect curtains in several places alternately and evaluate the effect obtained in each version.

Magnetic holders

Magnetic holder for curtains - a popular modern way to drape curtains anywhere without serious installation work. Magnetic products in a wide range are presented by manufacturers, since they have an unlimited number of decorative design options:

  • under the tree;
  • under precious stones;
  • Ribbon and floral compositions of Kanzashi;
  • Plastic color figures.

Structurally all magnetic holders are made of two identical magnetic clips, interconnected with a cord or thread. All surfaces of the magnets are protected by a special coating that does not leave traces on the fabric. The most important advantage of magnetic pickups - they can be attached to the curtains anywhere, and not necessarily on everything canvas.

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Holders for curtains - how do they change the look of the window?

Holders in the style of Kanzashi do it yourself

Kanzashi technique is the manufacture of hair jewelry using fabric flaps. To decorate holders and pickups for curtains, the same technique for the manufacture of colors, leaves, bows, balls from satin, silk and rep companion tapes are used. Kanzashi technique allows you to independently make unique pickups or decorate holders using colors or fabrics that are present in the curtain composition. This approach will ensure the most harmonious combination of curtains and accessories. In Kanzashi flower arrangements, beads, beads, rhinestones, decorative threads or cords can be used. To make holders for curtains with their own hands in Kanzashi technique, it is enough to see the master class and follow the recommendations of the wizard.

The manifold of accessories and pickups for the curtains on sale allows to embody any designer idea in the design of the window opening. Lovers of embodiments of their own fantasies can make curtain accessories independently and get a unique sample of a curtain composition.

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