Street washbasin for giving


Street washbasin for giving

Washbasin for giving is a very useful device for people who are often outside the city, have a garden, garden or just want to spend a great time on the street near the mangala or arbors.

Street washbasin can be made from many remedies, especially since everyone has such in the country.

If you want to make the pastime in the country comfortable and cozy, make a washbasin with your own hands.

Types of street washbasins for giving

Among the main types of washbasins, the following can be distinguished:
  • Street washbasin with a tab. Of course, you are unlikely to buy a whole set - a device for the street and an end. However, there is an option to find a separate bedside table, chest of drawers or even a part of the locker, which will serve as a resistant for comfortable hand washing. In this case, inside the cabinets can be placed different means, for example, washing, soap and even some clothes. If a resident of the country site wants, you can make a hole at the top of the table and turn there with a pipe, and below, inside the locker, put a spacious bucket for wastewater;
  • Street washbasin for cottages on the rack. The rack needs to burst under the ground so that the device does not fall. This option is the easiest to use it, it can be easily done with the help of metal reinforcement, which will fasten the water-drive itself from above. Water can be typing into the most ordinary plastic bottle, but it is better to take the largest, and the crane is useful to it;
  • Suspended washbasin for giving. You can make such a washbasin, too, from the bottle, what we will talk about below, however it will be fixed to the wall. To keep the device on the carnation, you need to make either a hook, or wind the entire bottle with wire and its edges spin in the form of a hook.

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How to make a washbasin for the cottage from the bottle

Street washbasin for giving

You have a choice - take a bottle transparent or pre-paint it.

Transparent will allow to control the level of filler water, and the painted will become a beautiful option for landscape design.

Street washbasin for giving

When we build a cottage, you can provide the easiest version of the street washbasin for the cottage at the time of construction.

To do this, it is enough just to take a five-liter bottle, cut off the bottom and on the sides, closer to the bottom, do holes. There and there will be a progress of a wire that should remind a bucket knob. For it and you can hang a street washbasin anywhere.

So that the water flows out from the washbasin, you can convert the lid, after which the water will begin to flow.

However, there is another option: just do a hole in the lid, which will pass the water when filling the washbasin. At the same time, the best solution is to equip the washbasin with a crane, easily opened and closed.

Still ticking the water in the washbasin for the cottage from the bottle it makes no sense if every time you need to go to the house for this to set the water.

Old Washbasin for Cottage

Street washbasin for giving

The easiest option is to use the old washbasin for the bathroom.

Such a washbasin for giving can be transferred to the street and install, attaching to the wall of the building. At the same time, the water will flush into a special hole, falling into the tank for the fence.

Street washbasin for giving

It will also remain to equip the upper part of the street washbasin for giving, where the water will accumulate. It can either buy or make it yourself:

  • We take a faucet for water supply, a savory, clamp nuts and several pads, such that in the home mixer;
  • We take a container, for example, a canister, my thoughts, and we do a hole under the Sgon. Next, we wear two gaskets on the nuts and check whether the crane is well fixed;
  • Everything, it remains only to spin the canister cover at the top and pour water into it.

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Street washbasin for giving

A similar action can be made with the work of any capacity, including with a plastic barrel if the volume of water consumed is large. True, in this case, it is advisable to make a drainage that the liquid does not impose the foundation of the house.

We make a beautiful washbasin for giving

Street washbasin for giving

If there is a desire to make not just some kind of tool for washing your hands, but also to arrange a beautiful device, you can use the original shape of the tanks and decorate them.

The simplest solution to the decoration of the street washbasin for the cottage is to draw nail polish. Beautiful patterns, and for this it is useful only a thin or thick brush. And it is better if both types you have - even an ideally drawn drawing will look more elegant.

The country washbasin can be covered with a lacquer coating, which gives shine. It is also possible to fix various crafts with glue with glue, but you must not forget that if the washbasin is not under a canopy, it will be damaged by atmospheric precipitation.

Street washbasin for giving

When the summer cottage is built, the use of seashells, cones, pebbles will be quite accessible.

Another original solution is to attach a washbasin for cottages with a bottle fragments and cover the layer of varnish.

Street washbasin for giving

If there is a lake or river near the cottage, it is certainly possible to find a lot of broken glass on the shore of the reservoir, which for several months "washing" sharpened all the edges.

This will make it possible not to just protect yourself from the cuts, but also use glass resembling a natural stone.

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