Wall mural with fireplace on the wall


We all want to equip the interior of the apartment so that it is cozy and comfortable. Often this approach turns into significant cash spending. Nevertheless, with the right approach, you can save considerable money, after repairing repair, firstly, with your own hands, and secondly, it is necessary to use inexpensive construction and finishing materials. An example is the photo wallpaper "Fireplace", with the help of which you can significantly transform the apartment, making it more attractive and cozy. What is interesting, all work on decorating can be performed at a fairly short time, not starting full repair.

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Nevertheless, when choosing and sticking, it is necessary to take into account some circumstances, without which decoration is hardly considered successful. As for the choice of the most scene, this is a very good option, first of all, for the reason that the fireplace is what attracts many people. This is not by chance, since the fire has always attracted people, carrying life, safety, starting from ancient times.

Nevertheless, the real fireplace is far from all. Firstly, almost all residents of apartments located in high-rise buildings are extended. Thus, the possibility of arranging the fireplace remains only among those who have a private house, cottage or country cottage. But such people are a bit. And what to do those who have no such opportunity? Alternatively, you can use an electric fireplace. However, this decision is also not suitable for all, due to various reasons. Of course, the photo wallpaper with the fireplace will not bring you heat and do not give real fire. However, they will be able to largely convey the situation that will make your bedroom or living room more friendly and cozy.

In which places it is better to place

Since you have decided to stick a photo wallpaper with a fireplace on the wall, you need to take care of where it is better to do. In fact, the choice of place is a significant stage, since the success of all work depends on this. So, let's see what the main features of using photo wallpaper with a fireplace in the interior.

In the interior of the living room

Of course, the most common room for putting them is the living room (hall). As a rule, the whole family is gathering here in full, and often other relatives, friends and acquaintances. Therefore, in the living room it is necessary to create conditions so that the situation is as cozy and predisposing for pleasant long-term meetings and gatherings. The wall with the image of the fireplace can become the solution that can help create such an environment.

Attention! In order for the image with the fireplace as realistic as possible, you will need to perform some work on additional decoration so, you can equip a peculiar fireplace stylized "portal" using a natural stone, a tile, imitating brick, or wood covered Special varnish.

That is, with the hall everything is clear: the use of similar photo wallpaper will be very appropriate in this interior. At the same time, the following question arises: where exactly to beat the photo wallpaper with the fireplace exactly? In what place the living room will they look at the best possible way?

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Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Let's see:

  1. So, what do you need to know if the room is very small and narrow? In such cases, we, unfortunately, do not always appear the possibility of accommodating photo wallpaper in the very place where we wanted to see them. Therefore, you need to think about how to carve out a small place and still paste the photo wallpaper with a fireplace. An example is the wall on which the TV is located. Alternatively, it can be removed from the shelf, and instead - hang on the wall. "Fireplace", at the same time, will be located under the TV.
  2. If we are talking about a fairly large room, in which there is simply and free space on which you can decorate with photographic windows, then there are also certain rules and recommendations that need to be considered. So, one of the rules is that it is impossible, under no circumstances, clutch the image. This, by the way, concerns not only photo wallpaper with a fireplace, but any other plots. Of course, additional accessories and decor elements also need to be given the place, however, let them be located away from the image of the fireplace.
  3. You need to mention about the use of photo wallpapers in the bedroom interior. They will look very good and appropriate. However, try not to use big images and unnecessarily bright colors. The situation in the bedroom, as-no, should be more calm.

On a note! Wall mural with fireplace can be used as a temporary decorative solution for the period of New Year holidays. Traditionally, the fireplace, being closely connected with the concept of comfort and celebration, is used in the New Year's subject. Therefore, you can safely glue such wallpapers on the eve of the New Year. As for the location of the location, it can be like a zone next to the New Year's Christmas tree and a children's room.

To glue, by the way, is not necessarily glue. You can use temporal ways. For example, you can consider options with sticking with thin strips of transparent tape or fixation using ordinary pins. Thus, after completing the holidays, you can easily remove such a sheet without damaging it and leaving the possibility of reuse for the next year. Moreover, it is next to this decorative "fireplace" you can leave a gift for your baby.

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In addition, the kitchen can also be considered as a premises, in the interior of which it is permissible to use decoration with the help of photographs with the image of the fireplace. At the same time, remember that such drawings should not only harmoniously fit into the interior in the color scheme, but also to be made on special coatings that could be washed.

The kitchen refers to the premises with difficult operating conditions of wallpapers. Therefore, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of as much as possible types of finishes. This, in this case, includes vinyl and phlizelin wallpaper. From the paper analogs it is better to refuse. You can read more about wallpaper for the kitchen here. But in this article we describe in detail about the characteristics and features of vinyl wallpaper.

Despite the widespread myth on the limited options with the image of the fireplace, actually options - abound. Using a variety of plots, you will be able to choose the necessary image, based on the aesthetic and practical requirements for the design of the room. If you give examples of the most common plots, you should mention the following options:

  • Fireplace, located on the corner of the room (wallpaper "Fireplaces 3D").
  • Burning firewood.
  • Fire pattern.
  • Fireplace next to windows.

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Each of these images has its own characteristics. If about talking about such a plot like an angular fireplace, it is worth noting that it comes first of all about the volumetric images. Of course, a fairly unusual option, since 3D sawmills, in principle, cannot be counted for the category of the most common design solutions. Nevertheless, they are unique in their own, since the surround effect allows to achieve an extraordinary realistic image.

To select such songs, you will need to make some transformations in the interior of the room, and if you are accurate, in its design. Since the "fireplace" will be angular, it means that it should be done on a separate plane, and not on one of the walls. This plane is usually located at an angle of 45 degrees, so it should be created. This is done using the use of plasterboard structures, in which plasterboard is mounted on top of a special frame made from a metal profile.

By the way! About how to glue the wallpaper on top of the plasterboard, you can read in this article.

As for the fireplace with burning firewood, it can be used in almost any room, since this type of image is the most versatile of all. In addition, you do not have to hold any additional rebuildings in the interior.

Considering the fireplaces, as if painted with pencil or paints, it must be said, he does not belong to the number of the most realistic, rather, rather, even on the contrary. Nevertheless, they have their own charm. It is the art component and represents a kind of "highlight", which forces many people to make a choice in favor of such interior and design solutions.

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Well, finally, one of the most popular stories is the photo wallpaper of the fireplace next to the image of the windows. As a rule, it is located in the middle between two windows of classical layout, with long "old" curtains. However, despite all the attractiveness of such a drawing, you need to remember that all its elements correspond to each other stylistically. This means that you should not choose the photo wallpapers, which show windows that are radically different from those windows that are installed in this room. In addition, curtains, other accessories, and the style presented on the photo wallpaper should generally coincide with the stylistics of the premises.

How to choose the style of the fireplace in the image

Due to the fact that options with images of fireplaces - abound, you will stay on something concrete. It should be noted that the photographs with a fireplace in their style should correspond to the overall style of the room. This, in turn, implies the combination of colors. They can be similar, contrast or complementing each other, but the main condition is that they are harmoniously combined.

If we talk about such modern styles like Hightec, Contemporary, Loft or Scandinavian interior, it should be noted that the fireplace should be more modern on the image. Also fit both vintage options that look at the aged, but not classical fireplaces. In addition, the last option may be ideal for the design of premises decorated in the style of Provence.

As a time for more classic interiors and you need to choose such photos. In addition, you can additionally use decoring with carved and painted frames that successfully emphasize the selected style.

Tip! If you choose a photo wallpaper with a fireplace for the room to the apartment, do not forget that the color of the portal, which is depicted on them, at least more or less correspond to those shades that are used on the doors, windows and flooring.

Images of white and other light beams are very often used in the interiors performed in the so-called English style. In addition, it is impossible to exclude their use and when refining design in the styles of Provence and Country (all those who are interested in such interior aesthetics, can familiarize themselves with the article about the design of the bedroom in the style of Provence).

In addition, you must take into account the fact that the photo of any fireplace is not important whether it is made of stone, tree or brick (it's about the portal) must be combined with home textiles. Make sure it corresponds to the style of those curtains, curtains, bedspreads, sofa pillows and other accessories that are used in the interior.

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

Wall mural with fireplace on the wall

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