Is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet: how to put an old on parquet floor, styling with your own hands and replacement


Is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet: how to put an old on parquet floor, styling with your own hands and replacement

Laminate in the apartment looks very elegant and neatlyone residential premises, affordable, alas, not everyone. And most often, acquiring an apartment or a house on the secondary market, everyone thinks about overhaul, in order to redo the interior under its preferences, needs and tastes. The upcoming repair of the premises, in which other tenants lived for many years, causes a number of natural issues. One of them, is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet? If you follow folk wisdom, it is easier to create yourself than to redo, then the workflow can be delayed for one month. How to facilitate the workflow and will benefit from this?

How to put a laminate on the parquet floor: solve the problem step by step

There are certain installation guidelines, how to put the laminate for parquet. Of course, they may not be complete, and include only a certain procedure. The main thing is that it is necessary to understand, this is what the installation of laminate on the parquet will not be difficult, even on the contrary, in addition, you can get a discount on certain works.

Experts allocate 4 steps on laying laminate on parquet:

  1. First, be sure to diagnose your parquet. Find out in what condition it is. If this coating simply lost its presentability, not scary, thanks to the new coating, it will not be visible. But if, the parquet drove or struck him a fungus, it goes to dismantling, because the disease progresses and transmit a new coating. The problem space needs to be eliminated urgently, and to align the hole using putty.
  2. Installation of laminate on parquet, as with other works, should begin with surface preparation. The most important thing is that your foundation is even. If your stying is carried out on the draft floor, then you are simply required to make a screed. It is clear that the parquet will not be perfectly smooth, so to eliminate this drawback, it will be necessary to use the grinding machine.
  3. After the grinding work is over, you need to do formed joints. In order to eliminate this deficiency, you need to use the putty.
  4. To come to a single answer, it will take a substrate for a laminate, you can come based on the conditions that are observed in your apartment. If you are sure that in winter the floor of your apartment will become cold, the question of the substrate disappears by itself.

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Is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet: how to put an old on parquet floor, styling with your own hands and replacement

Laminate can be put on the parquet floor, however, it is necessary to follow the stages

In addition, experts recommend pre-turning their attention to the creaking parquet. Screensions arise due to the mutual movement of the boards. So that this problem has been eliminated, the boards need to be tightly copped or change the board instead of the old one. That is, lay a replacement before resorting to the installation of laminated material is a mandatory rule. About how to properly lay a laminate for parquet, you can learn from the learning video. In addition, these lessons will help to learn how to remove the parquet if necessary.

To lay the laminate on top of the parquet with its own hands the task is not difficult.

Is it possible to lay a laminate on the old parquet: difficulties in installation

You came to replace parquet laminate. But why do you change? Is it possible to carry out the laying of one material to another?

This option will eliminate you from most difficulties. Think by yourself, because laying of laminate for parquet will make installation without removal of old materials. The removal of parquet needs not only in a large number of time, but also in the long waste of garbage, which accumulates during the work.

Is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet: how to put an old on parquet floor, styling with your own hands and replacement

Put the laminate on the old parquet can, most importantly, to be perfectly even base

All this is due to the fact that the parquet has a large volume. In addition, you are unlikely to love what is under it and you will most likely decide on the further dismantling.

If we talk about the substrate under the parquet, then in the middle of the last century, the extracellular type organite was used. If you do not want to remove this beauty for several weeks (and without that you can not start alignment), it is better to look for a way to install a laminate on a parquet.

If you ask if you can do it, do not worry, of course, you can. The most important thing is that the surface for laying has acquired the perfectly smooth coating.

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Laying of laminate on parquet: Advantages

Based on what was mentioned above, it can be concluded that such a vulnerable coating as a parquet is absolutely not intended for use in our active rhythm of life. That is why laminate can become a worthy substitute.

Unlike the parquet, the laminate does not include an array of wood, but only wood-fibrous plates. An excellent type of material betrays paper that simulates various products. And this is not necessarily a tree. The surface can depict marble or even a stone. Laminate has thermal and sound insulation properties due to the lower landing. And protects the entire composition a special acrylic varnish.

Is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet: how to put an old on parquet floor, styling with your own hands and replacement

Laying of laminate on parquet has its advantages

This composition retains all the positive qualities of the parquet and eliminates its disadvantages.


  • Acceptable price;
  • Ease;
  • Water resistance;
  • Simple care;
  • Resistance to temperature drops.

How can you make sure the laminate is an excellent choice. It remains only to decide how the laying will pass, on parquet or on the draft floor.

Replacement of parquet on laminate: Why parquet is forgotten

Quite a long time, the floors with the use of a natural tree mean wealth and well-being in the house. Of course, it was not about a militant field, but about the parquet. This coating consisted of a solid wooden array, which included stoves stuck in the joint.

Is it possible to lay a laminate for parquet: how to put an old on parquet floor, styling with your own hands and replacement

In the modern world, the parquet is increasingly replaced by laminate

Why prefer to replace parquet laminate:

  1. First of all, parquet is quite expensive material. And this should not be surprising, because the product consists of a holistic piece of wood.
  2. Because of his origin, you can immediately allocate another drawback. This is a lot of weight, which greatly complicates transportation and installation.
  3. Of course, parquet is durable. But this does not apply to it if the departure was wrong or did not produce at all.
  4. The decorative function of the parquet is performed due to the polished surface. But this material does not have a large resistance to scratches and mechanical damage, so you will soon observe a decrease in its aesthetic properties.
  5. Parquet is located to the constant formation of the joints. One piece of wood is very sensitive to moisture, the parquet is constantly swelling and dries, thereby forming joints.
  6. In case of contact of the material with a large amount of water, it is swollen and how the result is extended.

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Based on the designated in these paragraphs, it can be said that such material as a parquet is not intended for everyday use in our life and requires constant care. That is why people increasingly began to resort to the installation of the laminate.

Laying laminate on parquet (video)

After reading this article, you could understand that all the installations of the laminate, both on parquet, and on the draft floor are identical, there is practically no difference, the main thing is to ensure a solid foundation. Well, if you take advice on how to properly put a laminate for a parquet of our article, then this work will be held for you without problems, and most importantly, quickly and without the help of specialists.

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