Shutters on the windows: Advantages and Disadvantages


The mods returned to the windows again. These protective structures are widely used in the design of country houses and urban apartments. Every year more and more types of such systems appear, which allows you to choose the optimal option for any occasion. Internal shutters are particularly popular, which are installed in the apartment and in addition to the functional load also play the role of attractive objects of the situation. Today, products are made not only of wood, but also from metal, which ensures maximum protection of the dwelling from invasion, and plastic (here decorative properties come to the fore).

Shutters on the windows: Advantages and Disadvantages

Shutters - internal shutters

Alternative to external shutters appeared internal structures. These are innovative systems for shielding window openings designed for long-term service. Plastic or wooden products are characterized by functionality, environmental purity, practicality and attractive appearance. Frames are resistant to sunlight, unpretentious in care, durable and do not occupy a lot of space.

Internal shutters were invented in ancient Greece, over the past centuries, they have undergone many changes, have been improved and communicated to the ideal. Consisting of a frame and panels installed by the type of blinds, they can be folded, move and hollow. Controlling the angle of rotation of the lamellae allows you to control the degree of illumination of the room.

Decorative expansion shutters have some features:

  • These are solid structures that consist of a frame and panels. The framework consists of one or several frames that lamellas are attached.


On very wide windows, it is recommended to install not one frame with long panels, but several narrow models. It looks more aesthetically, does not require the selection of the maximum lightweight material, gives more opportunities for manipulations with shutters.

  • Panoramic window openings can be installed sliding shutters that move through the guides.
  • Despite the fact that the shutters on the windows of plastic exist, it is better to choose a tree for internal design. It is less prone to strain, guarantees a long service life, it looks more spectacular and richer.
  • The form of lamellas are not required to be a strict rectangular shape. The panels in the form of ellipses are very attractive.
  • Internal shutters can be a very convenient solution of non-standard openings in the form of arches and attic windows.

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Protective decorative designs can be covered with varnish or paint, which allows them to use them in any interior. Such treatment has also practical importance - the products retain their attractiveness longer, pushed moisture and dust.

Due to all positive properties, the internal shutters on the windows can be used not only for decorating residential premises, but also for designing a kitchen, a cabinet or even a bathroom. Often, the slutters are not only hanging on the windows, but also used as a door.

Shutters on the windows: Advantages and Disadvantages

Plastic shutters

More recently, the shutters for windows were considered a remnant of the past, unnecessary and outdated design, but today the fashion for such products returned. Plastic models are particularly popular, which, although they lost their protective destination, perform important decorative functions.

Constructions can be sliding and swinging. Thanks to innovative technologies, it is possible to establish a remote control system that allows you to control the degree of illumination of the room, without opening the windows. There are shutters made of high-strength plastic, which contributes to the protection of housing from intruders.

Plastic models are very similar to ordinary blinds. They are quickly mounted and removed if necessary. The cost of products is not the highest, so the systems can be changed every few years.

The features that plastic shutters possess are based on recommendations for their use.

  1. Similar models are used to decorate the window, and not to protect the house. When decorating a country cottage, cottage or the first floors of apartment buildings, it is better to use more durable products. Shutters on the windows of plastic are more suitable for the upper floors as light filters and temperature control devices.
  2. Thanks to this solution, it appears the opportunity to highlight windows on a general background, give them originality and special flavor.
  3. Systems are very simple in care and unpretentious. The color of the models does not fade in the sun and is not washed off. Plastic surfaces are not inclined to form mold, fungi, dirt accumulation.
  4. Designs allow you to adjust the degree of room light, capable of protecting from draft or frost.
  5. Such shutters do not need to regularly subjected to restoration, re-cover protective compositions, as it happens with wooden or metal systems. They only need to hang on the windows and sometimes wash in conventional soapy.
  6. The number of designer solutions is huge. This applies not only to color, but also size, forms of products. You can even order a unique option that will become a real decoration of the window and will attract universal attention to it.

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Plastic shutters are the perfect option for those who want to diversify the view of their home by outdoor design of windows without spending a fortune.

Shutters on the windows: Advantages and Disadvantages


Obviously, shutters are a very useful and fairly attractive subject of modern interior or exterior. A variety of species, materials and forms allows you to choose exactly what you need to protect the room from the Sun, someone else's curiosity and even robbers. Modern systems do not differ high cost, if it comes to manual wood thread or complex and non-standard assembly.

Some types of designs on the windows can be made even independently. True, the work is painstaking and has a number of nuances, but as a result - a unique product that meets all the features of the window opening.

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