Cork wallpapers for hallways


Use in the interior

Recently, fashion is becoming increasingly popular for various "eco" coatings. There were no exception and materials for the internal arrangement of the walls of the apartment, and, in particular, for the hallway (corridor). Today we will talk about such a type of finish as cork wallpapers for walls. They are sold in rolls and differ not only by an exquisite design, but also a high level of practicality, which is an important condition for premises with such high permeability and intensity of use.

Cork wallpapers for hallways

They are becoming increasingly popular thanks to many pluses

Of course, this coverage has some features to use. However, if you do not know yet about how to glue wallpaper on a cork-based basis, do not worry, since the process of their blowing is not so much different from sticking other heavy canvases, an example of which vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis can serve. Therefore, if you decide to take a stick in the corridor with your own hands - everything is in your power.

What you need to know

Be that as it may, first of all, it is necessary at least in some details to find out certain information about the fact that it is for such a material, a natural cork and which basic properties it has.

As you understand, the plug is a natural coating that is manufactured by their cork tree. Mounted such wallpaper extremely easy. In addition, if necessary, they can be easily cut fairly enough, to fit under the required size. They are not deformed and are not compressed in the installation process, as well as under the influence of adhesive composition.

Designers advise! Using cork wallpapers, you can equip not only the walls in the hallway, but also its ceiling. In addition, using self-adhesive panels of a square or rectangular shape, you can decorate not all space indoors, and its specific part, thus creating an attractive combination.

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

One of the designer features of the surfaces of this seeing is that in some way they will imitate the forest, and in general, with their help it will be possible to equip various natural plots. In this case, the ideas of decor and design can be searching both on the Internet and contact professional interior design professionals.

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An interesting addition in the interior of the corridor in such cases can be the use of such a reception, so elements of the decor (paintings, photos, within, tapestries, etc.) with images:

  • Trees and forests with drawings of animals, shrubs or colors.
  • Jungle and exotic savannah.
  • Pictures that show beautiful, perfect fields or juicy meadows with herbs.
  • Highland covered with greens.

In other words, such pictures or photos will be able not only to supplement the plug, but also create a combination unique in terms of design, which will help to recreate the feeling of presence in nature. In addition, you can use interesting lamps that can also be quite interesting to supplement the picture in the interior. In any case, there are no plot restrictions here. The main thing is to set up your fantasy on the right way, after which you will begin to appear interesting ideas.

Types of trim

In most cases, finished coatings are supplied to stores in the form of rolls or plates. As for the choice and types of products, today numerous supplier companies offer a sufficiently large number of diverse collections. Of course, in order to know exactly how to decorate your entrance hall, you must at least at the initial level, which varieties of this material are presented in the market. So, if we consider the main species, then they are two:

  1. Those who have a paper foundation.
  2. Do not have such a paper substrate.

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Cork wallpapers for hallways

So, let's talk about each of these types a little more detail.

With the basis of paper

In this case, the technology provides for the use of two layers. One of them is a dense substrate - the basis of paper. On top of this paper base on the production line, a special decorative layer of a dump veneer is pasted.

Helpful information! It is veneer that is used as a decorative coating, it allows you to create on the surface of such cork wallpapers truly attractive and unique combinations of drawings and colors.

By the way, in addition to the paper foundation, the phlizelin substrate is quite widely used. It should be noted that the price of such materials will be somewhat higher compared to other analogues, which can be attributed more to the economy class.

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They are produced in factories where the so-called method is used. "Hot pressing". This technology provides for the preliminary grinding of the cork to the cork to the smallest particles, followed by the provision of exposure by treating high temperature.

Oak bark, which is the main raw material for the production of this type of cork wallpaper, the heating is isolated a number of adhesive majesty. As cool, they solidify, gluing, thus, all the material and making it one.

Main characteristics

Check out the video installation instructions. What should be considered when gluing cork wallpapers in the hallway:

As for the design of the interior of the hallway, it is impossible not to mention such useful quality of cork wallpaper as the possibility of painting. This is an important advantage, since, if necessary, you will always have the opportunity quickly and without making any radical measures to change the interior design.

Important to remember! The most positive quality of the wallpaper from the tube is the possibility of additional insulation of the walls of the corridor from the inside. This is especially important because it is the hallway that is the location in which the undesirable cold from the staircase penetrates in the fall and winter.

Finally, it is impossible not to mention such important quality as moisture resistance. Yes, yes, you did not hear. Many people may seem that such material, as a plug, absorbs all the extra moisture. This is not the case at all. In this regard, it will be interesting to look at the experience of winemakers, which block wine bottles, using a plug for this.

Pros and cons

Cork wallpapers for hallways

Despite the absence of a wide range of colors and texture options, buyers still count on some diversity

This material has numerous advantages. At the same time, he has and certain disadvantages. So, the following qualities can be attributed to the benefits:

  • The use of exclusively natural materials can provide a very high level of environmental safety. It is not by chance that these coatings are recommended for use not only in the interior of the hallway, but also when finishing the walls of the bedroom, living room, and even a children's room.
  • High noise insulation will help in cases where you have noisy neighbors. With the arc side, it is not necessary to think that the use of cork wallpapers will be able to solve all problems with the suppression of extraneous sounds. Nevertheless, a certain effect is still possible.
  • The level of thermal conductivity of wallpaper panels is low enough. This means that from should be considered as a kind of "barrier" between the cold walls and the internal space itself of your apartment.
  • Excellent moisture resistance that allows you to exploit cork wallpapers not only in the corridor, but sometimes even in such rooms, like a toilet or bathroom, the level of humidity in which is the highest. In addition, the plug perfectly proven itself when finishing the loggia.
  • The weighting argument for the use of cork panels in the kitchen is that they do not absorb foreign smells. In addition, such a property, as antistaticity, allows you to minimally to attract dust.
  • According to many professionals, cork wallpapers in the hallway can be successfully combined with other types of surfaces, for example, with liquid wallpaper or decorative natural stone.
  • Do not forget that because of its significant thickness, they are able to hide some mechanical damage that are on the surface of the walls. And due to the fact that their sticker is quite simple, you can safely talk about the fact that you will save a significant amount of money that would spend on specialists in the stack of wallpaper. You can finish the arch or other complex structures that are available in the corridor without any particular effort. In addition, painting also does not represent considerable difficulties.

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Well, now - a few words about disadvantages. It should be noted that there are practically no explicit cons of this material. The only thing you can say is the lack of a wide range of colors, as well as a relatively high price. On how much such wallpaper cost, it is better to learn from representatives of online stores or large construction hypermarkets.

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