Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price


Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price
The toilet with the function of the bidet will not only allow you to save space in the bathroom, it will become more convenient and functional.

This plumbing equipment (washing toilet) looks outwardly similar to the usual toilet, but differs from it a large volume of the drain tank, which includes a high-tech electronic filling, and a more elongated bowl shape. Inside the bowls are special nozzles through which water is underway for hygienic procedures.

Types of toilet systems combined with bidet

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

Suspended toilet with a bidet function is a miracle of modern plumbing. Tank and drain system are hidden in a special niche. The design is mounted using a special fastener system, the individual elements of which are made of reliable materials resistant to large loads (up to 400 kg).

Suspended toilet has the following advantages:

  • He takes little space, because free space is released;
  • Pretty simple in everyday life - the space under the toilet is available for cleaning;
  • It works almost silently, since the drain system is located in a closed niche.

The disadvantages of the toilet with the function of the bidet include certain difficulties of mounting suspended structures, as well as inaccessibility to the drain system in the event of an accident for repair work.

Selecting the toilet, it is necessary to take into account that it must harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room. If you have not yet decided on the interior of your bathroom, you should read the following article dedicated to this topic. You can also read about the arrangement of the bathroom in a small Khrushchev.

Outdoor toilet is a classic type of plumbing, which does not require the use of any special devices when installing as a suspended model. Such a toilet is convenient to use and maintain. Drain tanks can have different configurations, which makes it possible for their selection for a suitable room design.

Compact toilet - the most common and popular type of plumbing. It has a removable tank, in contrast to monolithic structures, where the drain tank is inseparable from the bowl. The tank is attached straight to the bowl of the bowl or separately from it. To save place, the tank can be deepened inside the wall. Such models are invented long before the invention of modern installation systems, but still remain quite popular, and modern models are often equipped with removable tanks.

Microlift systems and anti-tape in modern toilets

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

Modern toilet with the function of the bidet is equipped with special microlift covers, which adds comfort when using this delicate technology. A special retainer slows down the loss. Japanese manufacturers invented the system that responds to the user's approach, while the cover itself rises, and after the completion of the procedures, the procedures itself quietly falls, which eliminates the need for the user to be tightened with her hands.

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Another interesting invention is the anti-tape system, which reduces the formation of splashes when using toilet bowl. Inside the bowl of the toilet bowl, a special shelf is built, which prevents a splash of water while using the toilet bowl, which is located at the bottom of the bowl. In addition, the special shutter does not allow to penetrate the room with an unpleasant sewage smell.

Unitaz connecting rules with bidet function

In addition to classic modeling models with integrated special equipment for ablution, there are separate consoles that can be installed on an ordinary toilet. One of these consoles is a cover for a toilet with a bidet function.

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

The modified cover design is equipped with all the necessary functions for hygienic procedures, which includes such modes:

  • ablution;
  • drying with a flow of warm air;
  • pulsating jet massage;
  • heated seating;
  • presence sensor;
  • Button or remote control.

The cover is selected under the size of the toilet, and the water supply is connected after installation using flexible hoses.

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

Choosing a seat for the toilet, it is necessary to give preference to the models of the same series and the manufacturer as the model of the toilet itself so that the technical openings coincide with the installation and seats coincide, because otherwise there will be problems in installing equipment.

Improvement of plumbing with additional equipment costs cheaper than the acquisition and installation of the installed detergent toilet, and in the end you can get the entire set of necessary functions for hygiene procedures.

Cheaper models are equipped with flexible hoses for which water is carried out to mixers. In expensive models, special devices are embedded with an electronic control unit and heaters to which electricity and cold water connects.

Some models are equipped with a hygienic shower, which is a modified mixer. Mixers with built-in thermostats are very comfortable, thanks to which you can set the desired water temperature. The water supply device can be attached to the usual soul or sink.

Functional features toilet with bidet

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

Toilet bowls have a number of functional indicators that increase comfort and level of hygiene when using them.

Here is some of them:

  • The ablution of a large body area during the pendulum mode of the fittings;
  • drying delicate places with a flow of warm air with the possibility of regulating the temperature of the supplied air;
  • Water massage pulsating jet;
  • Installing automatic kneading and drying mode;
  • Ventilation mode Bowl during operation;
  • Warm seat;
  • Automatic cleansing and disinfection of nozzles after using the toilet;
  • Disinfection and filtering of the water used;
  • Illumination, energy-saving mode, improved safety and other necessary functions.

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Terms of use of bidet

This device is specifically designed for hygienic procedures after the toilet. It is proved that water and air drying - the procedure is more hygienic than using toilet paper, although its use is not canceled. Sometimes the function of the bidet is used not only for its intended purpose, but even even for washing legs, daily hygiene and to wash the kids.

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

Modern products have electronic control, due to which you can adjust the desired water temperature, strength of the jet, automatic cleaning, the necessary air flow mode and other parameters. The control panel is located on the side of the equipment. The principle of work of the bidet is very simple. After pressing the button, the middle of the bowl leaves the fitting with nozzles and supplies water the desired temperature and pressure of the pressure. In some models, there is a setting of the outlet length of the fitting, which makes it possible to adjust the equipment for any anatomical features of the user.

There are a number of manual control products, which makes it possible to adjust the water pressure and its temperature in the mixer combined with the crane. Water is served in the bid without detergents, therefore, immediately near the sanitary equipment, the necessary hygiene products should be located. Preferably, instead of a simple soap, use special liquid products for intimate hygiene. Instead of tissue towels, you can use paper napkins or towels for these purposes.

The advantages and disadvantages of the toilet with the function of the bidet

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

Compliance with personal hygiene by washing with a bidet is the most effective way to comply with personal intimate hygiene. This is a very convenient way, because the user does not need to be transferred to another place. It takes particular importance in the bathrooms, where there is no possibility to install the bidet next to the toilet.

Also, this equipment is indispensable for older people and disabled people with disabilities, as well as for those who care. Usually detergent toilets are installed in medicinal and wellness institutions. Many models are a real miracle of technology that minimize the personal participation of the user in ablution, especially if the user is hard to implement hygienic procedures in certain cases.

The modern market offers a huge number of all sorts of models, characterized by a number of functions, sizes and appearance. Thanks to the wide selection of plumbers, you can easily choose a model that in all parameters is suitable for you, and even at the same time save money, because the purchase of a detergent toilet is cheaper than the purchase of individual components of the washing plumbing.

The disadvantage of the toilet with the built-in bidet function is the complexity in installing and connecting. Due to the large number of all sorts of compounds with water supply, water occurs. But if the installation is carried out by a competent specialist, compliance with the instructions and technical norms, the risk of leakage is minimized. If you do not have the opportunity to invite a specialist, then you need to carefully examine the installation instructions, in detail to ask consultants of the cabin that sell to the plumbing, and only then begin to install.

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The toilet with the function of the bidet fits perfectly into the overall design of the bathroom with a shower installed.

Choosing manufacturers

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

The Russian market of plumbers is filled with a wide range of high-quality products from leading manufacturers from Turkey, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Spain and other countries. The products of the famous Swiss company Geberit series Aqua Clean deserve great popularity. The plumbing of this company is made of a plumbing porcelain, covered with a dirt-repellent impregnation, has several modes of the outlet length of the fitting and regulating the intensity of the jet. The fitting has pendulum mode, and the temperature can be adjusted from 10 to 39 degrees. The toilet is located a cumulative heater, which ensures water heating for ablution. After the end of the ablution, the air drying mode automatically turns on. At the end of each procedure, automatic cleansing and disinfection of the instrument nozzles occurs.

The Spanish company Roca presents very convenient and functional toilets of the Lumen Avant series. Their surface is covered with antibacterial composition, which includes silver. The heating system is built into the seat, the bowl is equipped with a ventilation system that is triggered during use, and it is also possible to use several operating modes and drying. A pleasant addition is the additional toilet backlight and the musical support of the process.

Cost of sanitary equipment

Bidet toilet: views, connection, features, price

The price of modeling models with the built-in bidet function depends on the quality of the material from which they are manufactured, functionality and design features. Manufacturers offer a wide range of products, ranging from budget models and ending with expensive elite devices. The table provides examples of plumbing equipment from well-known manufacturers present in the Russian market of sanitary equipment.

ModelAverage price, rub
Toilet floor with bidet, tank and seat with Vitra 9800B3-7200 microlift (Turkey)10200.
Toilet with the function of the bidet and seat with Idealstandard microlift (Belgium)14472.
Electronic cover with SensowahsstarckDuravit bidet (Germany)55000.
Geberitaquaclean equipment (Switzerland)45000-240000.
Unitaz Bidet Roca Lumen Avant 811341092 (Spain)450000.

The installation of a detergent toilet allows you to reasonably use the free space in the bathroom, harmoniously fits into the overall design of the room, increases the comfort of hygienic procedures after the toilet, increases the level of personal intimate hygiene, maintaining the body clean without excessive consumption of time and water.

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