How to align the wooden floor under the laminate: alignment with your own plywood hands, old than better, Fiberboard and putty


How to align the wooden floor under the laminate: alignment with your own plywood hands, old than better, Fiberboard and putty

Before mounting the laminate, it is strongly recommended to align the wooden floor of the laminate - this is a fairly popular floor covering. But the prerequisite for its installation is a smooth floor. That is why it is equalized by plywood or other methods.

Why need a wooden floor alignment under laminate

Before starting the installation of the laminate, you need to take care of the ideal evenness of the floors. The level of leveling depends on the initial state of the floor covering. If you consider this procedure negligiously, the laminate will quickly come into disrepair, it will begin to crack, lose an attractive appearance.

How to align the wooden floor under the laminate: alignment with your own plywood hands, old than better, Fiberboard and putty

Aligning the wooden floor before laying a laminate, you can significantly extend the service life

In places of irregularities, the finish coating will crack, and change the form. In the presence of elevations, the laminate will begin to swell. If the basis is loosened, then the coating itself will begin to disperse. That is why it is necessary to take all necessary measures to equalize gender.

If the presence of irregularities is a pair of millimeters, then the coating is not needed. It is enough to apply a thick substrate.

The laminate is quite popular among floor coverings. It is made of wood and is covered on top of a protective layer, which prevents mechanical and chemical impacts. It is widely used both in residential buildings and in office buildings.

Advantages of laminate:

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Simple installation;
  • Quality.

Perform the alignment of the wooden base with your own hands. At the same time, the price policy of the issue is acceptable. The tools for the procedure will not need a lot, only a desire.

How to align the old wooden floor under laminate: methods and techniques

The alignment procedure has several ways. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages. To determine the optimal option for your occasion, you need to get acquainted with each of them.

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Methods of alignment of flooring:

  • Manual or mechanical cycle;
  • Use of plywood from OSB, chipboard or fiberboard;
  • Self-leveling mixtures;
  • Puttlecock and glue of PVA;
  • Use of lags;
  • Concrete screed.

The cyclove implies the use of special grinding machines. This technique will take a sufficient amount of time and strength. You have to deepen all the nails and screws so that their caps do not look out. If this is not done, then the unit failure is inevitable.

How to align the wooden floor under the laminate: alignment with your own plywood hands, old than better, Fiberboard and putty

Old wooden floor need to be aligned with grinding machine

If the floor has some differences, then the alignment is suitable with plywood. This is a simple and effective way. Plywood raises the floor just a couple of centimeters, which is very convenient in the case of a low ceiling room.

For a better effect, you need to use two layers: the first of the Fiberboard, the second - plywood. At the same time, the joints should not coincide.

With small irregularities, self-leveling mixtures can be applied. Before leveling, you need to prepare preparatory work: replace spoiled boards, sharpen the gaps, fasten the rigging boards, primed the floor and take care of the waterproofing. An additional reinforcing polyethylene grid can be used, which is to be put on a small layer of the mixture. It is used if the bulk gender in height should exceed 1 cm.

Spacure alignment is the cheapest way. Preparatory work with this method includes fixing the guide planks. The interval between them should be 50-60 cm. The mixture must be applied to clean floor treated with degreasing means. After drying, you need to consolidate from above Phaneur.

When the old floor fell into disrepair, it is better to use the fastening of lags. To do this, you need to get rid of old boards. Between the lags, clamzit falls asleep, then there is a layer of foam or GWL and covers all plywood.

Concrete screed is often used when aligning the floor. The lack of such a procedure is a big weight of concrete. That is why the draft wooden floor should be still strong enough to withstand the desired load.

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Wooden floor alignment: how to determine the presence of irregularities

To correctly align the floor and ensure the durability of the floor covering, it is necessary to perform the necessary measures. This can be done in several ways. But before such a procedure, it is necessary to inspect the quality of the wooden basis.

How to align the wooden floor under the laminate: alignment with your own plywood hands, old than better, Fiberboard and putty

You can determine the presence of the irregularities of the wooden floor using the level

Floor quality estimation parameters:

  1. The presence of insects and rot. You need to carefully examine the wooden coating on both sides. In the absence of traces of malicious influence, the floor is not needed.
  2. Equality of flooring. To do this, use a laser level or visual assessment. If there are skills you can resort to the help of a building level.
  3. The presence of irregularities and bugs. To do this, stretch two ropes and follow the contact of the thread with the floor.

Before the procedure for determining irregularities, it is necessary to free the floor from any items. This will help more accurately determine the presence of defects of the floor covering. You can use any of the methods of checking the floors of floors. You can also use a mounting level or hydroelectric background.

Degree of irregularity:

  • Small - 5-20 mm;
  • Average - 20-60 mm;
  • Large - from 60 mm.

After determining the irregularities, you can choose how to align. The most optimal is the laying of plywood. This is a simple option that can be performed each independently.

File alignment sequence plywood under laminate

This technique does not take a lot of strength and does not require special skills. Align the floor yourself with your own hands. This requires only the desire and a set of necessary accessories and materials.

Tools for lining floor plywood:

  • Middle hammer;
  • Perforator;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Level.

How to align the wooden floor under the laminate: alignment with your own plywood hands, old than better, Fiberboard and putty

Thanks to the plywood, you can even hide the serious unevenness of the floor, resulting in a smooth surface

Fastening plywood is the most effective way to align the floor. It can be used when the basis has fully accumulated or has severe irregularities. But at the same time, all the power components must be strong enough.

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Sequence of floor alignment plywood:

  1. First you need to fix lags. To do this, it is necessary to determine the zero point to which the plywood will be attached. This point begins with the highest place of the old floor. It is necessary to add the thickness of the plank themselves (lags). Next, it is necessary to make a note throughout the perimeter of the room, indicating the height of the new floor.
  2. Then you need to make the tension of the construction thread. All over the floor, you need to fix screws at the cord level. This will serve as a pointer with further work.
  3. At the pointer level you need to install lags. The interval between the centers of the planks should be not more than 60 cm. If the lag does not reach the floor, then you need to make a lining.
  4. After the smoothness of the planks is determined using a level, it is necessary to start fastening the phaneer. The material is attached to the self-tapping screw with a 2-3 mm cap gluage.
  5. After that, it is necessary to check the floor evenness again.

On this floor correction process is over. The Faneru itself can be treated with the necessary mixtures or paint. It is desirable that the anti-parasitic and fire fighting processing is on both sides of the boards.

The junctions of plywood should coincide with the lags. They should not be in the air and create clearance. Otherwise, such a coating will not last long.

After alignment it is necessary to take care of ventilation. This will increase the service life of the floor. To do this, it is enough to do small holes in opposite sides of the room.

Tips: how to align the wooden floor under laminate (video)

The level of floor alignment when using plywood has no difficulties. We need to prepare in advance and explore all the nuances and features of the use of plywood. It is also desirable to have the necessary tools at hand.

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