How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands


Among the variety of ways to decor window curtains, the use of a bandanda is one of the most extravagant options. Decorating the curtains of the Purified Bando created by the Bando, you will give them the second life - the resulting design will be elegant and unusual, and even the old curtains will play with new paints.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Bando for curtains

From this article you will learn how to sew a gang for curtains with your own hands. We will consider the features, decorative purpose of this accessory and give a detailed master class in its manufacture.

What is a bandana?

In a narrow understanding of the bandage for curtains, it is a dense synthetic material used as a lining in the manufacture of decorative elements for designing window curtains. This product is often referred to as "Shabrak" - the essence of the same, the differences are due to the names of the manufacturers of supplying lining to the market.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

The material may differ in density - allocate a rigid gauge for the curtains used for sewing solid lambrequins, and low-blood linings used in order to give the tissue of the desired form. In the soft lining category, a transparent gangster is presented for an organza, which allows to sew from light fabrics - organza, chiffon and tulle, beautiful soft lambrene.

Shabrak lining are also classified on the basis of the presence of the adhesive layer, according to which:

  • The lining with a thermal layer fixed on the tissue when stroking the iron with a temperature of 130-140 degrees;
  • Lining with self-adhesive layer covered with protective film. For fixing it is enough to remove the film and press the shabrak to textiles.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

On the one hand, the shabrak may have a layer of foam rubber or a pile used to fasten the finished product on Velcro velcro.

In a broader understanding of the curtains with a bando, are the panels decorated with rigid lambrequin - even (solid) or openwork type.

An openwork gangster is a rigid patterned lambrequin with an orphan shape. For the personnel manufacture of such products, a grain lining is used or frame bases from dense cardboard, plywood or chipboard, which are tightly tapped and complemented by decorative accessories and fittings.

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How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Openwork bandan

In industrial production, laser cutting of lambrequins is used, which allows you to create expressive products with the finest geometric pattern.

Banother features

Labreken Bandeo is used as a decorative element for curtain design. Whole and patterned lambrequins are combined with classic soft tissue swags, jabin, chill.

Openwork bandoto - a great way to decorate the cornice for the curtains with your own hands, it hides the corze and shifts the visual emphasis on the curtain itself, which allows the use of cheap plastic profiles to fasten the curtain and not overpay for decorative products with artistic forging and expensive accessories.

The horizontal and vertical models of the Bandan Curtal model are highlighted. Vertical products are extremely rare, they frame the window opening over the side contours, which is appropriate only when the larger panoramic and aircraft windows are made.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

The horizontal version of the curtains with a bandage provides for fixing the rigid lambrequin on the upper circuit of the window opening. Often the frame is made with oval roundings on the sides and has a shaped form. This solution is used in the design of any type of windows. For small windows, it is preferable to use openwork curtains with a bandage, they look easily and weightless.

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Functions curtains bando in the interior

The main role of the curtains of the bandage is decorative. Such products, in comparison with classic curtains, much elegant and exquisitely - they change the interior of the room and attract views.

However, openwork curtains are capable of performing the functional component, visually adjusting the size of the window opening.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

  1. Using hard lambrequin horizontal type, you can reduce the height of the window to hide its upper part, which is useful when making cumbersome openings;
  2. If the window is small, hang a wide eaves on it with a slight openwork lambrene along the entire length, and turn the straight curtain window with a vertical strip. Thus, the opening will seem wider, and the walls are higher.

Choosing textiles for sewing curtains Bando with lambrequin, consider that the decorative design with a rigid frame is designed for a long service life, so give preference to one-photo tissue tissue, so that in the future, when you decide to change the cloth curtains, the lambrene can be combined with any curtain.

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Expressive product is better attached to thin openwork patterns, not screaming cloth. It is preferable to use textiles that is well purified (in the future lambrene you will have to vacuum and wipe off with a damp cloth) - velvet, satin, sitheria, satin.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Bando For the curtains for the hall can be decorated with overflowing velvet with a slight golden tint. It looks beautiful, a combination of dark openwork lambrequin and light cloths, especially if the bandana stands out against the background of the shade of the walls.

In small rooms, where the window opening occupies most of the wall, use the lambrequin on the entire width of the room not on the cornily, but on the ceiling. In this case, rationally use asymmetric lambrequins, whereas when fixing on the cornion, equilateral products look better.

In the children's rooms, hard lambrequin can acquire an unexpected form - from intersecting constellations with loops, butterfly wings to decorated in the form of product puzzles.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands


Making curtains Bandalo for the bedroom accent do on the elegance of the design, which is achieved through thin openwork patterns and the contrast of the shade of the lambrene with the color palette of the room.

Bando do it yourself - master class

We bring to your attention a master class, following whom you can make a gang for curtains with your own hands. We will make simple bando curtains with solid lambrequin, covered figure patterns that are highlighted on the background of the main fabric.

As a pattern for a pattern, take the wallpaper with the picture you like, the space for fantasy is not limited here - use the ready-made stores patterns, draw patterns yourself or print the schemes from the Internet and make lambrene based on them.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Liked drawing on the wallpaper

  • We carry the pattern from wallpaper on transparent paper (in this case, the newspaper)

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

We carry the pattern on the newspaper

  • Cut the pattern and glue it with a PVA to a dense cardboard;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Cut and glue to the cardboard

  • Waiting for the drying of the glue by cutting the cardboard and align the workpiece in the iron at the minimum temperature. Similarly, we made the remaining patterns pattern;

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How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Stroke iron

  • We glue the bando or proklamin to the indoor side of the pattern for the pattern, after which we apply molds to the involve, we supply the contours with a pencil and cut out;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Cut the pattern on the fabric

  • As a result, we get billets for gluing to the main fabric of the lambrequin;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

We get billets for gluing to the main fabric of the lambrene

  • We glue the lining to the main fabric, after which we give it the form of the planned lambrequin placing the withdrawal with a pencil and cutting the contours with scissors. Next, using the needles, fix the pattern on the workpiece;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

With the help of needles, fix the pattern on the workpiece

  • On Overlock, the line "Zig-Zag" coach the contours of the pattern of contrasting thread;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Create contours of the pattern

  • Sticking strings neatly remove with a lighter;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Remove sticking threads

  • The main pattern is supplemented with thin twigs, forming them using overlocked stitches along a pre-drawn contour of the pencil;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

We complement the main pattern with sprigs

  • As a result, we get one side of Lambrequin prepared for further finish. Similarly, we make the second side;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Got one side of the lambrequen

  • We coach the edges of the lambrequin identical in color stitches;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Coaching the edge of Lambereten

  • To the involvement of the top cutting of the product, we sew a curtain braid, with its help Labreken will be fixed on the cornily;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

To the outline of the upper cut sew a curtain tape

  • To the inside side of the lambrequin, we sew a lining fabric, pre-fixing it with needles with sufficient tension;

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

To the involving side of the lambrequin, we sew a lining fabric, pre-fixing it with needles

  • Having completed the finish of the product stroke it through a rag with an iron so that the fabric plays.

To sew a gang for a curtain, you need to make a lot of effort - this is a painstaking job, but see what kind of beauty we get in the end.

How easy and easy to make a bandage for curtains with your own hands

Ready product

Beautiful curtains - the face of the hostess!

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