Reversion tape: appointment and advantages


To emphasize the attractiveness of the curtains and create a stylish, textured and uniform draper, you can use recordings. Not every matter can boast a structure sufficiently dense to install functional elements, but this case has a special lubricant tape. There are several types of similar devices. Each hostess can cope with the installation of a piece of curtain fabric, only elementary sewing skills are needed.

Reversion tape: appointment and advantages

Appointment and features

When sewing curtains, the strengthening tape can be used in the following cases.

  1. To secure the edge of the matter in order to follow the installation of chalks. The ribbon is the most convenient and optimal solution, because the size is already set, it is not possible to glue it to that side, it does not crumble and does not color the fabric, does not smell after washing. A fold with such a gasket looks careful and even more.
  2. The lover ribbon is widely used in the independent manufacture of pickups for the curtains for the purpose of their seal.
  3. Appliques and decorative elements are better in such a lining.
  4. The device is used to give accuracy and density to the edges of the Roman curtains.
  5. Processed tape tape tissue on Japanese panels prolong their life.


The lover tape is a useful device, but not compulsory. Before purchasing the product, you need to make sure that without it, the realization of the intended image will be impossible. Otherwise, the element will only spoil the product or complicate work.

Reversion tape: appointment and advantages

Types of strengthening tapes and rules for their selection

The tape for luplicas is a band of a kapron tissue with a layer of thermoclaus. By the number of layers of the product there are two types.
  • Single-layer. The glue is applied only on one side of the fabric. You can use for all types of curtains. Under the influence of the iron glue mass melts and sticks the strip to one side of the curtain. The treated tissue becomes quite rigid for chalks, but does not spoil the aesthetics of the folds.
  • Two-layer. The glue is applied on both sides of the strip, so fixation is more dense. The fabric with this option remains on the spot, the quality of the product does not suffer at all. A special non-stick mesh is applied to one side, which protects the surface of the iron. After processing one side, the grid is removed, and the work with the product continues.

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Ribbons for chalks differ in width. To pick up the optimal size, at least two centimeters add to the external diameter of the champ.

A transparent product is used as a seal for thin curtains, for dense tissues - white, opaque.

Instructions for processing curtains and tape mounting

To stick to the edge of the corders, one-sided lover braid, you need to perform the following manipulations.

  1. From the treated top edge of the curtain, two width of the strengthening ribbon are measured. Upon the resulting line, the fabric is formed so that the two irons in contact with, and strokes the iron.
  2. On the edge of the fold, the tape is placed with adhesive coating down. The strip is stroken. It is necessary to act carefully that the fabric and auxiliary braid will be shifted relative to each other.
  3. Matter must cool.
  4. Surplus ribbon sticking on the sides are cut off, edges are processed.
  5. For additional fixation of the element, it is necessary to walk by a machine line by 1-2 mm above the lower edge of the tape, which is well tight through the fabric.

Features of the fixation of a bilateral type of lubricant, make their own adjustments to the consolidation process on the canvas.

  • The process occurs in the same way. But after one side sticks to the fabric, a protective mesh is removed from the tape, it is covered with a cloth and strokes again.
  • If the lubricant is not equipped with a non-stick coating, then as a protective material, you can use baking paper. This will protect the sole of the iron.
  • In this case, it is also recommended to consolidate the tape with a machine line, in some cases it can shift.

If all manipulations are performed correctly, and the curtains failed to attach the tape to the edge of the curtain, it may indicate the low quality of the glue, insufficient heating of the iron or the expiration of the maintenance of the braid.

Reversion tape: appointment and advantages

Recommendations for the operation of a strengthening gasket

There are several useful tips that will make it easier to facilitate and get a beautiful and neat product.

  1. First, the seal must be aligned and smooth. If necessary, it is allowed to secure on matter with very thin needles.
  2. The iron temperature is selected under the type of fabric. Do not risk and install greater power than you need.
  3. The ribbon must be sampled in small areas, lingering on each of at least 8 seconds. To the next section, you can go only after the previous one has been fixed well. This will avoid shifting the fabric and the appearance of folds.
  4. The tape is more densely if you stroke it with a small pressure.
  5. It is not recommended to affect the changer itself - the matter will move, and the seal will be lying crooked.
  6. It is necessary to constantly monitor the degree of melting of glue. If you rearrange, the substance is melted and leaked through the cloth, forming non-source spots.
  7. Newbies before starting to the main work, it is recommended to practic on unnecessary fabric. Otherwise, you can spoil a whole product.

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When washing, the curtains with recordings are recommended to use a delicate mode and a low water temperature. Pressing products can not be pressed, especially part with the seal. If the plastics chapens, they can also be chemical cleaning too.

Reversion tape: appointment and advantages


The lover of the headband strips is very comfortable and useful if they are properly applied. This approach can also be used in the event that the records will be located at the bottom of the curtains - this is a very original decorative course, in which all the details are important. In the future, through the holes, they skip apricots or ropes, which also need to take into account (the folds will be soft or relief).

By purchasing the functional element, you do not need to make reserves for the future. Adhesive strip can soften and even turn off when stored. You should not use colored products - they themselves are attractive, but during operation it may unexpectedly change the color.

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