Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself


Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Cast iron bath - almost eternal thing. Cast iron is one of the very first materials that began to be used for the production of plumbing equipment. Pig-iron plumbing is characterized by increased wear resistance and serves decades. That is why Santechnibores from the cast iron still prefer to install in public bathrooms with a large stream of users.

The bath from the cast iron, installed apartment, a few years of operation remains all the same durable and sustainable. The only thing that comes into disrepair is an enamel coating. Even with a very careful handling, after some time, chips, scratches and immemorous spots appear on enamels.

Usually in this case the question arises about the product replacement. But does it make sense to change a high-quality cast-iron bathroom, which can last another ten years on a new sanitary device of dubious quality? We offer you to start trying to restore the enamel coating on their own. It will cost that will be significantly cheaper than buying a new bath, and the result can exceed all your expectations.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself


Acrylic liner. The easiest way to update the cast-iron bath is the purchase of an acrylic insert bath. In terms of cost, it is similar to the purchase of a new cast-iron bath, but you don't have to think how to dismantle and where the day is an old bath and install a new one. Acrylic liner is made to order, and you can install it on your own bath - all the subtleties of installation will tell you manufacturers.

Acrylic liner consists of two layers: plastic, responsible for the elasticity of insertion and acrylic, providing rigidity and excellent performance characteristics of the product. Acrylic liner is pleasant to the touch, it does not slide, well keeps warm and easily clean. It should be noted that the acrylic insert bath can only be ordered for a standard size bath and form.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Stacring. Acrylic to restore enamel is used in the technology "bulk bath." It involves applying a layer of liquid acrylic on the prepared surface of the old bath, which is called "Stacryl". The restoration of enamel in this way can be independently from beginning to end, you only need to purchase the necessary materials.

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Acrylic is poured along the edges of the bath, moving around the perimeter. The liquid flows from the side on the walls and gradually fills the bottom. Orthodox and unfilled areas are squinted with a rubber spatula. The main thing is to do everything quickly, while the composition did not grab. The technology is quite complicated and requires some experience, but everyone who has a little familiar with repair and finishing works can cope with it. The bath restored in this way will have all the advantages of the acrylic bath.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Enamelling. This method is the most budget, as the components needed to prepare enamel composition, are cheaper than liquid acrylic, and even more so - acrylic bathroom insert. The enamel includes two active substances: base and hardener. So that they react, it is necessary to heat the mixture to the temperature above the room. Read more about Cast iron bath enamel technology. Read below.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself


Regardless of the method of updating the cast-iron bath, the first thing to be done before proceeding with the main work is to prepare the surface. Preparation includes:

Elimination of rusty spots. Rust is formed as a result of metal oxidation. It is possible to make traces of oxidation by invisible, by treating contaminated areas with acid (acetic or oxal) is suitable for this purpose). You need to pour away the diluted acid on rusty stains and leave for half an hour. If, after washing off the acid, the rust was not completely eliminated, the residues can be simply scraped with a rigid brush. After that, the bath must be thoroughly wash with hot water and a conventional cleaning agent.

Grinding. When all the pollution from the bath will be removed, it is necessary to align the surface. The grinding method depends on what tools you have at hand. It is most convenient to do this with the help of a grinder, but a drill with a special nozzle or sandpaper is suitable. At the end of work, rinse the bath with warm water.

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Grout. Even after careful treatment of the surface, dents, deep scratches, chips and cracks, which impossible to stall, are still remaining. From defects of this kind, we get rid of putty and spatula. When putty dries, it needs to be overlooked again so that the surface of the bath is absolutely smooth.

Degreasing. At the final stage of preparation, the surface of the font should be deguted. You can use special cleaners or alcohol, soda, solvent and other remedies.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Enhancing enamel

  • Before starting, breaking water for reliability. Remove the drain system, clean and dry the drain hole. Under the draining, put a small basin or tray into which the enamel will be stroke.
  • Now, the pre-prepared surface of the bath should be primed. Many enamel producers for the bath produce also primer mixtures, so if possible, it is recommended to acquire enamel and primer one brand. It also happens enamel that can be used as a primer (methods of use are usually indicated on the package). After the primer layer is dry, you can proceed to enamel.
  • Components for enameling mix in proportions recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the basics and hardener, you can add a keler in the enamel mixture if you want to achieve some particular shade of enamel.
  • Enamel is applied with a wide brush or roller. Act carefully, movements must be fast and accurate. Enamel is not oil paint and not bully glue, it dries very quickly.
  • Covering the surface of the bath enamel, distribute the composition from top to bottom, from the side to the bottom. Move on the perimeter of the bath, enameling the sector sector. After the first layer of enamel will freeze, in the same way apply the following.
  • Fully dry enamel no earlier than in 3 days. If you have fallen several layers of coating, then drying can last a week. During all this time, the bathroom cannot use. When the coating hardens, return to the plums.

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Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself


  • Quality materials for enameling bath are produced both domestic and foreign manufacturer. Among enamels from Russian manufacturers, good reviews are obtained by Svetlana and Aqua Color complexes. From foreign enameling mixtures worth noting "Tikkurila ReaFlex 50", which can also be used as a primer.
  • While enamel dries, no construction work should be carried out in the bathroom. Finishing materials, dust and dirt that fell on the fresh coating will remain on it with incommable stains. In addition, all over the time of drying enamel, the bathroom needs to be constantly ventilated. If moisture is maintained in the room, enamel can crack.
  • So that the coating was more durable and served as long as possible, apply more than two layers of enamel. Ideally, the number of layers should be from 3 to 5. Such a coating will last more than 10 years. When it comes into disrepair, the enamel procedure can be repeated.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself


Extend the service life of the new coating can be adhering to several basic rules of operation of an enamelled bath:

  • For Plumbing washing, use only soft, gentle detergents that do not contain abrasive substances. Choose a soft sponge or cloth, avoid hard brushes (especially metallic).
  • If you are accustomed to soak in the bathroom underwear, then in no case fill in it bleach and other aggressive cleansing agents.
  • Do not expose enamel bath with sharp temperature drops: do not pour alternately boiling water and cold water. A sharp change of water temperature can cause cracks on the surface of the bath.
  • In the enameled bath it follows with caution. Try not to drop heavy bubbles with shampoo into it, do not throw a shower can on the bottom of the bath.

Restoration of the enamel of cast-iron bath do it yourself

Children and older people love to wash, sitting at a low stool. In this case, attach rubber non-stool to the legs of the chair.

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