Parquet Cyclevka do-it-yourself: Homemade Square, Paul Cyclishing and Manual Grinding Apparatus


Parquet Cyclevka do-it-yourself: Homemade Square, Paul Cyclishing and Manual Grinding Apparatus

You can update the parquet in the house with your own hands, while saving money is always a stylish and luxurious interior. And its ecological purity and aesthetic appearance is a clear advantage. But during operation, the coating is wearing, it loses the shine, scratches, scratching and crack appear. Cyclumin is the technology of parquet alignment by the method of bunching. It can be performed both in manual and using special equipment.

Homemade parquet: preparation for cycle

In the process of cycling, a small layer of wood is removed. Homemade parquet withstands up to 7 procedures. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the needs of the floor cycling.

For this carefully examine the floor for the presence:

  • Disagreeable and swept sites;
  • Chuck and chipping;
  • The presence of a bug of ancient;
  • Strap thickness, if it is thinner than 5 mm, then the cyclove is not subject to.

Parquet Cyclevka do-it-yourself: Homemade Square, Paul Cyclishing and Manual Grinding Apparatus

Before the beginning of a circular, the room is released from furniture and all subjects, dismantle the plinth and remove trash

To check the thickness and quality of the dies, the stationery sews insert between the floorboards. If it penetrates between the boards at an angle of more than 40 degrees, the dice rotted or damaged by insects. It is also necessary to make sure that the wooden floor is dry. To do this, a small area is covered with a polyethylene film, giving the bars. Design leave for a day. If condensate appeared under the film, then the dice is wet and the mushroom is possible. Such a coating needs to be dismantled and competently equipped with waterproofing.

Detect the bug is quite simple. When inspecting a wooden coating, you can see small holes, next to which the small handhes with chips are lying.

When the above problems are detected, the procedure is not carried out. Shift parquet or replace damaged areas. If the nails hats stick out, they are driven into the dice. The script of the parquet floor can be eliminated by scoring a wooden pin with glue between the floorboards. The protruding piece is cut down with a floor.

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Cycular Machines for Parquet

Floor squabble - work time-consuming. Easy and speed up the process will help special surge cars. Grinding machines are tape and disk design. The first form is used for rough stripping. The disc plane grinding machine conducts finishing coating treatment. With it, you can achieve professional quality of work.

Modern cycular machines have a nozzle to connect a dust collector, which makes it easier to work significantly.

Parquet Cyclevka do-it-yourself: Homemade Square, Paul Cyclishing and Manual Grinding Apparatus

For hard-to-reach places, in niches and corners during the cyclovka process, a corner-liner unit is used

Depending on the coating volume, the unit is chosen. For large rooms, a serious device is required, preferably with 3 removable disks. For medium and small apartments, a manual machine is suitable. Buying equipment is not necessary. Modern construction stores often offer tool lease services. Using this service can save money, and speed up the cycle process. Renting the unit Make sure it is in place in place. The cyclical machine is heavy enough, but its dimensions allow you to put the device in the trunk. Models of machines are separated by power from 220 to 380 volts. To work with devices, you need to follow safety.

Cyclishing process of parquet with their own hands

Grinding machines will help to quickly and efficiently produce cyclishing of a wooden surface. In addition to the equipment, it will be necessary to purchase sandpaper Paper No. 40 for Chernovaya, No. 80 Pisch No. 100, 120 finishing grinding, as well as interchangeable discs to the unit and putty to eliminate defects. When the floor is cycle, the hardware method must be followed by security. Before the procedure it is necessary to check the quality of the wiring.

For a better result, the machine must be switched smoothly and evenly all over the floor, not allowing stopping in one place, otherwise you can remove too much layer and form a strong drop. Before starting work, the machine is lifted, turn on and waiting until the device will be rotated. Then smoothly omit and begin grinding. For the typewriter use a special skirt, which is filled by the arrow indicated on the machine.

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Parquet Cyclevka do-it-yourself: Homemade Square, Paul Cyclishing and Manual Grinding Apparatus

Parquet is needed in glasses and mask, as a lot of fine dust is formed

Cyclishing technology:

  • It is necessary to establish a rough skin No. 40 into the machine and run the device;
  • Bulgarian Quality Inaccessible Places under Batteries and Plinths;
  • Further, work is carried out from far wall to the passable place;
  • The dust collector shake out as soon as the bag is filled;
  • The corners are treated with a corner and remove the remaining small lacquer spots;
  • Put a putty to which we mix the part of the parquet dust for color and smear chips and cracks;
  • After drying the putty, the coating processing is carried out with a skin number 80 perpendicular to the first run.
  • Next, the plane oxyllabic apparatus is etched with an abrasive 120 for finishing work.

After the work carried out, the surface of the wooden floor is covered with varnish or mastic.

Manual Cycle for Parquet

Cyclish parquet flooring can also with a manual method using a special device. The hand cycle consists of a wooden handle and a blade of 5 cm length. The floor is pre-moisturized and removed the cycles of the top layer of wooden coating. You need to spend only on the scraper, but the manual method is very laborious. It will take a lot of time and effort.

The blade blade should be wider than 10 - 20 mm dies to prevent scratches and chips during operation.

Parquet Cyclevka do-it-yourself: Homemade Square, Paul Cyclishing and Manual Grinding Apparatus

The advantages of manual squabble are the lack of dust, saving money and silence when working

The cycle is better to start from the window to the door. Drive the cuccant is needed in the direction of wood fibers. Press the tool with one and the same force, and try to capture not one, but a few dies. Grinding complex sites is made using a grinder with a special nozzle. After processing the parquet, the putty worship all chips and cracks. Next, it is necessary to make the finish grinding, which is carried out only on the dry floor. For its execution, a wooden bar is 25 cm long and emery paper No. 100 or 120. It is necessary to wrap the strainer with a skin. Then the circular movements of led the resulting device on the floor, putting on the knees. Perform work should be carefully to sweat all the minor scratches.

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You can use in another way. The emery sheets are glued to the old shoes and begin to shake the floor smoothly, from time to time controlling the quality of the sandpaper. The floor stripping will require time, but if everything is done correctly smooth Paul pleases the eye. After carrying out all the work, the floors of vacuuming and proceed to the varnishing of the coating. Varnish are applied in 3 layers. Do not hurry, each layer must dry. Before applying 3 layers of varnish Paul should take small emery paper again.

Proper Parquet Squet for your own hands (video)

The spectacular and glossy parquet will become proud of the owners and emphasize the design and luxury of the entire interior of the room. You only need to make a little effort and diligence.

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