Flizelin Bedroom Wallpaper


Flizelin wallpaper is not suitable for sticking walls in the bedroom. The popularity of this material is not accidental because it has a lot of advantages over numerous analogues. How best to choose phlizelin wallpaper in the bedroom, and what are their main advantages? Read the details in our article.

Flizelin Bedroom Wallpaper

Material that has become popular thanks to numerous advantages

Main advantages

One of the main advantages of this coating is that it can hide small surface defects and irregularities resulting from poor wall preparation. Among other advantages, the stickers of flieslinic wallpapers in the bedroom can be transferred as follows:

  • Good resistance to burnout when entering direct sunlight.
  • Excellent practicality and durability of operation.
  • Safety for human health. Contrary to statements that phlizelin wallpaper are harmful from an ecological point of view, it is safe to say that they do not harm any harm to people. It should be noted that it is only about high-quality products of well-known manufacturers. Therefore, when buying, try to demand a certificate of compliance with the seller and other documents on the goods.

It should be noted that the so-called phlizelin wallpapers in painting recently uses special demand. Due to the special structure of the material, their multiple repainting is allowed. In addition to changing the color of the wallpaper coating, with interior design arrangement

Flizelin Bedroom Wallpaper

A variety of drawings and patterns will be a plus when designing a bedroom interior design

You can choose a specific embodiment of the texture. Among the most common drawings, you can call the following:

  • waves;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Imitation of textiles.

At the same time, the paint perfectly falls on their surface.

About material

Fliselin is one of the most popular, and at the same time practical decorative building materials that are very widely used in the design of premises and construction. In terms of its composition, phlizelin is a fairly strong synthetic material, the basis for which textile and cellulose fiber serves. At the same time, this material can be compared with fiberglass, despite the fact that its structure will be an order of magnitude thinner and durable.

Council from professionals! During the installation of such crafts, it is necessary to take into account that the color of the wall that will be the basis should be monotonous and have a close shade to what color will be the wallpaper.

Most often, these wallpapers are offered in rolls whose width reaches one meter, and the length of one roll of wallpaper is on average 10 m.

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Flizelin Bedroom Wallpaper

Photo: Durable base is the pledge of the durability of the coating

The novice builder also takes note that phlizelin wallpapers very often serve as the basis for other wallpapers, including vinyl. Their proven base in its properties is an order of magnitude more durable than paper, and therefore wallpapers pasted on such a solid "substrate" will serve you much longer than if you were glue them immediately on the wall.

Due to the use of the flieslinic basis, the materials on the wall will be protected from moisture exposure and will not crack, in contrast, as they behave without a flieslinic layer.


The use of these cauldons will be very good experiences for people who love to carry out bold experiments in the interior of the bedroom, and want to be able to come up with something new and fresh in their premises. It is precisely because the flieslinic wallpaper is just perfect for painting.

Moreover, the flieslinic canvases can repaint repeatedly without much obstacles without losing their initial properties.

Flizelin Bedroom Wallpaper

Photo: Alternatively, you can use combined surfaces.

The price of the wallpaper of this format is relatively affordable, and on average one roll of wallpaper will cost you about 900 rubles, despite the fact that the maximum roll length will be about 25 meters. Thus, in addition to the ability to periodically update the interior of the bedroom, you can save significant cash, since the price of fliesline wallpaper under painting is significantly lower compared to their "counterparts" in the ready-made pattern applied at the factory.

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