Metallic Rust Protection


Metallic Rust Protection

Without a reliable anti-corrosion protection, no metallic design will be launched. Rust protection is important if you do not plan to change the fence every few years.

Metal fences - no exception. Extend the life of the products can be due to the correct processing. Below we will talk about the technology of staining structures from a metal stake, profiled sheet and mesh, and also we will analyze the coloring compositions that are optimally suitable for metal surfaces.

Rust Protection for Fence Phased

We start with the preparation of metal to staining

This moment is a fundamental, as it determines how good it will fall on fences from the European or proflist, the finishing layer. To begin, it is necessary to clean the fence from the traces of paint, rust, oil, fat, contaminants. Conservative and radical methods are appropriate here.

  • Conservative includes rust stripping with a scraper, metal brush, a special knife. The best result will give acetylene burner or soldering lamp.
  • When exposed to the metal, the outer layer of paint flashes, and the rust and scale are departed due to the temperature difference. If removed the traces of corrosion fails, choose the coloring composition, which is suitable for applying to an unprepared surface.


The next stage is the applying of primer, which simultaneously protects the metal from corrosion and provides grip of paint with the surface. For ferrous metals, experts recommend choosing anti-corrosion primers.

For color, on the contrary, the property of adhesion (aluminum and copper is not subject to corrosion). Apply the ground coating layer using roller, brushes or sprayers.

Metallic Rust Protection

Application of finishing

After the primer layer is applied, you can proceed to staining. You can apply the LKM using a sprayer, brush or roller.

It is better to paint in 2-3 layers with intervals for drying. This will give a more uniform surface without flaws. Use the sprayer is most convenient. To do this, process the surface from a distance of 15-20 cm.

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Exposure time between layers is reduced to 20 minutes. Rollers are used for smooth surfaces. Before coloring, it is recommended to dilute the mixture with a solvent in a ratio of 9 to 1. Difficult spaces and angles are treated with a brush. Then all the fence takes place with a roller in 2-3 layers.

Metal paint selection

On the site (the largest manufacturer of metal fences in the Russian Federation for the 2019th) recently went on a discussion, how to properly paint the inexpensive fence from the professional flooring and which LKM is better to choose.

Metallic Rust Protection

Specialists of the company recommend water-dispersion and special acrylic paints for metal. The last option is preferable, as it allows you to reliably protect the surface from corrosion and negative external factors (precipitation, UV radiation).

A good solution is the choice of anti-corrosion compositions, which are allowed to apply on traces of rust and residues of paint. The compositions have a solvent, so they eliminate the old layer and protect the structures from destruction. Enamels are also present on the market with additives: rust transducers, anti-corrosion soil. They are applied to stripped surfaces.

Pre-processing of the base of the primer is not required, which reduces the process of staining the fence. For ferrous metals, anti-corrosion-based anti-corrosion compositions are optimal. The finishing coating is characterized by a high degree of resistance to ultraviolet, storm sediments, sharp temperature differences.

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